Thursday, December 8, 2016

That sinking feeling...

Breitbart News is taking the business of outrage to Europe
Milo Yiannopoulos, an editor at Breitbart, explained after Mr Trump’s victory that half of voters are “repulsed by the Lena Dunham, Black Lives Matter, third-wave feminist, communist, ‘kill-all-white-men’ politics of the progressive left.” Breitbart saw it coming a while ago, he added. The company’s expansion plans suggest it sees something coming in Europe, too. It already has a website in Britain and in January it will launch French and German sites.

I feel for Europe with Breitbart invading them. Good luck!

Inherit your life from your dad, avoid taxes for decades & you too can get taxpayers to pay a million dollars a day so you can have 2 homes.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Today marks the 75th anniversary of the last time America legally declared war.
(Please don't tell the 240+ conflicts we've had since then).- John Fugelsang

Q: Why does Trump need so many Generals on his staff?
A: Cause martial law ain't gonna start itself! - Tea Pain

Some Bonehead Said This To Me In A Comment Section Online (I often test out my one-liners or just vent)

Trump will be the best president in your short lifetime shofar.

Me: Actually in my "short" lifetime, my life was better under these 3 presidents "shofar":

  • 3. JFK. He ended the Cuban Missile Crisis and prevented the world from getting blown up by Russians.
  • 2. Obama. He cleaned up MOST of the mess Bush left, which included 2 ugly wars and a crashing economy with 0 help from Republicans.
  • 1. Clinton. Jobs jobs jobs. It was the economy stupid. The best economy in my lifetime and the introduction of the Internet to the masses and all its benefits. Thank you Al Gore.

End of comment.

Now we have entered Trumpdom and apparently, anything goes.

Buckle up Buttercups and mull over building a bomb shelter.

We don't need to worry about the GOP takin' away our Social Security. Thanks to Trump's EPA policies, none of us'll live that long. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

Trump appoints flesh-eating bacteria to lead Department of Flesh.- LOLGOP

He promised the world then filled his cabinet with billionaire donors and cronies who all had one goal -- ripping taxpayers like you off. - LOLGOP

Man bun in a man suit.
Paul Ryan Thinks Trumps Tweets Don't Matter
The defenses of President-elect Donald Trump’s Twitter feed are all pretty horrible. But of the many baffling and dangerous premises being used to defend Trump’s use of Twitter as a bully pulpit for spreading pernicious lies, perhaps the most baffling and dangerous is this one: It’s just words.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan did a version of this on 60 Minutes on Sunday when he said that the veracity of Trump’s tweets doesn’t matter. 

Below is a screen shot I took of Twitter's Terms of Service. Why hasn't Trump been banned from Twitter?

Trump's support of Sandy Hook truther Alex Jones is emboldening this cruelty. - LOLGOP


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So we'll have president with an ego so frail that on the day he's named Person of the Year, he'll start a Twitter war with a guy named Chuck. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Trump Is Dragging His Feet On Transitioning 
Obama officials alarmed at slow pace of agency-level transition. The slower pace applies not only to key appointments throughout his administration, but also to Trump's lower-profile agency review teams, whose nitty-gritty work with Obama's career bureaucrats could make or break Trump's pledge to get his presidency...

Trump supporters are so cheery now that they can freely say "Merry Christmas!" and "Sandy Hook was staged by child actors!" to anyone. - LOLGOP

"Thank God I am black. White people will have a lot to answer for at the last judgement" - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Hey Alt-Righties!  Trump's transition approval ratings are 32% lower than the black guy's! You did Nazi that comin'!- Tea Pain

Ground Control To Major John
John Glenn, whose 1962 flight as the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth made him an all-American hero and propelled him to a long career in the U.S. Senate, died Thursday. The last survivor of the original Mercury 7 astronauts was 95.


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Trump’s Stock Sales? Bullsh*t.
 By Rick Wise

The report that Trump sold all his stock holdings in June has been out there since Monday and nobody has yet called “bullsh*t” on it. So let me be the first to say:


Investigations to continue till 2116. 
Why do I think it’s bullsh*t?  Because if Trump had sold all his stocks in June he would have said so at the time, declared himself Mr. Clean, bragged about his brilliance as an investor and how much money he made on the sales, crowed about using the proceeds to self-fund his campaign, and challenged Clinton to divest her stock holdings too.

Then the fawning media would focus on Clinton’s refusal to divest her holdings and on Clinton’s many conflicts of interest.  Trump would escape scrutiny entirely.

