Thursday, May 10, 2018

The dismantling of our cybersecurity continues

Bolton pushing to eliminate White House cyber job
President Donald Trump’s national security team is weighing the elimination of the top White House cybersecurity job, multiple sources told POLITICO — a move that would come as the nation faces growing digital threats from adversaries such as Russia and Iran.

Remember when Rex Tillerson shut down the State Dept.'s Cybersecurity unit in July 2017? Gee, why not put out a welcome mat for cyberterrorists? 

BREAKING: Trump to reverse Obama-era killing of Osama bin Laden - Michael Hughes

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I thought using the Ayatollah's money to support the Nicaraguan resistance was a neat idea. - Oliver North at the Iran/Contra hearings

John McCain And The Steele Dossier 
In his new book “The Restless Wave,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) confirmed and defended his decision to give the controversial Christopher Steele dossier to former FBI director James Comey, saying some of the allegations “had to be investigated” and that he “did what duty demanded.”

Netanyahu Begins Calling For Israeli Return To Ancient Homeland Of Iran - The Onion

Obama was a careful craftsman who built diplomatic deals in fragile regions. 
Trump is a drunken f*ckapotamus let loose in a china shop. - The Hoarse Whisperer

Republican Shenanigans

My favorite Bible story is probably the one where Jesus said that any person against torture was pro-terrorism and probably hated women as well and then jetted off for a long weekend of golf at Galilee-a-Lago. - Jeff Tiedrich

Here We Go Again, This Time It's Sleeping While Black
Yale Police officers on Monday evening interrogated a black graduate student, Lolade Siyonbola GRD ’19, for more than 15 minutes, after a white graduate student reported Siyonbola to the police for sleeping in the HGS common room.

I will vote NO on the nomination of Gina Haspel. This nomination is bigger than one person. For the Senate to confirm someone so involved with the torture program to highest position at the CIA would in effect tell the world that we approve of what happened. I absolutely do not.- Sen. Diane Feinstein


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On this day in 1994 Mandela became first black President of South Africa.  While in prison for 28 years, he understood hate isn’t the way, love is.  And that we are all imperfect. “I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.” - Matthew Dowd

Rock The Voter News

Russian Troll Activity More Than Expected, Democrats Reveal
The Russian government-linked troll group indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller in February targeted more parts of the American population than had previously been reported, documents released Thursday by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee show.
The release includes more than 3,000 Facebook and Instagram ads purchased by the troll group, known as the Internet Research Agency, between 2015 and 2017. 

Melania - the story of a down on her luck prostitute with a heart of gold who gets picked up by a wealthy businessman and marries him.
No wait. That's Pretty Woman.
Bitch stole that too.
- Countessof Nambia


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Mika Brzezinski, allow me to clear this right the hell up for you! The Piss Prince was not elected because Bill Clinton cheated. He was elected because people like you & Joe gave him months of free air-time on your damn show for a ratings boost! - LiberalLecter

We're respected journalists.

Business/Tech News

Sick of these nitwit Deplorables quaking in fear that ISIS is going to invade their Podunk trailer park. Dude, I live in New York. I watched the towers fall in person, from 40 blocks away. If I can live without irrational fear, so can you. Try it sometime. Home of the brave, eh? - Jeff Tiedrich

In a new interview, billionaire Warren Buffett called Bitcoin "rat poison." Which is an unfair comparison because people actually understand how rat poison works.- Conan O'Brien

Nuns Win Vote On Gun Safety Report
At the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting Wednesday in Prescott, Arizona, executives of Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. (NYSE: RGR) announced that a shareholder proposal requiring a “report on the Company’s activities related to safety measures and mitigation of harm associated with Company products,” won shareholder approval....A shareholder group led by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary filed the proxy proposal and in a press release from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, the order’s Sister Judy Byron said:
We believe the board has a responsibility to implement policies and practices that will safeguard the lives of its customers and, more broadly, society. Too many lives have been lost to gun violence for the manufacturers of these products to wash their hands of their responsibility in these events.

Uber says it hopes to have flying cars in operation by 2020. It's all part of their plan to help drunk people throw up faster. - Jimmy Fallon



Odd News

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Cake and beer. My local grocery store has a sense of humor.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Another Trump Hump Day

Boeing, Airbus to Lose Billions in Orders From Trump’s Iran Sanctions
The world’s largest plane makers were the biggest and earliest beneficiaries of the Obama administration’s detente with Iran. President Donald Trump’s decision to walk away from the deal could leave them the first and hardest hit.

Breaking News:  Trump to back out of Louisiana Purchase. - Albert Brooks

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump needs a war to save his worthless hide from his crimes and impeachment.  He's made the calculation that the Middle East is his best bet. 
Our prayer as a nation should be that Lady Justice stops him before he gets his wish. - Tea Pain

Some Good News! YAY!
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that three Americans detained by North Korea have been released and are on their way home with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Imagine being released after years in a North Korean prison camp and finding out that Donald Trump is President of the United States. - Tim Young

Europe Trying To Keep The Iran Deal Intact
Dismayed European allies sought to salvage the international nuclear pact with Iran on Wednesday after President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the landmark accord, while Tehran poured scorn on the U.S. leader.

An idea. Let's waterboard CIA Director candidates to see if they are being truthful and honest—a number of times. - Jimmie von Tungeln

Republican Shenanigans

Michael Cohen is definitely the guy in Goodfellas who shows up to the club with his wife in furs the night after the Lufthansa heist. - Todd Levin

I had to post this video again. My favorite part is when Cohen kicks the guy out of his seat. It looks like he said "vaffanculo." 

