Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Agency identified 700-plus pages of classified records at Trump's home

Agency identified 700-plus pages of classified records at Trump's home
The U.S. National Archives discovered more than 700 pages of classified documents at Donald Trump's Florida home in addition to material seized this month by FBI agents, according to a newly disclosed May letter the records agency sent to the Republican former president's attorney.

By stealing 300 Classified Documents, Donald Trump committed a Federal Crime. The question no longer is if he will be Indicted, but when? - Rob Reiner

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump took 300+ classified documents. And not just classified documents, but material classified as Special Access. That's not stuff he can declassify. 

This is unbelievably bad. 

It's so bad, that we may not be able to access the damage without making it worse. - Stonekettle tweet

The raid is a farce. The whole country is revolting over it. - Eric Trump

Republican Shenanigans

Rand Paul is spreading heinous lies about Dr. Fauci on Facebook & Fox News. Rand also said we should “repeal” the Espionage Act. Everything Rand says helps Putin, helps Trump, and hurts America. Not a coincidence. It’s why Ukraine’s FM listed Rand as a chief Russian Propagandist. - Dash Dobrofsky tweet

The Master Race

Way To Go, Kansas!
 A decisive statewide vote in favor of abortion rights in traditionally conservative Kansas was confirmed with a partial hand recount, with fewer than 100 votes changing after the last county reported results Sunday.

This is gonna keep getting worse and worse for Trump with each passing day, isn’t it? - Jon Cooper


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Rock The Voter News

Why People Drive Drunk Instead Of Taking A Taxi Is A Mystery To Me
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband was sentenced to five days in jail and three years of probation after pleading guilty Tuesday to misdemeanor drunk driving charges stemming from a crash in California’s wine country.

“If the IRS can go after billionaires, they can go after anyone.”

Uhm, that’s the whole f*cking point. - John Collins


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Business/Tech News

Trump Claims He Never Worked at Trump Organization. - Andy Borowitz

So Does This Mean I Get A Settlement Check?

Watched a documentary on the reign of Roman Emperor Caligula to get my mind off the news. Wish I hadn't. - Jimmie von Tungeln

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