But what if he didn’t make money; what if he lost money?  In May, Trump’s financial disclosure report showed he owned $15,000 - $50,000 in Energy Transfer Partners stock – the company building the Dakota Access Pipeline.  That’s down from $500,000 - $1,000,000 a year earlier.

Those figures came from Fortune on November 26, with no angry late-night tweets from Trump disputing the reported holdings (and calling Fortune a failing, left-wing rag that nobody reads).

We don’t know the exact numbers but if we look at just the midpoints of those ranges, the value of Trump’s Energy Transfer Partners stock fell to about $37,500 from about $750,000 a year earlier – a stunning 95% decline.

Way to pick ‘em, Donald!  This must be step #1 in the Trump formula for making a small fortune in the stock market: “Start with a large fortune …”

He's watching you.
Of course, we would never know that he lost a small fortune in the market because he would just lie about it.  He lost money?  No, he would say he made money.  How?  Strategic genius.  Proof?  Trade confirmations? Tax returns? Forget about it; those are nobody’s business.  And you wouldn’t understand them anyway.

No, Trump still owns those stocks and any report to the contrary is bullshit.  Trump’s solution to his conflicts-of-interest problem will be the same as his solution to everything else: lie about it, create a diversion, and move on. It works every time.

Trump will overturn Obama’s decision on the Dakota Access Pipeline in January and oil will begin flowing under the Missouri River while money begins flowing to Trump's brokerage account.

Let’s face it: Donald Trump is the P. T. Barnum of our time.  Any of his pronouncements on any subject, in the absence of objective confirming evidence, have to be seen for what they are: Bullsh*t.

Biz/Tech News

Durin' the Civil War, White Supremacists attacked the Union.  Today, they're attackin' the unions.- Tea Pain

Trump Has No Intention Of Leaving His Business Interests
The first Bloomberg National Poll since the election shows 51 percent of those surveyed are very or mostly confident the billionaire businessman will put the nation’s best interests ahead of his family’s finances when he deals with foreign leaders.
The president-elect has has made a vague pledge on Twitter that he will seek to distance himself from his businesses to avoid any appearance of a conflict, although ethics experts have suggested that selling his corporate assets is the only sure way to separate them from his new position of power. He’s scheduled a Dec. 15 news conference to address the topic.

Told the toddler "if you're good Santa rewards you, but if you're naughty he won't."
He replied "I think you're talking about Karma"- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Audrey Hepburn sings Moon River in Breakfast at Tiffany's.  The song received an Academy Award for Best Original Song (1961)


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Trump goes to war with Boeing

Trump: Boeing attack wasn't about payback
President-elect Donald Trump says his attack on Boeing over the cost of the new Air Force One had nothing to do with Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg’s criticisms of his trade policies.

Gotta do Xmas shopping but can’t decide if I should get everyone Yankee Candles or cyanide capsules. Maybe I'll wait til the last minute!- Bette Midler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump wins Person of the Year on the "date that will live in infamy."
I hope not.- Erik Bransteen

Bob Dole Lobbied For Taiwan Telephone Call
Last week's telephone call between President-elect Donald Trump and Taiwan's president was the result of six months of behind-the-scenes work by former Sen. Bob Dole acting on behalf of the Taiwanese government, according to federal ...

Trump Defends Russia And Blames U.S. Intelligence Agencies For Hacking Democrats. Trump Needs To Be Placed Under Arrest.
President-elect Donald Trump is insisting hackers linked to Russia were not involved in attacks against Democratic political targets, months after U.S. intelligence officials took the extraordinary step of fingering Moscow publicly.

Shooting an unarmed guy on camera & walking away is the new choking an unarmed guy to death on camera & walking away.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Not only does Trump not have the temperament to be president, but his supporters don't have the temperament to be humans. - Jeff Tiedrich

Paul Ryan Needs A Vocabulary Adjustment: Conflict of interest - noun  a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity.
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) says he isn't concerned over Donald Trump's potential conflicts of interest and is confident the president-elect will separate from his business.

2.7 million people?
When it hits 3 million, can we just declare Hillary the winner?- Erik Bransteen


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War On Women Escalates
 Ohio would have the country's most restrictive abortion laws under a bill sent to Gov. John Kasich on Tuesday, as leading Republicans were emboldened by the anticipation of Donald Trump's upcoming federal and Supreme court ...


Working Hard For You:
I was on ebay earlier looking for gifts and I ran across this ad for Make America Great Again hats.

The amount shown is in Costa Rica colones. The cost in US dollars is $2.70 plus free shipping from a Chinese company, not Trump. There are dozens of knockoffs offered at around the same price. 
I wonder if Trump knows?