What Fresh Hell Louisiana?
Louisiana's Department of Health will begin sending nursing home eviction notices Thursday to more than 30,000 residents who could lose Medicaid under the budget passed by the state House of Representatives.

Trump considering pulling out of U.S. Constitution. - Andy Borowitz


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If you think the story that Michael Cohen got money from a Russian oligarch looks bad now, just wait until Rudy Giuliani explains it. - bookwormliberal

Rock The Voter News

WBBMG: Walking While Being Bob Marley's Granddaughter
Bob Marley’s granddaughter has vowed to sue a southern California police department after she and a group of friends were swarmed by cop cars and a helicopter following their departure from an Airbnb rental.

Incredible to think that Trump has actually committed all the worst crimes Fox News has accused the Clintons of for the past 26 years in just 16 months. - Richard Hine


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Norman Rockwell captured how a woman feels all those decades ago.

Business/Tech News

I’m going on a limb here but I do not think Jared Kushner has done very well with his “peace in the Middle East” campaign. - Tony Posnanski

AT&T: No Lobbyists Needed. Go Directly To Trump's Lawyer!
In the early days of Donald Trump’s administration, the president had a friend in AT&T Inc. Chief Executive Officer Randall Stephenson.
The telecom executive described himself as one of Trump’s “biggest defenders on public policy.”... And as it turned out, AT&T’s relationship with the fledgling administration went deeper. The carrier acknowledged on Tuesday that it hired a firm founded by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, seeking “insights” on how the unorthodox president would govern. It also wanted guidance on how Trump would respond to its plan to acquire Time Warner Inc., according to a person briefed on the matter.

In 20 years kids will rebel against their parents by not getting tattoos. - John Fugelsang


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Odd News

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A microburst storm over Phoenix, AZ.  The beauty and terror of Mother Nature in one photo.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Trump breaks deal with Iran

Trump declares US leaving 'horrible' Iran nuclear accord
President Donald Trump announced Tuesday the U.S. is pulling out of the landmark international nuclear accord with Iran, declaring he was making the world safer but dealing a profound blow to allies and deepening his isolation on the world stage.

France, Germany, and the UK regret the U.S. decision to leave the JCPOA. The nuclear non-proliferation regime is at stake. - Emmanuel Macron

BREAKING: Very dumb American president does something very dumb because he very dumbly hates former American president who was not dumb. - Rex Huppke

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I think the 200 years of men running this country has been long enough, it’s time for women to show you how to get things done. - irishygirl tweet

Utah State University Lost Some Plutonium 239
Idaho State University has been fined after it lost track of a small amount of plutonium 239, a substance used to make nuclear weapons.
University Officials say the sample, missing since 2003, does not pose a direct health issue or risk to public safety. The substance had been used by the school to conduct several research experiments.

There are increasing concerns Iran is on the cusp of an attack against Israel, several US military officials tell @barbarastarrcnn. It is not clear on when an attack could come and what form it would take, these officials tell CNN. -Will Ripley, CNN

Round Em Up. Move Em Out.
The administration of President Donald Trump will increase criminal prosecutions of parents entering the United States illegally and place their children in protective custody as part of efforts to tighten immigration enforcement, according to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official.

When I teach the Iran Contra Affair and Oliver North to intro IR students, they stare at me in total disbelief. Like, they literally don't believe a story that crazy could be true. In real life. Under Reagan.- Laura Seay

Republican Shenanigans

Remember that time, Anthony Scaramucci said that smart, interesting thing on TV?

Yeah, neither do I. 

Stop having these idiots on. - The Hoarse Whisperer

No more blood for you, dahlink.
Melania's Husband Is Cutting Children's Health Insurance. Good Job Melania!
President Donald Trump will request a package of $15 billion in spending cuts from Congress on Tuesday, including some $7 billion from the Children’s Health Insurance Program championed by Democrats, senior administration officials said on Monday.

Melania’s new campaign to help kids not bully each other online called Be Best is going to be awesome with the help of some top advisers like Pocahontas, Nasty Woman, Pig, Lil’ Corker, Sloppy Steve, Slime Ball Comey, Crazy Maxine Waters, and Sleepy Eyes. - Tony Posnanski


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I propose a twenty-year period during which all men are banned from holding public office. At the end of that period, we'll assess if the women were better, and if so, we'll renew the ban indefinitely.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Melania Has A Plagiarism Problem. Is An Intervention Necessary?
A booklet published on Monday as part of first lady Melania Trump's "Be Best" campaign copies a document first published by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) during the Obama administration.

I really feel like I'm letting Melania down when ever I'm not be best. - Tim Hanlon


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Business/Tech News

Waiiiiitttt a minute...

Trump pulls out of the Iran deal.

Russia wants to sell new weapons to Iran. 

The NRA is funded by Russia.

Oliver North is the new President of the NRA.

Oliver North previously sold weapons to Iran.

See where I’m going here? - Top Rope Travis

Bank Of America Breaks Promise
Bank of America has been accused of breaking a promise to stop lending money to companies that sell military-style firearms to civilians after news that the bank agreed to provide critical financing to bankrupt gunmaker Remington.

Happy birthday to Phyllis Wheatley born in 1753, sold into slavery at 8 years, became the first published African-American female poet. Let us remember many who are part of our American soul. - Matthew Dowd


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Odd News

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The squirrel can't decide whether to keep his eye on the camera or the walnut.
