Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Trump says 'I don't know' how map was altered to show Alabama in Hurricane Dorian's path

Trump says 'I don't know' how map was altered to show Alabama in Hurricane Dorian's path
During a briefing on Hurricane Dorian in the Oval Office Wednesday, President Trump showed reporters an enlarged map displaying what he said was the initial forecasted path of the storm.
The map, which was displayed on a posterboard, appeared to have been altered with a marker, extending the storm’s path to include Alabama.

They should have called this hurricane "Donald" instead of "Dorian" because it's slow, it has no direction, and it destroys everything it touches. - Alex Cole

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Imagine not believing in climate change but believing that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. - OhNoSheTwint

Brexit Laxer
The sight of hardline Brexit backer Jacob Rees-Mogg stretching out across the front bench of Britain's parliament during a particularly heated debate has become an instant meme, causing anger among government opponents.

Republican Shenanigans

Pence Defends Decision To Wear Ivanka Trump Heels - Andy Borowitz

Trump Pisses Off Secret Service Again
Trump resorts aren't easier to defend, Secret Service vets grumble.
The Trump administration used a variation of the now-familiar argument after Vice President Mike Pence stayed at Trump’s property in Doonbeg, Ireland.

According to the Republican Party, gun violence is caused by mental illness, video games, rap lyrics, unarmed teachers, Ilhan Omar, the war against Christmas, gay marriage, teenage activists, the separation of church and state, unicorn farts, and literally anything else but guns. - Middle Age Riot tweet

Melania Is As Bad A Liar As Trump
The official bio of Melania Trump now suggests that she did not complete a college degree in Slovenia, as she previously claimed on her own website.
The future first lady's bio on President-elect Donald Trump's government website says that she "paused her studies to advance her modeling career in Milan and Paris." It does not say whether she resumed or completed the degree.

That whole buying Greenland thing feels like a lifetime ago. - Roland Scahill


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Subject: Not about politics

Hi Lisa,

Love your political site but I am very angry about that dive boat fire off the California coast and had to write to somebody about it.

I've never been on that boat. BUT I did work as a deckhand on several yachts in Cali when I was young and fit. Whomever was on watch that night failed "bigly." That fire to spread so quickly as the captain and crew said, there had to be an accelerant. I am not saying there was but I'd bet that the watchman was either asleep or not performing his duty. That is a small boat and by design of the boat a fire in the galley would have been noticed in minutes either by the watchman or the smoke detectors would go off in seconds and start the sprinkler system with alarms sounding. There should be fire extinguishers throughout the boat. Were there?

The captain and crew abandoned the boat and let those people burn. They have to live with that.

Something is very wrong and I hope the investigation will answer questions.

Thanks for letting me blow off steam.

Lars in Laguna

Thank you for writing Lars. You are always welcome to rant to me.  I am also upset. I wondered about the night watchman too, unless he was the one crew member who perished in the fire because he was below deck checking on things.

What bothers me is that the sleeping quarters held 30 people in triple bunk beds in a tiny area with only one exit and no portholes. Is that even legal, Lars? The aroma must not have been pleasant with so many people crammed in.

Regardless, hopefully the investigation will yield some answers for the families of those poor souls.

Take care.


Rock The Voter News

lotta people are mad about walmart deciding to stop selling some ammo and banning open carry in their stores which means walmart is gonna see a huge decline in sales of white sheets. - mith tweet

Ay Yi Yi Yi
Marianne Williamson, the New Age author and Democratic presidential candidate, posted, and then quickly deleted, a tweet suggesting that it was “not a wacky idea” to collectively visualize Hurricane Dorian turning away from land.
“The Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas ... may all be in our prayers now,” Williamson wrote Wednesday morning. “Millions of us seeing Dorian turn away from land is not a wacky idea; it is creative use of the power of the mind. Two minutes of prayer, visualization, meditation for those in the way of the storm.”


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Business/Tech News

Walmart Bans Mitch McConnell From Stores - Andy Borowitz

Imprison Mark Zuckerberg?
Mark Zuckerberg has "repeatedly lied to the American people about privacy," Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) said in a recent interview with the Willamette Week, a Portland alternative weekly newspaper. "I think he ought to be held personally accountable, which is everything from financial fines to—and let me underline this—the possibility of a prison term."
Zuckerberg, Wyden said, has "hurt a lot of people."

Dear Donnie,Boy, that was some Twitterstorm you provided us with this weekend!  A regular Category 5!!  But you’re not looking good.  Don’t forget, you’re not supposed to snort anything white after Labor Day! - Bette Midler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Quick, Robin, to the bat tree!


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Mike Pence defends decision to stay at Trump Doonbeg property in Ireland

Mike Pence defends decision to stay at Trump Doonbeg property in Ireland
Pence's chief of staff, Marc Short, says that the decision to stay at Trump International Golf Links in Doonbeg was made at the president's "suggestion" and that Pence and his entourage won't be staying for free.

