Friday, May 3, 2024

Hope Hicks cries on witness stand during Trump trial testimony

Hope Hicks, a longtime aide to former President Donald Trump, became emotional during her testimony in his criminal hush money case, crying...

Hope Hicks testifies that when the Access Hollywood tape came out, Trump “thought it wasn’t something to get so upset about.” Turns out, he was right, because his supporters’ religious values were just fashions they wore on Sunday. - Marc Jacob

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

The orange traitor has once again violated his gag order by posting a clip from white supremacist felonious traitor Steve Bannon’s show attacking judge Merchan’s daughter.

How many times does he have to violate court orders before the scumbag is sent to jail? - Ricky Davila


My Take On The Violent Student Protests

I'd bet the ranch that the CIA knows what foreign players are involved in the antisemitic violence across college campuses. The CIA has recruited college kids for decades to be their lookouts.

In the early 1970s, two of my college friends, both Vietnam vets, who did not know each other were approached. They were told the same story, that the KGB had plants throughout US colleges and that they needed help in uncovering them. Both of my friends declined, saying essentially the same thing -- that it was hard enough to concentrate on classwork after their service in Nam.

To spark the flame of violence on one campus can quickly spread to others as we have all observed, with or without plants already in place. It only takes one trusted savvy plant, inspiring well meaning students to start trouble. 

Violence and/or destruction of property is counterproductive in protests. And it's illegal. And stupid. 
But it draws the attention of Americans, which is the purpose. Guess what happens next? Americans get mad at the protesters, no matter the cause.

Who benefits from this violence?  Not the Palestinians. Not Biden. It has divided the Democratic Party from its left wing.

And who has the enormous resources needed for all this? Russia, China, the US.

Choose one.

I did.


Democrats, Republicans and Independents Overwhelming Agree On Campus Violence...

Sometimes it feels like Orwell was holding back. - John Collins

So, Biden didn’t do exactly what you wanted on Gaza, or student loans, or_______

My one question to you 

Have you met the other guy? - Seth Asher

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: Kristi Noem Claims Puppy Shot Her First. - Andy Borowitz

Do You Know What Is Worse Than A Liar? Covering Up For A Liar.

Conservatives who quote George Carlin are hilariously oblivious to how much he would hate them. - Middle Class Riot


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Rock The Voter News

How in the name of everything decent and Holy are President Biden and Trump "neck and neck" in the polls?

Are there really that many Deplorable Americans? - Brandon Unger

Not Everyone Is Hateful In Texas!
The Austin City Council passed protections for gender-affirming care Thursday, only a few days after the state of Texas filed a lawsuit over Title IX changes granting protections for transgender people.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Despondent After Learning Jesus Was Jewish. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Why doesn't the Law apply to Rich White Republican Men? - Brandon Unger

Say What? Second Boeing Whistleblower Dies.

So, rumor has it that Elon Musk hates it when we call this place Twitter. 

Hey Elon, 

Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter

Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter

Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter - Lakota Man



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sometimes the best medicine is sitting by a campfire.



  1. Thanks for the campfire. It helped me relax after my blood boiled up thinking about the campus protests...I agree with you that there are always groups who come in behind the scene to stir the shit and get the public mad at protesters. This has never been easier...the US is a knee-jerk society! Malign actors want to silence anti-war voices, stop protests, and make the public forget that a country full of Palestinian people is being bombed, forever displaced, and is starving to death! Wanting to feed them and rebuild their homes and stop any part of the Israeli government that is the source of current carnage is not anti-semitic! I have urged friends for years to not merely conflate Jewish with Israeli government (or Palestinian with terrorist groups). The world is too complex for such shallow thinking!
    AND: I love that you linked to the story of the UAW demanding to let peaceful protesters out of custody. Unions know all too well what unreasonable force looks and feels like!
    AND: I intend my comments to be open-minded and truth-seeking. I hope I suceeded.

    1. Yeah, I needed that campfire too.

      The only one that can free the Palestinians is Netanyahu and that ain't gonna happen. No two state solution with that guy.

      Putin is probably nibbling on caviar watching Israel kill innocent Palestinians, and he's also watching some US students trying destroy their learning institutions in the name of freeing Palestine. Huh?

      I agree with the MLK, Jr. form of peaceful protests.

  2. Oh yes, destruction of property is such an awful, awful crime. Not like genocide, right? I mean, it's not like insurance companies exist. Fuck them dying kids, I guess.

    1. Don't worry about blocking me. I definitely won't be back.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh, would you look at this! All those pro-Israeli protesters are FUCKING PRO TRUMP!

      Huh. Looks like the "pro-Trump psyop" is actually on the side of Israel. Congrats. You've chosen extremely poorly.

  3. Oh, you're back.
    Let's see, I've been pro Palestine online 24 years + on allhatnocattle.
    I still am.
    Violence will lose the support of the American people. It already has, as Putin smiles.
    The wrong side of this issue is the violence, which is drowning the Palestinian plight.
    I don't make the rules.
    Half of US voters want pro Palestine protests banned on campuses.
    Do better.
