Wednesday, July 10, 2024

George Clooney implores Biden to step aside in opinion article

The actor says he talked to Biden at LA fundraiser and concluded: 'We are not going to win with this president'

Biden, who famously doesn't listen to "elites," now receives a public plea to drop out from one of his most high-profile fundraisers, George Clooney. Clooney also called him in June and asked him to quit besmirching the ICC, where his wife works, to protect Israeli war criminals. - Emma Vigeland

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

We should be talking about the fact that our feeds today would have been dominated by tomorrow's sentencing of Trump on 34 felonies but because of a corrupt Supreme Court we're only discussing Biden. - Will Bunch

Watch The Video, He Wasn't Smirking.
State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller’s press conference took a contentious turn Tuesday when reporter Sam Husseini accused him of “smirking” as he discussed the number of civilian deaths in Gaza.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are building a luxury resort in Albania that will be managed by Aman Resorts, owned by Russian businessman Vladislav Doronin, Reminder that Doronin among other things is also Blavatnik’s partner (front man for Kremlin)

Of course, Ivanka and Kushner continue to take Russian money. - Olga Lautman

Trump Requires Running Mate to Also be Cellmate. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Due to the vigilance of Republican governor Greg Abbott, the only time Texans won't have air conditioning this summer is when it is dangerously hot. - Middle Age Riot

Trump Appointed Judge Resigns. But The Reason Why, Oh My.

Democrats: "Our candidate has to be perfect in every way. An eloquent statesman of pure articulate genius. A blameless, faultless, sinless, spotless paragon of absolute virtue. An angel. A saint."

Republicans: "We literally don't care if our candidate is a convicted criminal."- Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

For those saying the media won't stop until Biden is all aren't prepared at all for what they're gonna do to Kamala Harris. - Wajahat Ali

Well, Someone In Congress Is Working: AOC Introduced Articles of Impeachment Against Alito & Thomas
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday introduced articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, citing their “pattern of refusal to recuse” themselves from matters to which they are connected and their “failure to disclose” millions of dollars in gifts over decades.

You know who will do just fine if Trump wins? 

People like George Clooney, Stephen King, Rob Reiner, Stephen Colbert, and Jon Stewart.

118 days to the election.

This is the wrong fight. - John Pavlovitz


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Business/Tech News

Donald Trump raped children.

The media is ignoring it because they want him reelected because he is good for ratings. - Mark Romano

Wow. CNN Is Firing People and Launching A Paid Digital Product. I Bet Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, Jonathan King, David Axelrod, etc... Won't Be Fired. Same Old, Same Old.

Biden was up in the polls after the debate. After almost 2 weeks of non-stop coverage of Biden bashing, Biden dropped in the polls. Apparently, CNN is paying the cost.

On this date in 1776 the statue of King George III was pulled down in New York City.

Because America didn't want a king who lived above the law. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Mt. Tymfi in Greece. Why do people stand so close to the edge? Shiver me timbers.


1 comment:

  1. Would you mind vacuuming your office once in a while? I'm still trying to get that hair off my screen.
