Tuesday, February 20, 2018

It's not even March

Top court snubs challenge to California gun waiting period
In a blow to gun rights activists, the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday turned away a challenge to California’s 10-day waiting period for firearms purchases that is intended to guard against impulsive violence and suicides.

My generation went to the moon and ended the Vietnam war. This generation is capable of doing more. Do you know why?
Because we're Americans Goddammit!

NRA & GOP remind you that 49 dead in an Orlando nightclub, 26 dead at Sandy Hook & 17 dead at a FLA High School are just the price America has to pay so the next Nikolas Cruz can still easily buy an AR-15. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Olympic Committee has imposed more sanctions on Russia than our President.- Warren Holstein

Meanwhile, Back At The Tinderbox Peninsula
South Korea and the United States will announce plans before April for a postponed joint military drill, South Korea’s defense minister said on Tuesday.

From the Netherlands: I admire the teenagers in the USA, fighting for their right to live and not to get killed! - Dutch Wondering Tweet

Trump ‘went to play golf while they held funerals’ - Anderson Cooper, CNN

Republican Shenanigans

DeVos Says Trump Will Not Go Down as Worst President in History Once Schools Stop Teaching History - Andy Borowitz

Republicans Are At Fault, Not "Congress"
More than 6 in 10 Americans fault Congress and President Donald Trump for not doing enough to prevent mass shootings, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, with most Americans continuing to say these incidents are more reflective of problems identifying and addressing mental health issues than inadequate gun laws.

One of the first victims identified among the 17 people killed was Aaron Feis, an assistant football coach and security guard.

Conservative Goes After Parkland Shooting Survivors
CNN viewers on Tuesday demanded that the network fire conservative contributor Jack Kingston after he suggested that students who survived the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida were being organized by liberal activists.

I wish we could form some kind of Twitter human shield around those Parkland kids to protect them from the godawful soulless bastards who, predictably, are starting to attack them. - Rex Huppke

I'm old enough to remember when "President's adult son helps push conspiracy theory aimed at teen who survived high-school shooting that killed 17" would be kind of a big freakin' deal. - Rex Huppke


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Rock The Voter News

High School Students Practice Using One-Syllable Words for Upcoming Meeting with Trump - Andy Borowitz

Meanwhile, Trump Is Trying To Replace Obamacare With GFY Healthcare
The Trump administration wants to allow insurance companies to offer more policies that have limited health benefits and that can reject customers if they have pre-existing medical conditions.

Finally, teens’ ability to deliver devastating blows to people’s self-esteem is being put to good use. - Jess Dweck


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Business/Tech News

Man Only Buys Products Made Right Here In The USA By Cheap Immigrant Labor  - The Onion

I Wonder If These Will Cost As Much As An Epi-Pen
The first treatment to help prevent serious allergic reactions to peanuts may be on the way. A California company said Tuesday that its daily capsules of peanut flour helped children tolerate the nuts in a major study.

Progress: I always give the audience a chance to ask questions before I end my show. 
Last nite in Fla: "Talk about our president." 
Me: "I'm not in that group. He's not my president." 
Last yr here I got booed for similar, last nite, applause.  - Elayne Boosler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A cloud tree! I want one!


Monday, February 19, 2018

Happy Presidents' Day

Trump blames FBI for Parkland massacre, suggesting Russia collusion probe was distraction
President Trump capped a week of heartbreak by suggesting in a tone deaf tweet that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was too distracted by the Russian collusion probe to investigate the Parkland, Fla., shooter.

I am so proud of those brave students at Parkland High School.

F+ck this Gundamentalist bullsh+t.
We fixed the part of the Constitution that allowed slavery.
We fixed the part of the Constitution that said women couldn't vote.
Now let's fix the part that (some people believe) allows private citizens to own weapons capable of mass slaughter.  - Randi Mayem Singer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Before entertaining  the ridiculous notion of arming teachers, worth considering the NYPD stat for hitting their target in gun fight is 18%. - Anthony Bourdain

I'm So Glad I Had A Limbaughtomy
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh on Sunday called for concealed carry in American schools to prevent mass shootings.
“The solution is we need concealed carry in these schools. If we are really serious about protecting the kids, we need a mechanism to be defensive when this kind of thing — if we’re not going to take action, we better have mechanisms in these schools to stop it when it breaks out,” Limbaugh told “Fox News Sunday.”

Teachers are heroes but I've seen them try to work an overhead projector and I don't believe they should have guns.- Ken Jennings

Remember, if you think God made DT president, you've confused God with dead slave owners who demanded an electoral college.
Happy #PresidentsDay2018!!! - John Fugelsang

Wow. Here's One Republican Criticizing Trump On Russia.
Former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) criticized President Trump for not condemning Russia after charges were brought against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian groups.
"54 hours later, and this President STILL hasn't condemned Russia," Walsh tweeted Sunday.