Trump has spent 278 years of presidential salary on taxpayer funded golf trips. - Thorsten tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

An AR-15 is not your God given right, it’s your God-damned entertainment. - John Fugelsang

Instead of Shooting the Messengers, Republicans Want To Defame the Messengers
Allies of President Donald Trump reportedly want to raise millions for their crusade against journalists.
According to a Tuesday Axios report, pro-Trump conservatives are trying to raise $2 million to fund their mission to gather damaging information on reporters and editors from major outlets, such as the New York Times and Washington Post.

There are no reporters allowed on the plane for this trip...with the Secretary of State. . . As he travels overseas...they said we would have to fly commercial and all the meetings are closed press. - Christina Ruffini, CBS News

Republican Shenanigans

Why do people put their phone on speaker and still hold it to their mouth and shout like they’re talking through a soup can? - The Hoarse Whisperer

I Have More Faith In Chef Jose Andres Than FEMA
Chef José Andrés is making sure the Bahamian community has support after Hurricane Dorian. The catastrophic category 5 storm has been stagnant causing havoc in the island for days. Powerful winds and floodwaters (reaching 25 feet above sea level) have left homes battered and destroyed. Unfortunately, Hurricane Dorian has also taken five lives. Many people are helping the community, including the Spanish-American chef who went to the island in order to prepare 10,000 sandwiches for all the victims.   

Americans Envious That Tiffany Trump Never Hears From Dad. - Andy Borowitz


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I can’t wait to read Trump’s tweets as he is being forcibly removed from the White House. -Roland Scahill

Rock The Voter News

How many more people have to die before we reinstate the assault weapons ban & the limit on high-capacity magazines & pass universal background checks? After they passed in 1994, there was a big drop in mass shooting deaths. When the ban expired, they rose again. We must act now. - Bill Clinton

Democrats Plan To Pull Down Trump's Trousers
The House Judiciary Committee plans to hold public hearings as soon as October on Trump's alleged role in hush-money payments to two women during the 2016 election.


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Report: More Americans Putting Off Retirement Until Final Few Moments Before Death. - The Onion

Business/Tech News

Watching the brexit showdown is wild. Defectors, wild speeches, emergency sessions. The series finale of the UK is really good! - Mia Mulder

Walmart To Discontinue Selling Some Bullets
Walmart will discontinue all sales of short-barrel rifle ammunition that can be used with military style weapons, discontinue sales of handgun ammunition and stop all handgun sales in Alaska, following two shootings at Walmart stores this summer.

I just ordered a Popeye’s chicken sandwich on eBay. - Conan O'Brien

I took the fork in the road with me.


Guess When the Hurricane Season Peaks.
On September 10, My 70th Birthday!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A bird in the ear is worth two in the bush.


Monday, September 2, 2019

Hurricane Dorian is knocking on Florida's door

Some Florida boat residents to ride out Dorian, hoping for the best
Ned and Lisa Keahey were well aware that the second-most powerful Atlantic hurricane on record was heading for them, having watched the weather radar on Sunday at a Florida marina from the boat they have called home for the past 20 years.

As you gather around the grill today, remember that President Obama once asked for Dijon mustard on his burger, the worst scandal in presidential history. - The Daily Show

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Believing that you have a god-given right to military-grade weaponry is probably a good enough reason to take away your military-grade weaponry. - Jeff Tiedrich

Buzz-Saw-Like Winds
As morning broke in the Bahamas on Monday, residents who rode out Hurricane Dorian described buzz-saw-like winds that splintered homes, flooded streets and left them terrified for their lives.
Meanwhile, U.S. officials braced for a similar fate as the monster storm's eye wall set its sight on the coasts of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.

I really need to relax this Labor Day weekend, so I'm already chilling a bottle of something special in the fridge. It's Xanax. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

Link Found Between Cowardly Politicians and Gun Violence. - Andy Borowitz

Gee, The 1st Amendment May Get In Trump's Way
President Donald Trump confirmed on Saturday via Twitter that he is "suing various people for violating their confidentiality agreements" including the "disgusting and foul mouthed" Omarosa Manigault Newman.

Guns kill more people than hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes combined in the USA. We're #1


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How would we know if Trump’s Twitter was hacked? - Hoodlum tweet

Rock The Voter News

Straight Lives Parade Outnumbered By Protesters
They marched under the motto, "It's great to be straight." A man in a shark costume chanted, "Straight Lives Matter!" Another dressed as Santa Claus held the "straight flag" and welcomed any heckling that came his way.

Trump Furious After Twitter Purge Leaves Him With 14 Followers. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

"Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." - Abraham Lincoln

Please Read The Fine Print Before Downloading
ZAO - a new Chinese app that lets users swap their faces with celebrities, sports stars or anyone else in a video clip - racked up millions of downloads on the weekend but swiftly drew fire over privacy issues.

'I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.'
Dr. Seuss


I labored today because I did not want to disappoint you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This morning, inside the eye of Dorian. I'm scared and amazed at the same time.
