Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Congress getting sworn in with GOP in charge

New Congress getting sworn in with GOP in charge
Republicans are assuming full control of Congress for the first time in eight years in a day of pomp, circumstance and raw politics beneath the Capitol Dome.

So nice of Mother Nature to turn everything in DC white in honor of the incoming GOP Congress.- delrayser tweet

2015 Prediction: Obama will do something and Republicans will oppose it as the worst thing ever.- Top Conservative Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Israel Court Orders Return Of Land To Palestinians
 Israel's supreme court has ordered Israeli authorities to demolish one of the oldest and most contentious Jewish settlement outposts in the West Bank.

Ask your doctor if a third Bush presidency is right for you.- Top Conservative Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Palintology: The Study of the Clueless
Sarah Palin has responded to criticism from the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) over a photograph she published of her son Trig stepping on a family pet.

“Dear Peta,” the former governor of Alaska and Republican vice-presidential pick in 2008 wrote in a statement published on Facebook. “Chill. At least Trig didn’t eat the dog.”

Sarah Palin has never sparked outrage by being smart and/or nice to animals.- Tina Dupuy

Republicans have been very clear. Obama only controls every aspect of the economy when bad things are happening.- LOLGOP

Move To Florida, Says Florida Governor.
 Florida Governor Rick Scott will kick off his second term on Tuesday with a blunt warning that he intends to poach people and jobs from other large states that have relatively higher taxes.

   “I have a message today to the people of New York, Illinois, California, Pennsylvania and others: Move to Florida!” Scott said in prepared remarks released by his office on Monday.

Boehner killed immigration reform mostly to please the dozen or so clowns who are now trying to knife him. Nice work!- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Grand Juror Suing Prosecutor Over Ferguson Mess
One of the members of the grand jury that decided not to indict a Ferguson, Mo., police officer in the Michael Brown shooting has sued the St. Louis County prosecutor who oversaw the case, St. Louis Public Radio reported Monday.

Pope Francis calls Catholics to stop climate change, but I'm sure President Rubio will set him straight on that in 2017. - Top Conservative Cat

 Click here for The Charmed Time

If Republicans lobby this hard for the 35 permanent jobs the XL Keystone will bring - just imagine how hard they'd try for 36!!- Tina Dupuy

Business/Tech News

Republican Congress set to confront the perils of the Obama economy -- too low oil prices, too many Americans with health insurance- LOLGOP

Mercedes-Benz Leaving New Jersey
Mercedes-Benz will move its U.S. headquarters to Atlanta from northern New Jersey, a source familiar with the brand's plans told Reuters on Tuesday.

The Daimler AG unit is moving to cut costs, including those for cost-of-living and taxes, said the source.

A barrel of gas is now 1/2 the cost of a carton of cigarettes. Crap. I’ve been chain-smoking Super Unleaded lately & really wanted to quit. - Erik Bransteen


NOTICE: I'm working on the video I took yesterday of the high winds. Will post ASAP!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My sweet Luna, wondering "where the hell  is she going, again!"


Monday, January 5, 2015

Ay yi yi

While you all were enjoying your electricity, I wasn't. We had about 3 hours of power all day. The wind here, or I should call it  hurricane force winds without the rain, was incredible. I will post a video of it asap.

Right now, I want to make dinner!

Thank you for stopping by!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Welcome Back Congress

4 Things That Were Supposed To Happen By 2015 Because Obama Was Reelected
It’s now 2015, nearly two years after Obama took the oath of office for the second time. A few years ago, prognosticators were very confident about what would happen to America by now because of Obama’s reelection. Let’s check in and see how their predictions turned out:
1. Gas was supposed to cost $5.45 per gallon.

2015, finally! Now that the GOP controls Congress, they can get stuff done. Well, right after 50 more Obamacare votes and Benghazi hearings.- Top Conservative Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"Obama's approval ratings are below 50%" cried the Congress whose approval rating was below 10%.- John Fugelsang

ISIS Has Ebola?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), members of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq are reportedly arriving in hospitals suffering with symptoms of the hemorrhagic fever Ebola.

Republican Shenanigans

The biggest recent mistake by the left? Letting a billion+ dollars in Stimulus/ACA smears go almost unanswered. - LOLGOP

Florida Told To Start Marrying People!
 A federal judge in north Florida on Thursday ordered the start of gay marriages in all parts of the state after Jan. 5, when a stay expires on his earlier ruling that found the state's same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional.

David Duke is no different than Robert Byrd, except for Byrd recanting and Duke remaining a white supremacist even now. But still the same!- Top Conservative Cat

Rock The Voter News

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid broke several ribs and facial bones when a piece of exercise equipment snapped at his Nevada home Thursday, causing the lawmaker to fall.

If Jeb Bush resigns from the Bush family and the GOP, I think he has a chance of becoming president.- LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

10 million Americans gained health insurance in 2014 as we had the best job growth of the century. And people act like that was a bad thing.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

1984 - if libs say Reaganomics will destroy the middle class, call 'em commies.
2014 - if the middle class has been destroyed, blame libs.
- John Fugelsang

Meanwhile, China Broke The World Record For....
China's Three Gorges dam has broken the world record for annual hydroelectric power production, more than a decade after it became the world's largest power plant, its operator said.

The Yangtze river power station generated 98.8 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2014...

The Camouflage Snuggie - for the man in your life who enjoys both militarism and sloth.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

When visiting Dubai, photographer Alexander Remnev took this dizzying self-portrait from the top of the Princess Tower, the tallest residential building in the world. The Princess Tower is 101-stories and stands 414 meters (1,358 ft) tall.
