Thursday, October 6, 2016

How I feel about Trump

WSJ Finds Pattern Of Trump Donating To State AGs Examining His Biz Empire
Donald Trump donated about $140,000 to state attorneys general or candidates for the office between 2001 and 2003, some of whom were reviewing cases or decisions that would impact the real estate mogul's business, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

The US Constitution currently requires that the President be at least 35 and born in the US. We need an amendment further requiring that he or she release personal tax returns and not suffer from a glaring personality disorder.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"Trump has given us an opportunity to see all the warts we have in this great country." - Tina Dupuy


Putin Is Making His Chess Moves
Russia said Wednesday it was suspending joint research on nuclear energy projects with the United States, as Moscow's standoff with the West shows no sign of abating.
The Russian foreign ministry said Moscow could "no longer trust Washington in such a sensitive sphere".

The town hall format will give Trump a unique opportunity to interact one-on-one with ordinary Americans and tell them they're fat.- Andy Borowitz

Obama Not Pleased With Israel
The White House accused Israel of a betrayal of trust, in an unusually sharp rebuke over its plans to build hundreds of new settlement homes deep in the West Bank.

Republican Shenanigans

A fox: People aren't so bad. I hear they named a news station after us.
[Watches 1 minute of Hannity]
We attack the humans at dawn. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Trump Schools Nevada Rally!
Donald Trump mispronounced "Nevada" at a rally in Reno Wednesday night as he explained to the crowd how the state name should be said. 

According to Politifact, Mike Pence lied an astounding 70% of every time he opened his mouth. He's surpassed only by Trump's freakish 98%. - Bill Madden


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According to his record-high approval rating, 55% of Americans think Obama has made America great again.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Trump's Alma Mater Disses Him
A group of students, alumni and faculty at the University of Pennsylvania's business school are backing an open letter disavowing Donald Trump and announcing their commitment to an "open and inclusive American society."

Trump now claims his insults towards women were for "entertainment", so on Nov. 8th, let's vote to keep Trump in the entertainment industry.- Tea Pain

Subject: Hurricane Matthew

Hi Lisa,
Thanks for the Florida hurricane meme with Cap'n Jack Sparrow.  It made me laugh. We are home waiting , eating, watching TV and staying off the busy roads in Delray Beach.
Long time Floridian,

Thanks for writing Joe. Stay safe.
See my meme below!


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Media wonders how the GOP drifted so far to the right. It's because lying wingnuts with good hair get called the debate "winner." - Joan Walsh

Biz/Tech News

Jesus disdained wealth, said help the poor, chased capitalists from the Temple & was obviously funded by George Soros.- John Fugelsang

Government Slaps Down EpiPen Maker
Even the federal government is apparently paying too much for EpiPens, along with angry patients and insurers..The federal government says EpiPen is a branded drug, which means the drug's maker, Mylan, should have been paying the government a far higher rebate under the government's complex pricing rules. Mylan could face steep penalties.

Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a pair of socks meant to be worn with sandals from 2,000 years ago. Scholars say it’s evidence of the first German tourist.- Conan O'Brien


Thank you! I Love My Viewers And PayPal Who Sent Me Instant Money!

Deep Curtsey To All!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Kung Fu fighting!


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Clinton: If I asked for a drone strike against WikiLeaks founder, it was a joke

Clinton: If I asked for a drone strike against WikiLeaks founder, it was a joke 
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday said she doesn't remember ever commenting -- joking or otherwise -- about using a drone strike against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Clinton is seeing a post-debate bounce in the polls. Trump says the polls are bouncing because they are fat worthless pigs. - Bette Midler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Mike Pence discussed the need to rebuild our military, as it's only as big as the world's next 8 largest militaries combined.- John Fugelsang

Trump Differs With VP On Syria
Throughout the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump has seemed content to cede leadership in Syria to Russia. But at Tuesday night's vice presidential debate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence made a stunning about-face from his running mate's position by saying the United States should stand up to Russia and even be willing to bomb the Syrian military to stop humanitarian disasters.
"If Russia...continues to be involved in this barbaric attack on civilians in Aleppo, the United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike military targets of the Assad regime," Pence said. 

Secret deals with Iran, banning guns & amnesty for undocumented immigrants - can't wait to see Mike Pence's ad against Reagan.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

The Clinton Foundation has an A+ rating from Charity Watch.
Yesterday the Trump Foundation was ordered to stop fundraising in NY. - Senator Tim Kaine

Waaaa. RNC Doesn't Like To Be Bullied.
The Republican National Committee claimed Tim Kaine interrupted Mike Pence and the moderator over 70 times during Tuesday’s vice presidential debate.
Shortly after the debate ended, the RNC made a quick note of Kaine’s aggressive style in an email to reporters.

