Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Nude Aides Huddled Around Trump Assure Him No One Wearing Wire -The Onion

After Monday’s indictments, the president blamed Jared Kushner in a call to Steve Bannon, while others are urging him to take off the gloves with Robert Mueller.

I miss the simpler times, when Anthony Scaramucci talked about Steve Bannon sucking his own d**k. - Lauren Duca

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Again, a white man shot FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE in Las Vegas and Trump did NOTHING. 
No solutions. 
No policies. 
No ideas. 
- Shaun King

Trump cartoon from Thailand. The world isn’t deluged with crazy deflections from Fox News.
They see what’s happening. America is weakened. - Brian Klaas

Too Bad Trump Never Vetted Manafort
President Trump’s former campaign chief, Paul Manafort, was indicted Monday on multiple charges in the United States’ ongoing special investigation into Russian interference. But the U.S. is not the only nation investigating Manafort.

Mueller is a decorated Vietnam vet & FBI Director under 2 presidents.

Trump has been sued 3,500 times.

Which one is lying? - Mikel Jollett

Republican Shenanigans

Robert E Lee killed more Americans than Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Saddam Hussein & Osama bin Laden combined. - Ken Burns, Historian

The Manafort Effect
A California neuroscientist vying to unseat Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher stepped up his criticism of the conservative on Tuesday, demanding he return a $1,000 contribution from indicted Trump adviser Paul Manafort.

Black People: hey hi we are not your property

Southerners: yes the f**k you are

John Kelly: damn shame they couldn’t meet in the middle.- Eric Haywood

Many factors contributed to the Civil War.  One caused it: slavery.- Ken Burns, Historian


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Rock The Voter News

In Case Your Day Wasn't Bleak Enough
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere surged in 2016 to its highest level in 800,000 years, according to a report released Monday by the United Nation's World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

I believe @SarahHuckabee would defend donald trump if he decided to gas an entire community. Only liars twitch that much. - Chelsea Handler


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Donald Trump Jr. and his brother Eric are going to India to launch real estate projects for the Trump Organization. Yeah, it’s all part of a new business strategy called fleeing the country. - Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Franken to Facebook: How can you be surprised by foreign interference when you accept payment in rubles?

Most Americans Want To Tax The Rich
A majority of Americans say they would like to see tax increases on wealthy Americans and large corporations, according to a new CBS News poll. 
Fifty-six percent of individuals surveyed said they would like to see tax increases on larger corporations, while 58 percent of those polled said they supported tax increases on wealthy Americans.

Please can we watch the next episode of Robert Mueller now? - Randi Mayhem Singer



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The Three Amigos.


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

John Kelly: 'The lack of an ability to compromise led to the Civil War'

John Kelly: 'The lack of an ability to compromise led to the Civil War'
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Monday said, "the lack of an ability to compromise led to the Civil War."
Speaking to Fox News, Kelly offered a view of history in which both sides of the Civil War — a pro-slavery Confederacy and the opposing Union — were made up of "men and women of good faith."

Kelly says Civil War could've been avoided if we'd compromised on owning humans as livestock. Now he's got to get back to a toddler w/nukes. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Journalists should ask themselves why they presumed John Kelly was an honorable man. - Samuel Sinyangwe

President Trump will NOT visit the DMZ. Sr. Admin official says POTUS schedule too busy & visiting DMZ has become "a little bit of a cliché” - Will Ripley, CNN

Kelly speaks our language, he don't use $10 words.
In one fell swoop, Kelly said the Civil War was not about slavery AND was unapologetic to the black war widow who used her speakerphone. Yeah, He's Not A Racist.
White House chief of staff John Kelly called U.S. Representative Frederica Wilson an "empty barrel" who was "making noise" when she criticized President Donald Trump. In an interview on Fox News, he suggested Robert Mueller should investigate Hillary Clinton.

World War II happened because the Jews and the Nazis failed to reach a compromise.- Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans
That #NothingBurger quickly turned into a #QuarterPounder with extra fries and onion rings, huh. - Ida Skibenes

Kelly Was Sent Out By Trump To Bash Hillary 
White House chief of staff John Kelly on Monday said that a special counsel should be appointed to investigate an Obama-era uranium sale and Democrats' roles in funding a controversial opposition research dossier on President Trump.

