Monday, October 10, 2016

Donald Trump's Sniffling Continues: Here Are The Possible Causes

Donald Trump's Sniffling Continues: Here Are The Possible Causes
Looks like a change in microphone hasn’t changed Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s frequent sniffling. As you may have heard, Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont and most importantly in this context medical doctor, mentioned cocaine in the following Tweet

If your "cold" last for two or more debates, be sure to call your dealer…er…doctor. — Tea Pain

Donald Trump has successfully changed the conversation from his history as a sexual predator to his plans to imprison political opponents like a totalitarian dictator.- Andy Borowitz

The Intimidator
A body language expert said she was worried that Donald Trump might physically assault Hillary Clinton during Sunday night’s presidential debate.
Janine Driver — a former investigator with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — said Trump loomed and lurked behind Clinton in response to her power move.

Republican Shenanigans

In contrast with Trump, who says he would jail Hillary, Clinton says if she is elected she will make sure Trump "gets the help he needs."- Andy Borowitz

Do You Think The Investigations Of Hillary Were Numerous? Ha! Unleash The Lawyers!
Civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred said this week that women have begun contacting her with allegations that they were sexually harassed or abused by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.


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North Carolina Is In Shambles
Matthew's wrath is finally over, but its devastation keeps growing and rescue crews stayed busy.
The storm's US death toll climbed to 21 on Monday, with North Carolina reporting 11 deaths, Florida reporting four, and three each in South Carolina and Georgia.


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Immigrants R Us
All six Americans who brought home Nobel Prizes this year were born outside the US

A Day In The Life Of AHNC

Mea culpa for the short issue today.

Life here in Costa Rica isn't what you gringos are used to, it takes a slightly different direction -- one of seizing the moment.

My "daughter", Yerlin needed to go to Santa Cruz today, very important, so I offered to take her since I still have use of a car. Otherwise she would have to drive her motorcycle.

I also needed to just get out and mix with people. And Chinese food. Yes, Chinese food.

So, just as we are entering Santa Cruz -- there is my estranged husband who I have not laid eyes on for three years. He was walking down the main street sidewalk. I scrunched down in my seat for fear that he would see me. Yerlin was hooting and howling and said, "Maybe we should offer him a ride back to Junquillal."

 Ay yi yi.

Anyway, Yerlin had success dealing with her problems after several visits to several different places. After that was over, we were totally famished. I turned to Yerlin and said, I need Chinese food!

We bolted to the Oriente, my latest fav Chinese restaurant. As usual, I took a doggy bag home, they serve too much food for me. BTW, I had 15 medium sized fried shrimp a la Milanese, with salad and potatoes for about 5,200 colones or around $9 USD. That is two meals for me.The waitress knows me so well, she even remembered my order right down to my drink, Pepsi.

Pura vida or pure life.



Time To Deflate Photo
Perfect timing.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Hoist with his own petard.

Shakespeare's phrase, "hoist with his own petard," is an idiom that means "to be harmed by one's own plan to harm someone else" or "to fall into one's own trap."

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.

The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of “Access Hollywood,” on a bus with the show’s name written across the side.

Putin is having a sad right now and the Clintons are having a happy. Gee, do you think this will be discussed at the debate, IF Trump shows up?

After hearing Trump brag about sexual assault, I was buttering my toast and thought -- how appropriate.

Have a great weekend and thank you for visiting.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Hurricane Truthers? Oh, Yes.

Hurricane Matthew truthers claim Obama administration officials are hiding data
Residents of Florida nervously awaiting the arrival of Hurricane Matthew might be surprised to learn that for conservative commentator Matt Drudge, the forecasts are yet another example of an Obama administration conspiracy.

Are Trump's investigators now in Haiti hunting down the crisis actors in this big Hurricane Matthew hoax? - Scott Wooledge

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"This weekend, a person or persons spray-painted graffiti all over Donald Trump's new Washington, D.C., hotel. Police have narrowed their list of suspects down to '50 percent of the country.'" –Conan O'Brien

The Mexicans Are Coming! The Mexicans Are Coming!
The federal government is allowing illegal immigrants to flow into the U.S. so they can vote, Donald Trump alleged Friday, fueling his own argument that November's presidential election will be rigged against him.

"It's come out that Donald Trump once rented an office to an Iranian bank that was later accused of terrorism. Today, Trump said, 'How was I supposed to know that something wasn't right with Jihadi Joe's Savings and Loan?'" –Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Trump resuming his race baiting on the Central Park 5 is a perfect way to thank his fans who claimed no one called him racist till 2015. - LOLGOP

"Now, nobody knows where this leak has come from, but some are suggesting that the source of the leak was Trump's ex-wife Marla Maples, who leaked the taxes as revenge. Even BeyoncĂ© was like, 'Now that is making lemonade.'" –James Corden

Ivana flashes the victory sign.

More Ex-Wife Trouble?
All three children have been active on the campaign trail and Ivana's comments clash with the image of Trump that his daughter Ivanka has projected.


 Click here to meet C.W.


Trump's casinos went bankrupt & his charity was shut down for operating illegally. Let's put him in charge of the economy & the military! - Richard Hine

Rock The Voter News

North Carolina Loses NCAA Tournament
The NCAA has relocated its men's basketball regional tournament to Greenville, South Carolina, after withdrawing the event from Greensboro, North Carolina, because of that state's law restricting the rights of LGBT people.


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"A new report has found that despite his recent string of gaffes, Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson has four times as many newspaper endorsements as Donald Trump. So if you've got weed, he's got papers." –Seth Meyers

Biz/Tech News

"It's rumored that Donald Trump's tax returns were leaked by one of Trump's ex-wives. In other words, it could be anybody." - Conan O'Brien

Privatizing Our Intelligence Community: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
In the six weeks since federal agents raided a suburban Maryland home and arrested Harold T. Martin III on suspicion of stealing classified information from the National Security Agency, another organization has quietly prepared to face the fallout: Booz Allen Hamilton, Mr. Martin’s employer.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I planted a seed for a white Chinese cucumber plant. It is growing like crazy out of a small pot on my back porch. Wish me luck!
