Thursday, July 11, 2024

Morning Joe Goes Scorched Earth on Obama, Suggests Jealous Ex-President Is Behind Clooney’s Biden Op-Ed

Morning Joe Goes Scorched Earth on Obama, Suggests Jealous Ex-President Is Behind Clooney’s Biden Op-Ed
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski teed off on former President Barack Obama Thursday morning, blaming him for a scathing New York Times op-ed by George Clooney calling for President Joe Biden to be replaced as the Democratic presidential nominee.

America has lost its damn mind. - Luke Zaleski

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Biden was up there yesterday literally leading nato with deep respect from heads of state. Trump’s meeting with dictators. And Biden’s the problem here? Give me a break. Dude is literally doing the job while idiots say he can’t. - Umairh

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Are Worried About Putin's Influence On The Election. Aren't We All?
Russia is turning to a familiar playbook in its attempt to sway the outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election, looking for ways to boost the candidacy of former President Donald Trump by disparaging the campaign of incumbent President Joe Biden, according to American intelligence officials.

You would think Clarence Thomas going to Russia on someone else’s dime and not reporting it would be more of a story. - Jon B. Wolfsthal

Defiant Ginni Thomas Vows to Keep her Seat on Supreme Court. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump's been posting pictures of Barron all day like he's his running mate.

What the fk is up with that? - Molly Ploofkins

The Dictator & The D____ To Dance At Mar-a-Lago. Will Barron Attend or CIA Moles?

Dear journalists: Every story you write about Trump's VP selection process should note that he wanted his last VP hanged. - Mark Elliot

If you think the GOP and MSM won't go after Kamala Harris 100 times harder than they're going after Biden you're as deluded as the other guy's cult. - Michael Little


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Rock The Voter News

FACT: Donald trump's administration disbanded the U.S. Pandemic Response team in 2018, well before COVID struck and his deadly incompetence cost lives. 

Many people have forgotten this is part of his failed record, but I'm here to remind y'all. 

PASS IT ON. - Brooklyn Dad Defiant

So, How's The GOP House Legislation Going?

Dems are still going to win in November and I don’t think a lot of folks are prepared for it. - Brett Meiselas 


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Business/Tech News

Biden took on corporate America by backing unions, forcing down the price of insulin, stepping up antitrust enforcement and freeing workers from non-compete agreements - in case you were wondering why the rich white guys in our own party have it in for him. - Wesley Clark

I'd Bet The Ranch That Jack Smith Received Manuscript Updates

If the Supreme Court wasn't corrupt, Trump would be getting sentenced today. - Molly Ploofkins

Florida In One Picture



  1. Why does Cerro el Cono look exactly like a pyramid?

    1. Or, why does a pyramid look like Cerro el Cono.
      BTW there are many man-made pyramids in Central and South America.

  2. No, not the cast iron!
