Monday, November 6, 2023

Trump clashes with New York judge as fraud trial devolves into chaos

Former President Trump clashed frequently with the judge overseeing his New York fraud trial as the former president took the witness stand earlier Monday.

As terrible as the Trumps are on the stand, they've done an excellent job of distracting from the fact that they've already been found liable for fraud. - Schooley

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump
NY attorney: Did you get copies of statements in 2021?

Donald Trump: I was so busy in the White House with China, Russia, and keeping the country –

NY attorney (interrupts): You were not the President in 2021.

Israel Gives Gazans Fours Hours To Evacuate

Dear MSM: stop saying the reason why Trump can’t behave himself in court is because the course is so personal to him. He’s almost 80 years old, he’s not a child. He’s a fraud, a con, a liar who has zero respect for the rule of law. - Irishrygirl

There is no justice as long as Donald Trump is not in prison. - Mark Romano

Yes, I grew up Evangelical. 

No, it’s not normal for a father to have his teenage son act as his accountability partner for the porn he consumes. - Jess Parker

Does it concern you that someone who believes that dinosaurs were on Noah’s ark is Speaker of the House? - brucesteiner

Polling, Schmolling...
Former President Donald Trump holds an edge over President Joe Biden in a series of hypothetical matchups among registered voters in four key swing states, new polling from The New York Times and Siena College shows.

If google maps kept sending you to the wrong location, you'd stop using it for directions.

Not so for polling, apparently. - Rachel Bitecofer

Donald Trump attacking the judge in his trial is exactly what you'd expect from someone who stared into a solar eclipse and promoted horse dewormer as a Covid treatment. - Melanie D'Arrigo

Trump Ashamed By Sons’ Poor Lying Skills. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

With Christ as his adviser, President Trump will win the hearts of the jury by reading his favorite passages from the book of Salms.  - Gary Peterson

David Axelrod Was Wrong About Hillary In 2016 and He's Wrong Now. Jerk.
Former senior White House adviser for Barack Obama, David Axelrod floated the idea on Sunday of President Joe Biden dropping out of 2024 race after a new poll showed him trailing Donald Trump in several states.

President Obama was trailing NEWT GINGRICH in swing states at this point in 2011.

Don't remember David Axelrod telling him to drop out. - Covie

Supreme Court Rules Anyone Who Had Abortion Under Roe Must Be Re-Impregnated. - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

I am proud to have signed into law legislation that will lower prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. - President Biden

Conservative Christians Are Uneducated, Hence They Are Prone To Conspiracy Theories! Easy Peasy!

It's wild that some conspiracy theorists think there's a secret group of billionaires controlling everything, when the truth is that they're not secret at all and we can clearly see what they are doing. - StrictlyChristo

How has Trump not been held in contempt of court yet? Still be treated with kid gloves. - Matt Murphy

Biden Invests In Amtrak

On this day in 1860, Abraham Lincoln, 51, wins the U.S. presidency. Although his name is absent from the ballot in 10 slave states, Lincoln wins a majority of the popular vote in the North. Within 45 days, South Carolina will leave the Union.


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