Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Dominion v. Fox News trial ends with last-minute $787 million settlement: Full coverage

The highly anticipated trial in the defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News began and ended Tuesday with a $787 million settlement between the two parties.

Fox News Lawyers to Cite Hiring of Kimberly Guilfoyle as Part of Insanity Defense. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Proud Boys. - Liam Nissan

Republican Shenanigans

Judge in Dominion Case Orders Tucker Carlson To Take Truth Serum Before Testifying. - Andy Borowitz

SHOCKER: Mitch McConnell Praises a Democrat!

Dominion Trial Delayed Five Hours While Fox Anchors Apply Makeup. - Andy Borowitz


Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Dominion may have just settled with Fox for  $787.5M—and Fox won’t be further exposed now in a trial—but may Smartmatic continue the necessary drumbeat against this dangerous organization, which enriched itself on lies. - Steven Beschloss tweet

Now, This Is How A President Should Act

We need a stronger border. We can’t allow any more people like Rupert Murdoch, Ted Cruz, and Elon Musk. - Captain Obvious

Uh Oh, I'm Guessing The Religious Right Will Win.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday debated how far employers must go to accommodate their employees’ religious beliefs as the justices weighed an evangelical Christian’s claims of discrimination while serving as a U.S. Postal Service worker.

Disney was around long before Ron DeSantis, and they'll be around long after Doughy McPuddingfingers has settled into his next career as a lobbyist. - John Fugelsang


I feel as though I am in another dimension or disembodied. We all do, especially Chachi's mother. No mother should have to bury her child. But she did, and with endless love. This is for you, mommy.


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