A federal court handed up indictments against 13 Russian individuals and three Russian entities in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Trump campaign ties to Russia
Confirmed: Hillary met a Kremlin agent three times during the campaign. His name is Donald Trump. - Adam Parkhomenko
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Hours after the Florida school shooting, Russia-linked bots flooded Twitter with disinformation
- "Round 2 of Florida tomorrow": "Copycat threats surfacing after school massacre
- Highline College on lockdown after reports of gunfire on campus
- First funerals held, as investigation continues into Florida school shooting
- Grieving Florida mom who blew up at Trump invokes Barron to demand the right to protect kids against guns
- ICE immigration sweep in California puts employers and families on edge
- Mid-East on a hair trigger as Israel, Iran clash
- Netanyahu to visit White House: US official
Yesterday, Steve Bannon refused to answer all but 25 questions concerning his time after the campaign, and all those questions were “helpfully” written for him by the White House.
This is not executive privilege, this is stonewalling. He must be held in contempt. - Rep. Adam Schiff
Trump's Welcoming Committee
The vice mayor of Broward County, Fla., slammed President Trump for his planned visit following the deadly mass shooting, calling it “absolutely absurd.”
“Him coming here, to me, is absurd. Him coming here is absolutely absurd, and he’s a hypocrite,"
Another of my favorite Bible stories is the one where Jesus tells murdered school children it's basically their own fault they're dead and then jets off for a weekend of golf at Galilee-a-Lago - Jeff Tiedrich
‘Oh God, What Happened Last Night?’ Says Groggy Mike Pence After Waking Up In Same Bed As Wife - The Onion
Republican Shenanigans
- Preet Bharara trolls Trump over indictments: 'How about some sanctions now?'
- GOP candidate going forward with AR-15 giveaway in wake of Florida shooting
- Laura Ingraham attacks LeBron James for "running his mouth" about Trump: "Shut up and dribble"
- White House refused to release photo of Trump signing bill that weakened gun laws for mentally ill: report
- Donald Trump, a Playboy Model, and a System for Concealing Infidelity
- Mitt Romney Takes Veiled Swipes At Trump in Senate Run Announcement
- Steve Wynn Won't Receive a Severance Package Following Sexual Misconduct Allegations
- Wayne State suspends student who allegedly made threatening remarks toward immigrants
- George P. Bush’s secret mansion is financed by an undisclosed loan from Texas donor’s bank
Instead of “But her emails” it should be “But his females.” - OhNoSheTwint
Act Two: The President & The Porn Queen
President Trump’s Stormy Daniels problem is getting worse.
The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, says she is ready to spill the beans about a 2006 extramarital sexual encounter with the president now that Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, has acknowledged he paid her $130,000 to not discuss the allegations publicly.
Stormy Daniels to Publish Trump Memoir, "Four Seconds in Hell" - Andy Borowitz
“Politicians pose no danger to the public if used correctly,” the NRA leader said. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News
- Hillary Clinton Responds to Florida School Shooting: 'Mass Shootings Are Not Inevitable'
- Obama calls for 'common-sense gun safety laws' after Florida school shooting
This year, vote like your life depends on it. Because it does.- Andy Borowitz
Mueller Has Been Very Busy
A former spokesman for President Trump’s legal team interviewed with special counsel Robert Mueller on Thursday, The Daily Beast reported Friday.
Mark Corallo, who stepped down from the job in July, reportedly spoke with Mueller’s team for more than two hours on Thursday, and was reportedly planning on telling Mueller that White House communications director Hope Hicks might have been planning to obstruct justice.
Reminder, many of the politicians you hate now are going to be around the rest of your life, you’re going to be like 80 years old in a home yelling at even older Marco Rubio on CSPAN. - Jesse McLaren

Business/Tech News
- Trump gets recommendation for steep curbs on imported steel, risking trade war
- SEC halts trading of three companies promoting crypto sales
- SEC kills Chinese-linked takeover of Chicago Stock Exchange
- Dubai opens world's tallest hotel
CNN: Mueller indictments!
MSNBC: Mueller indictments!
Fox News: School shooter had ties to Hillary’s emails. Guns still awesome. Up next, Bill Clinton’s impeachment, a retrospective. - OhNoSheTwint
Trump FCC Chairman Under Investigation By The FCC
Ajit Pai, the controversial chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, is under investigation by the FCC inspector general for his ties to a broadcaster, according to lawmakers.
Nation Starting To Realize New Era Of American Innovation Never Gonna Happen - The Onion
Happy Chinese New Year - The Year of the Dog
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