Monday, December 18, 2017

Emails, emails, emails

Mueller team denies accusations it 'unlawfully' obtained Trump transition emails
A spokesman for special counsel Robert Mueller has denied accusations by Trump transition lawyers that Mueller's team got unauthorized access to thousands of transition emails.

I guess if Robert Mueller wanted to see Trump's emails, he should have  gone about it the GOP-approved way: by asking Putin to hack them.- Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Majority of Americans Say Relationship with Trump Not Consensual. - Andy Borowitz

How Many Other Airports Are At Risk?
The lights were back on, but it was not business as usual at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta after Sunday’s nearly 11-hour power loss caused more than a thousand flight cancellations.

'Firing the Investigator Doesn't Save You,' Nixon Tells Trump from Hell. - Andy Borowitz

“I mean, why would you let someone with no experience in foreign affairs anywhere near such important decisions?” Jared Kushner said. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Paul Ryan Says He Will Retire Once He Has Wrecked Country. - Andy Borowitz

Obama Was Right About Citizens United
The landmark Citizens United case and related campaign finance laws may be facilitating Russia’s attempt to subvert U.S. democracy, the Dallas News reports.
According to an analysis of public campaign finance reports, a group of Russian-linked political donors with ties to Vladimir Putin funnel money to Donald Trump and the GOP through legal campaign contributions that have, thus far, faced little-to-no scrutiny by the federal government.

"Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations – to spend without limit in our elections."
— Barack Obama on Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 in the State of the Union address

Was The Washington Post Pranked With Fake News?
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald on Sunday addressed a report that President Donald Trump’s administration had banned the CDC from using seven words or phrases in next year’s budget documents.
The terms are “fetus,” “transgender,” “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “evidence-based” and “science-based,” according to a story first reported on Friday in The Washington Post.
But Fitzgerald said in a series of tweets on Sunday said there are “no banned words,” while emphasizing the agency’s commitment to data-driven science.


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America likes guns the way the rest of the world likes soccer. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Well, You Can Take Doug Jones Out Of Alabama BUT You Can't Take The Alabama Out Of Doug Jones
After all the celebrating last week, Democrats got a big dose of reality on Sunday, when Alabama’s newly elected senator, Doug Jones, made clear he won’t always toe the party line. “I’m going to talk to people on both sides of the aisle, try to figure out what I think is in the best interests of my state and in the country,” Jones said on CNN’s State of the Union. “I don’t think anybody should depend on, be able to count on my vote for anything.”
Jones differentiated himself from many in his party by saying he doesn’t think President Donald Trump should resign over the numerous sexual misconduct allegations against him. In fact, he thinks it’s time to stop talking about the issue. 

I'll never forget this time when I was raising a toddler while my country was electing one. - John Fugelsang


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I just want someone to look at me the way the GOP looks at corporations. - Randi Mayem Singer

Business/Tech News

The FCC voted 3-2 along party lines to repeal Obama-era net neutrality rules. And if you’re not sure what that means, better Google it while you can. - Seth Myers

We Need Tax Cuts For The Rich, Not Safe Infrastructure!
Amtrak train 501 derailed onto the I-5 road below as it crossed a bridge. The incident occurred at approximately 7:30 a.m. during morning rush hour traffic. The derailed car fell onto the highway below and there are multiple injuries.

Just received Betsy DeVos’s “Marry Chrissmiss” card.- Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Split Apple Rock located on South Island in New Zealand. It doesn't look like an apple.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Happy 17th birthday AHNC

Thank you all for the wonderful job you have given me.

Seventeen years ago I bought the domain name on Dec. 14, 2000. I decided on that name after watching Gov. Ann Richards on C-SPAN describe George W. Bush as, all hat no cattle. I burst out laughing. It was too long for my preference but oh, so descriptive.

What inspired me to begin a website was my shock and dismay at Gov. Jeb Bush, who broke his oath to uphold the laws of Florida, and ran to the U.S. Supreme court to stop the vote counting in Florida. States rights, my foot. It worked and the rest is history.

And guess what, my vote in my county in Florida was never recounted in 2000.

The Republicans grabbed Florida by the -----.

I began AHNC by posting silly gifs of Jeb, Dubya, etc.
The response was mind numbing. Not only was I one of the few political websites, I was a woman. The horror! I used to get a lot of threatening emails during the Bush administration, hardly any when Obama was president and not a single one since Trump took office. I think the trolls realized their threats can be traced back to them. So now they intimidate people online on social media or in the comments section -- but not my comments section.

I'm so old I remember when George W Bush called himself a COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIVE . Those who were tortured disagree with that moniker.

It's the lack of empathy from "Christian" conservatives across this country that has gotten us into one avoidable mess after another from invading the wrong country for 9-11  to the current mess in Alabama where Evangelicals supported a child molester.

Using the name of God, no matter what your religion is, to spew lies and hate, is not a religious act, it is political act. 

Our forefathers had it right, the separation of church and state.


By the way, I never thought George W Bush planned 9-11. My take:

  • The shocked look on his face when he was told about planes flying into the World Trade Center, while visiting a Florida school and his staff scrambling around in chaos.
  • The fact that Bush was flying all over the USA right after he left Florida. They didn't know where to go. They were scared, as they should've been.
  • If Bush knew about  9-11 , Karl Rove would've had Bush strut his stuff , like John Wayne, all over TV immediately, not 3 days after 9-11.

9-11 gave Republicans an enemy all Americans could fear --  terrorists -- and they took full advantage to this very day. They also made torture palatable during that time.

AHNC has tried over the years, to make the Republican message understandable through comedy. It takes a lot of work searching for humor to fill AHNC, but the truth is, that is what I'd do with or without AHNC. I need humor to mask my pain. Don't we all?