Vice President Pence is shedding light on what he did and did not do when he was seated by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un's sister during the opening ceremony.
Pence explained he didn't avoid her, he ignored her. Like he does all women. - Jimmy Kimmel

Republican Shenanigans

"Every time he sees me he says, 'I didn't do that,' and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. But he says, 'I didn't do that.' I think he is very insulted by it, which is not a good thing for our country," - Donald Trump, on Putin saying he didn't interfere with the 2016 election

Oh Gawd, They're Gonna Breed Online
A website that promises to “Make Dating Great Again!” matches Trump supporters looking for companionship, but it only allows users to register as a “straight man” or “straight woman”, although their relationship status is not limited to single.

Sarah Palin was watching Russia from her house this whole time and didn’t say a damn thing. Pretty suspect.- Kaivan Shroff


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Rock The Voter News

Teenagers who were almost murdered four days ago are leading the nation on gun control. The head of Trump’s EPA is afraid to fly coach. - Sam Adams

THIS Is The Real America, Goddammit! I Love These Kids!
Washington, D.C., area students on Monday staged protests against gun violence outside of the White House just days after 17 people were killed in a shooting at a South Florida high school.
Numerous students took part in a "lie-in" on the road outside of the White House, laying on the ground for three minutes at a time in an effort to symbolize the short amount of time it took alleged shooter Nikolas Cruz to gun down numerous people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., last week. 

Incomprehensible pain and loss at a high school, yet again, and it’s children who are the leading voices for action. Meanwhile, our president uses the tragedy to attack the investigation of a foreign adversary’s interference in our democracy. Shameful. - Sally Yates


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Business/Tech News

“I need every black man in the country to go out tomorrow and buy an AR-15 assault weapon. They’ll be banned by Tuesday”. ~ David Helton

Wow. Another Republican Goes After Republicans
A major Republican donor in Florida is threatening to cut off funding to politicians who oppose a ban on assault weapons. Florida-based real estate developer Al Hoffman Jr. has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for Republicans. But in the wake of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Hoffman sent an email to other GOP donors, urging them to support a ban on assault weapons.

I'm not saying everyone in LA is stoned, but a cop just pulled me over to give me a high 5. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Testing Football Helmets in 1912. Why am I not surprised?


Friday, February 16, 2018

Mueller indicts 13 Russians

At least 3 Russian groups and 13 Russian individuals indicted in Mueller’s investigation: report
A federal court handed up indictments against 13 Russian individuals and three Russian entities in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Trump campaign ties to Russia

Confirmed: Hillary met a Kremlin agent three times during the campaign. His name is Donald Trump. - Adam Parkhomenko

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Yesterday, Steve Bannon refused to answer all but 25 questions concerning his time after the campaign, and all those questions were “helpfully” written for him by the White House. 
This is not executive privilege, this is stonewalling. He must be held in contempt. - Rep. Adam Schiff

Trump's Welcoming Committee
The vice mayor of Broward County, Fla., slammed President Trump for his planned visit following the deadly mass shooting, calling it “absolutely absurd.”
“Him coming here, to me, is absurd. Him coming here is absolutely absurd, and he’s a hypocrite,"

Another of my favorite Bible stories is the one where Jesus tells murdered school children it's basically their own fault they're dead and then jets off for a weekend of golf at Galilee-a-Lago - Jeff Tiedrich

‘Oh God, What Happened Last Night?’ Says Groggy Mike Pence After Waking Up In Same Bed As Wife - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

Instead of “But her emails” it should be “But his females.” - OhNoSheTwint

Act Two: The President & The Porn Queen
President Trump’s Stormy Daniels problem is getting worse.
The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, says she is ready to spill the beans about a 2006 extramarital sexual encounter with the president now that Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, has acknowledged he paid her $130,000 to not discuss the allegations publicly.

Stormy Daniels to Publish Trump Memoir, "Four Seconds in Hell" - Andy Borowitz

“Politicians pose no danger to the public if used correctly,” the NRA leader said. -  Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

This year, vote like your life depends on it. Because it does.- Andy Borowitz

Mueller Has Been Very Busy
A former spokesman for President Trump’s legal team interviewed with special counsel Robert Mueller on Thursday, The Daily Beast reported Friday.
Mark Corallo, who stepped down from the job in July, reportedly spoke with Mueller’s team for more than two hours on Thursday, and was reportedly planning on telling Mueller that White House communications director Hope Hicks might have been planning to obstruct justice.

Reminder, many of the politicians you hate now are going to be around the rest of your life, you’re going to be like 80 years old in a home yelling at even older Marco Rubio on CSPAN. - Jesse McLaren


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Business/Tech News

CNN: Mueller indictments!

MSNBC: Mueller indictments!

Fox News: School shooter had ties to Hillary’s emails. Guns still awesome. Up next, Bill Clinton’s impeachment, a retrospective. - OhNoSheTwint

Trump FCC Chairman Under Investigation By The FCC
Ajit Pai, the controversial chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, is under investigation by the FCC inspector general for his ties to a broadcaster, according to lawmakers. 

Nation Starting To Realize New Era Of American Innovation Never Gonna Happen - The Onion

Happy Chinese New Year - The Year of the Dog



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A mile high view of Rio de Janeiro. I'd sit there via photoshop.