Mike Pence is going to be very disappointed if he ever gets to meet Donald Trump.- LOLGOP


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Rock The Voter News

I know nothing

Clinton Foundation: Those Hacked Files Aren't Ours
Russian subversion of US election moves from hacked files to fake ones. KGB would have called this "active measures"


Mike Pence comes off like an undertaker who overcharges you for a cheap pine box. - Andy Borowitz


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This weekend, a person or persons spray-painted graffiti all over Donald Trump’s new Washington, D.C., hotel. Police have narrowed their list of suspects down to "50 percent of the country."- Conan O'Brein

Biz/Tech News

The Tech World And Yahoo
Reports of a secret Yahoo program to search through customers' incoming emails has spurred other tech companies to deny ever receiving a similar request from the U.S.


I don't want to dampen anyone's enthusiasm, but we've got to calm down because here in southern California, we're in the middle of what's called a heightened earthquake alert. True. It means the odds of a massive earthquake hitting us in the next day or two are as high as 1 in in 100. Or it could be 1 in 100 million. They've been telling us for years you can't predict an earthquake; now there's an alert all of a sudden?- Jimmy Kimmel


AHNC's bills are due today. I am $79 short. Please kick in a couple of bucks!

Thank you!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A baby hippo. Because.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

WikiLeaks Delivers No October Surprise For Hillary

WikiLeaks disappoints conservative media hoping for a Hillary Clinton takedown
An early-morning news conference Tuesday that had the conservative media salivating over the prospect of some damaging revelation about Hillary Clinton turned out to be a major letdown. Instead of dropping a bomb on the presidential election, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said “We hope to be publishing every week for the next 10 weeks.”

Drip drip drip. If Assange had anything on Hillary he would've already released it. Assange needs money and this is nothing more than an attempt to covertly fundraise.

The irony of the Assange appearance was that he just showed up and droned. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Post-traumatic stress isn't something strong people can handle & weak people can't.
Trump’s comments aren't just ignorant, they’re harmful. - President Hillary Clinton

NRA Bullies Kim Kardashian
The National Rifle Association was quick to weigh in on the news that reality television star Kim Kardashian was the victim of an armed robbery in Paris — responding with a sarcastic message on Twitter.


Look, man, people on welfare are just gaming the system but Mr. Trump only took advantage of all available loopholes.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Women for Trump and Women against feminism should probably just merge. I'm sure all 6 of their members have a lot in common.- OhNoSheTwitnt

You go girl!

Did Marla Maples Leak Trump's Tax Return?
Since her divorce from the human Cheeto, Marla Maples has been living in California, devoting her life to charitable causes, studying Kabbalah, and more recently, throwing enough subtle, expert shade at her ex-husband to make a grown drag queen cry, like when she told the New York Times, referring to her daughter Tiffany, that she “had the blessing of raising her pretty much on my own.”

The rich are geniuses for not paying taxes. The poor are lazy for using food stamps to feed kids. - Jesus, Sermon at the Heritage Foundation - LOLGOP

I Love Bernie
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Tuesday he will introduce legislation in the next Congress to crack down on the tax breaks Donald Trump used to possibly avoid paying federal taxes for nearly two decades.

Remember when Mitt Romney almost had to drop out of the race because he put his dog on the top of the car? They were simpler times. - Jimmy Kimmel


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America Online founder Steve Case endorsed Hillary Clinton for president today. Although the last thing Hillary wants to hear is “You’ve got mail.”- Seth Myers

Rock The Voter News

Mike Pence looks like a Vice Principal, not a Vice President. - Kona Lowell

More Email Problems. And Not Hillary's.
Yahoo Inc last year secretly built a custom software program to search all of its customers' incoming emails for specific information provided by U.S. intelligence officials, according to people familiar with the matter.

Most Americans can't find Aleppo on a map. Gary Johnson can't find a map.- LOLGOP


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Biz/Tech News

BREAKING: Class action suit filed on behalf of Apprentice viewers told they were watching great businessman, not buffoon who lost $916 mil.- Tea Party Cat

Millennials Are Moving To Where The Money Is
Nearly two-thirds of millennials graduated, or will graduate, with student debt, averaging $27,162 per borrower, according to a new report by LendingTree.
Despite that hefty student loan burden, newly minted grads are moving to some of the nation's most expensive cities, heavily concentrated in the Northeast



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This crocodile 'Cage of Death' is not for the faint of heart. The Cage of Death is an acrylic enclosure designed to keep humans safe as they watch big-mouthed crocs more than 16 feet long go about their daily activities. It’s part of Crocosaurus Cove, an aquarium and wildlife center in Australia’s Northern Territory.
