Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Four's a trend: Democrats are doing much better in special elections since Roe was overturned

Democrat Pat Ryan's margin of victory in the special election for New York's 19th Congressional District stands at a little over 2 points as of...


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Donald just keeps having one bad day, after another. - Jack Hopkins

Child Abuse Permissible In Some Missouri Schools

Republican Shenanigans

Josh Hawley To Play Jared Kushner in Movie Version of Breaking History. - Andy Borowitz

Jesus, How Many Women Have To Die Before We Call It Intentional Murder?

Republicans Worry That Midterm Voters May Believe Women Deserve Rights. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Some Good News About The Pandemic
Seventy-nine percent of parents say they became more interested in how their child was being educated during the pandemic, when the process went largely virtual, according to a new survey.

QAnon. It’s like Scientology, but for homeschoolers. - Jane of the North tweet


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Business/Tech News

Turns out, Trump really DID run the country just like one of his businesses. 

You've heard me say it: If you elect a businessman to run your country like a business, well, then you're going to get the business. And you're going to get it good and hard. - Stonekettle tweet

Tomorrow Ron DeSantis will be dressed like the drill instructor in Full Metal Jacket, yelling at a row of Florida teachers, in his whiney boring wooden craptastic attempt at being likable. - Jeremy Newberger

Thank You For Your Service Rep. Maloney
The race to replace Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) as the leading Democrat on the Oversight and Reform Committee is already heating up, with at least two senior Democrats vying for the top spot in the next Congress. 



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Dendera Temple Of Hathor in Egypt.


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