Rock The Voter News

The Dakota Access oil pipeline, which the Sioux tribe has been protesting for months, will no longer be routed through their land. It’s a big win for Native Americans — and if the next 9 billion things go their way, we can finally call it even.- James Corden

This guy sounds like a conscientious objector. Now if only there were 74 more electors that felt the same.
 A Republican member of the Electoral College from Texas said Monday that he won't cast one of his state's 38 electoral votes for Donald Trump because "I am here to elect a president, not a king."

Did u know that, if tax rates went to where they were during the Reagan Administration, they would go UP from where they are now? Just FYI.- Kurt Eichenwald


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Trump just showed he will scream lies 2 cripple the share price of any company that raises concerns about him. They will go silent. Obscene.- Kurt Eichenwald

Biz/Tech News

Trump Is Right About High Drug Prices And The Brits Agree
A British regulator on Wednesday hit U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer with a record $106 million fine for imposing a 2600% price hike on an anti-epilepsy medication, the latest episode in widening public controversy over prescription drug prices.

Welcome to the SATs - your score today may determine which College Loan you'll be paying well into your 40s. Let's begin.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

What a cozy scene. This morning when I walked my dog, it was so cold in Costa Rica that I wore a sweater, Bermuda shorts and flip flops.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Trump's America

In Trump's America, 'pizzagate' could be the new normal
I was home with my family Sunday afternoon when an email arrived from a reader with a proposal. He wanted to lynch me.
“Rope, Tree, Journalist,” the man wrote. “Some assembly required.” To this slogan, made popular by T-shirts Donald Trump supporters wore at his rallies, my would-be hangman added his offer: “I will assemble for you.”

In just a few years, Trump went from trading insults with Rosie O'Donnell to starting a war with China.- Erik Bransteen

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump and Flynn's sons are good reminder of why we got rid of feudalism the first time.- LOLGOP

Pentagon Wasted $125 Billion, So We Must Cut Taxes And Food Stamps!!!!
The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, according to interviews and confidential memos obtained by The Washington Post.

Al Gore says his meeting w/Trump was very productive & Trump says the entire meeting was a Chinese hoax.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Immigrants aren't trying to take away the retirement you've earned. Republicans are.- LOLGOP

Jump Trump!
WTF? Who Supplies Trump With All This Erroneous Info?
Boeing on Tuesday responded to President-elect Donald Trump's criticism over the cost of a new Air Force One plane, saying the contract is actually for $170 million.
Trump earlier Tuesday tweeted that the deal was for "more than $4 billion" as he called for the order to be cancelled.

Stop The Recounts And Start A Criminal Investigation
Discrepancies between the number of votes counted in the computerized poll book and those contained in the ballot box are creating problems in Michigan's recount effort

I'm not sure what's worse, that Dan Quayle may be in the Trump Administration or that if he is, he'll be known as "the smart one."- Erik Bransteen


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Clinton winning the popular vote by  2.6 million. Democrats biggest problem is too many people want to live where Democrats are in charge.- LOLGOP

Gee, these women sure look white to me.
Jews Are Not White?
When Stephen Bannon called his website, Breitbart, the “platform for the alt-right” this summer, he was referring to a movement that promotes white nationalism and argues that the strength of the United States is tied to its ethnic European roots. Its members mostly stick to trolling online, but much of what they do isn’t original or new: Their taunts often involve vicious anti-Semitism. They make it clear that Jews are not included in their vision of a perfect, white, ethno-state.

"I just called Taiwan to tell them how much I hate Saturday Night Live."
-- our next President
- Erik Bransteen


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The punishment for voting for Trump isn't death by lack of insurance. He promised them something terrific. His betrayal is deadly.- LOLGOP

The Only Thing Standing Between Trump And The Presidency Is The Electoral College
 The presidential recount in Michigan expanded Tuesday to its largest county, which includes Detroit, and five other large counties, with the fate of a statewide recount push in Pennsylvania awaiting action in federal court.

Trump "saved" 730 jobs last month
US created 178K new jobs last month. or 5,900 each day. - Eric Boehlert

Biz/Tech News

Do NOT believe Trump sold his stocks in June w/o documents proving it. He told me that precise lie - proven false by SEC filings -- in 1987.Kurt Eichenwald

Don The Con Conned Citizens, Not Carrier.
 The Carrier deal, brokered by President-elect Donald Trump, may not have saved as many factory jobs as was presented at the plant last week in Indianapolis.

If Trump keeps it up, China will be forwarding our $1 trillion debt to a collection service.
- Erik Bransteen



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

It's okay honey. You'll do better at the next National Geographic audition.
