Thursday, August 25, 2022

Justice Department ordered to release redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit

The Justice Department must release a redacted version of the Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit by noon on Friday, a federal judge ruled.

If they finally do lock him up, Hillary should be the one to turn the key. - Don Lewis

I know everyone is sick of hearing about Donald Trump, but don’t worry. Soon, one way or another, we’ll never hear from him ever again. - NZdrama_llama tweet

Florida Men Botch Stealing Ashley Biden's Diary, Plead Guilty.
Two Florida residents pleaded guilty in federal court on Thursday to a scheme to sell a diary and other items stolen from Ashley Biden — President Biden's daughter — to Project Veritas.

I look forward to a time when the only news about Marjorie Taylor Greene is that she bit a prison guard. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Claims He Had Student Loan at Trump University. - Andy Borowitz

She swatted herself, man.

FOX Accuses Biden Of Buying Votes. More Like Giving Voters What He Promised.

I love the poorly educated. - Trump, 2016


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Rock The Voter News

I hate to do this to you Barack Obama, but Biden is coming for your title of Best President Of My Lifetime. - BlackKnight10K

Restrictive Arkansas Voting Law Violates Federal Law

personally, if joe biden cancels even $10k of my student loans i will hang a  little picture of him in my living room like an Italian grandma does with the pope. - Sean Manning tweet


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Business/Tech News

Reagan started this dumpster fire. He said ketchup was a vegetable, he invented trickle down economics, he removed solar panels from the White House, and he embraced evangelicals.

Snake Oil Salesman Doesn't Fall Far From The Snake Oil



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
253 varieties of tomatoes.


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