Monday, December 4, 2023

Trump, allies fire back at media warnings of second-term dictatorship

Trump, allies fire back at media warnings of second-term dictatorship
Headlines blaring warnings about how a second Trump presidency could slip toward dictatorship on Monday prompted a stiff pushback from allies of the ex-president, who is topping GOP primary polls just weeks before the Iowa caucuses.

"In my view, fundamentally, there is a choice to be made. You can't both be for Donald Trump and for the Constitution. You have to choose." - Liz Cheney

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

To all my Arab and Muslim friends who want to blame President Biden for the conflict in Gaza. Biden was largely responsible for negotiating the ceasefire and has gotten no credit, but can you at least tell me why Hamas wouldn't just give back the women that they took hostage? - BlackKnight10K

The Segregation Wall, Palestine, by Banksy

Netanyahu Is Going To Start A Regional War With All These Civilian Deaths

Hey everybody, it's the Elon Musk Show, where a spoiled rich guy sucks all the oxygen out of an app he's destroying for the attention he craves! -Kona Lowell

Republican Shenanigans

Trump isn't just a threat to national security, he's a threat to global stability. - Liam Nissan

Republicans Are Such Simple Minded Investigators

Guys, Hunter paid back his dad. 

Impeachment might not be enough. - John Collins


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Rock The Voter News

This is good. The White House is now saying any Republican member of Congress who votes against the Ukraine funding package is basically voting for Putin. The Republican Party has turned full-on pro-Putin & pro-Russia & it’s very good the White House is calling them out for it. - Victor Shi

Good For California!
California, along with a group of international partners, announced the official kickoff of a subnational partnership focused on reducing methane, on the sidelines of the United Nations climate summit in Dubai this weekend.

Jimmy Carter outlived Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Richard Nixon, Leonid Breznev, Henry Kissinger, The Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Donald Rumsfeld, Roger Ailes, Dick Cheney's 1st heart & Donald Trump's soul. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

College football is a place we all go to get away from the bs, and now college football is the bs. It's just so disheartening. - Michael Rogner

Apple Urges Users To Update Their iOS Device Pronto!

If you ever think your job is pointless, just remember someone works on the Russian council for human rights. - Darth Putin

8 years ago many Democrats would never have dreamed they could go through what we have in that time and still be fighting strong. Yet, here you are. Stronger than you were 8 years ago. Fighting harder than ever. Well done. - Jack Hopkins

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