Happy Halloween, a comparatively normal day of the year now. - Mike Drucker

Enjoy today knowing that every Trumper who talked to George Papadopolous since late July now tries to recall the convo -- since the FBI has it on tape.- John Schindler


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Netflix announced House of Cards will end after season 6, so at least a fictional President can be destroyed by sexual assault allegations.- Nick Jack Pappas

Rock The Voter News

What Does John Podesta Have To Say?
Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said on Tuesday that he was the victim of a "big lie campaign" created by President Trump.
"Not bad enough that I was the victim of a massive cyber crime directed by the Russian President," Podesta tweeted.


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Happy Halloween - this year I'm dressing up as the GOP Health Care Plan.
So I'm never getting out of the House. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Trump could sexually assault Spacey while Spacey was assaulting a teen & Paul Ryan wouldn't care as long as millionaires get their tax cut.- John Fugelsang

Hey Facebook, What And When Are You Going To Do Anything?
A group of 19 prominent civil rights groups representing African-American, Muslim, Latino, Asian, and LGBTQ communities, among others, sent a letter to Facebook yesterday, expressing “deep concern” over “hateful content on your platform used to divide the country,” and calling for the social media giant to do more to combat it—including release the now infamous Russian bought ads that attempted to use divisive social messages to influence the presidential election.

Sarah Huckabee should do the White House briefing under oath.- John Aravosis


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It may look wicked, but a stunning — if not scary —  view of the Witch Nebula is actually the home of baby stars just beginning their cosmic lives. Photo: NASA

Happy Halloween!


Monday, October 30, 2017

Let the indictments commence...

Former Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Secretly Pleaded Guilty in Mueller Probe
A former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, George Papadopoulos, secretly pleaded guilty as part of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

There are 12 charges. It rather evokes a Xmas carol: “On the first day of charges, Mueller gave to me: Manafort on treas’nous conspiracy!” - George Takei

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Manafort indictments make you wonder anew why Roger Stone was freaking out on Twitter the other day. Who might Paul flip on...? - Joy Reid

FBI Is Investigating Whitefish Contract On Puerto Rico
The FBI is reportedly investigating the $300 million contract awarded to Whitefish Energy to repair Puerto Rico's electrical grid in the wake of Hurricane Maria.

If I was Don Jr. I'd start doing sit ups and practicing shiv-making techniques.- Rick Wilson. GOP Media Guy Tweet

The FBI interview where Papadopolous lied about his Russia contacts came on the same day, Jan. 27, Trump asked Comey for a loyalty pledge.- Matthew Miller

Republican Shenanigans

A reminder that Trump & his campaign DEMANDED Hillary Clinton BE SENT TO PRISON for not adhering to state department email protocol. - Chris Hayes

Jesus, Trump Is Fundraising Off Of The Indictments
President Donald Trump’s campaign on Monday blasted out a fundraising email, asking donors to contribute after the indictment of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
On the same day that news broke that Manafort had been indicted on 12 counts, Trump voters found a fundraising request from Eric Trump in their inboxes with the subject line “Still Standing.”

Pence Asks Jesus to Rapture Him Up Before Mueller Indicts Him. - Andy Borowitz


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Can't believe Hillary forced Manafort to do these things just so she could keep Trump from locking her up for uranium something something. - Rex Huppke

Rock The Voter News

Problem is the swamp drain is all clogged with Trump's hair.- Jess McLaren


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Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos are the only the beginning. Hell is about to comb over. - Randi Mayem Singer‏

Business/Tech News

Let Trumpers cry more. Let Fox rant about Hillary. The big game has finally started, and all that matters is Mueller and Friends. #WINNING - John Schindler

Hewlett-Packard History Goes Up In Smoke
When deadly flames incinerated hundreds of homes in Santa Rosa’s Fountaingrove neighborhood earlier this month, they also destroyed irreplaceable papers and correspondence held nearby and once belonging to the founders of Silicon Valley’s first technology company, Hewlett-Packard.

Here's A Handy Chart

If the world were really going to end, cosmically, I’d let y’all know, and with plenty of time to do nothing about it.- Neil deGrasse Tyson


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Flying up to get a drink at the water bar.
