Friday, July 12, 2024

Watch Biden's full news conference from last night defying calls for him to drop out

President Biden, in a solo press conference Thursday night, said he's staying in the presidential race in order to "finish the job" he...

I’ve lost all faith in the media. It’s consolidated and mostly owned by “conservative” fascists who probably visited Epstein Island. - ivanastaircam

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Trump is getting a free pass just like he did in 2016.  No way he could do a press conference for 40 minutes after 3 long days with world leaders.  He is incoherent most of time when he’s not spewing bile. Its sickening. - Karen Finney

John Bolton is more dangerous than Trump. El Pais wrote an article about him 2 years ago when he admitted being involved in some coups -- click here for the English version 

SHOCKER: CNN Analyst Showers Biden With Praise
CNN analyst and longtime Democratic strategist Paul Begala gushed about President Joe Biden’s performance at a press conference, praising Biden’s “mastery” and calling it a “tour de force and a tour of the world!”

“I’ve spent more time with Xi Jinping than any other president,” says Biden, before adding “And by the way I handed in my notes.”

That, a reference to Trump infamously keeping the notes from one of his conversations with Putin. - Jim Sciutto, CNN

Republican Shenanigans

The constant piling on of Biden day after day is not having the intended effect many hoped for.  He stood there and talked about policy details in ways Trump never has in his entire life at any age. - Adam Parkhomenko

If Texas Was On The National Power Grid, All Of Texas Would Have Power

Donald Trump was in clear cognitive decline for four years in the White House.

Why was no one talking about that? - Rep. Pramila Jayapal


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Rock The Voter News

The NYTimes’s declaration that Trump is unfit is only about 8 years late. - Andy Borowitz

David Axelrod Is A Danger To The Democratic Party
Veteran Democratic Party strategist David Axelrod warned after President Joe Biden’s Thursday night press conference that it sounded like “ Biden’s team has not been very candid with him” about his current political standing.

President Biden has been in politics for 50 years. 

There will come a time when his service to this country will end - specifically in about 4 and a half years. 

He will go down as the man that single handedly blocked the strongest push to fascism America has ever encountered. - justcuuper

Still Ridin’ With Biden, and the sanctimonious elites like George Clooney can kiss my tattered frogman’s ass. - LeftyNavySeal


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Business/Tech News

CNN is in shock as their senior focus group overwhelmingly praised Biden's performance, with all but one member agreeing that he did very well and should run again. - ChrisDJackson

Apparently, The GOP Anti-Immigration Policy Is Working
For the first time since 2005, a majority of Americans believe immigration levels should be decreased, according to a Gallup poll conducted in June.

I just hope I live long enough to see the media do this to a Republican. - John Cole

Media: Biden didn't perform a triple lutz with a backflip. He needs to resign.

Biden: GFY



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lacets de Montvernier in the French Alps. Car, yes -- bicycle, no.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Re: Time to deflate
    Going up?, no.
    Going down? looks like a fun bike ride.
    With plenty of stops for the view.