You all helped me fight cancer when I was diagnosed in 2009. I was without health insurance and made my way to Costa Rica which provided health insurance for pre-existing conditions. Your financial support made my struggle so much easier and for that I am eternally grateful. You literally saved my life. I would have died in the USA.

You all also helped me when I was falsely accused of crimes by my husband, in Florida and Costa Rica. That is one of the reasons I am a Hillary supporter, I know what it is like to be falsely accused with no evidence and had to spend tens of thousands of dollars to address those false claims.

I hope you all saw the clip of Joe Biden comforting Meghan McCain.  That was so human, it brought tears to my eyes. That's the America I love.

In the years I have been online I have watched the right wing attack the military service of John McCain, John Kerry, Max Cleland and even Tammy Duckworth. And Fox News coupled with right wing radio, led the way. They tried to destroy Obama and Hillary and any Democrat they could. Very un-Christlike behavior.

The USA needs an Empathy Renaissance from the "Christian" conservatives aka Republicans. Their tax cut will harm those who need it most and help the ultra-wealthy. They're not going to change any time soon but they can be voted out of office or not voted into office at all, which happened in Alabama. Alabama!

Thank you Alabama and thank you to the Washington Post who outed Roy Moore.

America is now rejecting the sexual abuse by those in power. And women are rejoicing. We have come a long way, baby. Finally.

AHNC has had the great pleasure of servicing your humor needs. It has been my source of sanity during every nervous breakdown and panic attack I had personally or politically.

Deep curtsy, dear friends and thank you.


I will be back online Monday, December 18.

Peace and love to all.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah

Trump: ‘I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election’
President Trump in an early morning tweet on Wednesday said he endorsed Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) in the Alabama Senate Republican primary because Roy Moore would not be able to win the general election.

Narrator's voice: Roy was right. God was in control. What he didn't realise was, She's black. -J.K. Rowling

I'm crying. For a year now, I've barely cried. Because I knew if I let myself fully feel what's in my heart, I'd get nothing done. I had a lot to do.
So I'm gonna let myself cry and cry, because tonight it finally feels like I can. With joy, relief, and gratitude. - Sarah Kendzior

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Fox & Friends is blaming Roy Moore’s loss on Harvey Weinstein because you can’t really be Nazis until you baselessly blame a Jew for your problems. - OhNoSheTwint

Macron Takes The Lead In Climate Research
In the name of furthering climate research (and trolling Donald Trump), French President Emmanuel Macron awarded "Make Our Planet Great Again" grants to 18 climate scientists, 13 of whom are from the United States.

Oh to be a fly on the wall in the TV room in the White House. - Chris Hayes

Republican Shenanigans

Roy Moore liked this night when it was much younger.- Franklin Leonard

WTF did you say?
Another One Bites The Dust. This Isn't A Saturday Night Massacre, It's An 11 Month Massacre.
Former "Apprentice" reality star Omarosa Manigault Newman is leaving her post in the Trump administration. 
The White House issued a statement Wednesday morning, saying that Manigault Newman "resigned yesterday to pursue other opportunities."
They added that her departure "will not be effective until January 20, 2018. We wish her the best in future endeavors and are grateful for her service."

Okay the White House still contends Omarosa signed a resignation letter. But Gen Kelly Kicked her out will high drama with the Minister offering vulgarities and curse words as she was escorted out of the building and off campus. - April Ryan, CNN

If black people had voted 68% for a pedophile last night, the media would be spending all day questioning the moral character of black families and communities.- Samuel Sinyangwe

Jeff Sessions Is Really Pissed That His Senate Seat Went To A Democrat. So He Goes After Obama.
Two top Trump administration officials blamed what they called the Obama administration’s weak enforcement of immigration laws for allowing the MS-13 gang to grow into a national force—one they said is now the most violent in the country.
“Transnational gangs like MS-13 have taken advantage of our porous southern border and previously lax immigration law enforcement,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions asserted during a press conference in Baltimore on Tuesday morning. 


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Not to be a downer but it’s hard to feel great knowing that a racist, homophobic, antisemitic sexual predator almost beat a qualified candidate even after everything that’s gone on since that happened in the 2016 presidential election. - OhNoSheTwint

Rock The Voter News

The FBI Was Right
Senior FBI officials who helped probe Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign told a colleague that Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had to win the race to the White House

...and as her husband and the rest of his family were carted off to jail, Melania rode Sassy into the sunset contemplating a jewelry line for QVC. - Randi Mayhem Singer


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Ok, folks. Roy Moore lost. Steve Bannon is deflated. Omarosa was fired.
Can we focus on Puerto Rico again? Many there are still without electricity and lost everything. Let’s help give Puerto Rican kids something to smile about this Christmas. Please help if u can. - Ana Navarro

Business/Tech News

African American voters in Alabama did more to help white working Americans last night than DT has done all year.
#ThankYouAlabama - John Fugelsang

Court Says No To Overturning Obama's Uranium Mining Ban
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday upheld a 20-year ban on new uranium mining on public land near the Grand Canyon, while also striking down a challenge to an existing uranium mine south of Grand Canyon National Park.
In its opinion, the court ruled that the ban, imposed in 2012 under former president Obama, lines up with the Constitution and federal environmental laws. However, it ruled that a mine 6 miles south of the national park had a right to operate.


The Rolling Stones In Drag, 1966


Tomorrow Is AllHatNoCattle's Birthday

This is a birthday meme I received. Thanks Cap'n Jack!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This is why people believe in flying saucers. Lenticular clouds over Mt. Rainer in the state of Washington.
