Wednesday, April 19, 2023

'Completely Inappropriate!' House Hearing Spirals Out of Control After MTG Accuses Swalwell of 'A Sexual Relationship With a Chinese Spy'

'Completely Inappropriate!' House Hearing Spirals Out of Control After MTG Accuses Swalwell of 'A Sexual Relationship With a Chinese Spy'
...The exchange took place after Swalwell finished his allotted time questioning Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. During his time, Swalwell pointed out the anti-police rhetoric online, even referencing a post from Greene which called for defunding the FBI.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is accusing the media of intentionally making her look bad by pointing cameras at her while she says and does stuff. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Fox News & Hannity lied abt:
Seth Rich
Death Panels
Obama's birth certificate

And they lied 4486 US troops to their deaths to get us into the Iraq war, while calling dissenters "un-American." 

$787 mil is a good start. - John Fugelsang

Lest We Not Forget That Bush Started The Afghanistan War & The Iraq War With Lots Of Help From Fox News
The White House on Wednesday called a hearing by the House Oversight Committee on the administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal “political stunts,” slamming Republicans for what it sees as a lack of support for aid to the country and its U.S. allies in the war.

Cash-strapped Fox Forced to Sell Kevin McCarthy. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Is There Anything That Clarence Thomas Has Done That's Legal?

Nation Shocked to Learn of Possible Bias at Fox News. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Fox is a long way from being able to tell their legal counsel “I think we’re good. Go ahead. Take your vacations.” - Jack Hopkins tweet

Lindsey Graham Supports Diane Feinstein

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Senator Diane Feinstein.  Same issue. - Andrew C. Laufer tweet


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Ron Desantis likes to play the tough guy. Funny, considering he’s getting his ass kicked…by a mouse. - Jack Hopkins tweet

Business/Tech News

787 million dollars is a lot of money. But when you divide by the number of lies Fox News spews it doesn’t seem like all that much. - Dan Rather tweet

YAY! We Get To Have Clean Water!

Fox News’s audience will never really know they were lied to. - Joe Walsh tweet


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Lake Khiluk in British Columbia, Canada is the most “mineralized” lake in the world. I guess snorkeling is out.


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