Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Pence, Who Trump Supporters Tried to Hang: ‘I Don’t Know That Our Movement is That Divided’

Despite the circumstances that brought his relationship with Donald Trump to a bitter end, former Vice President Mike Pence dismissed the idea of a Republican Party divide between himself and his former running mate.

Pence should have voluntarily testified at the Jan 6 hearings. Pence is a coward. Pure and simple.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Republican Jesus would’ve been at the Capitol to help assault the police. - Mayo tweet

Biden Tears Into Trump.

I thought we’d have flying cars by now, instead we have Nazis marching in the streets. - Sarmad Faiz

Republican Shenanigans

If it walks like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi, and acts like a Nazi, it's Marjorie Taylor Greene. - Middle Age Riot

Matt Gaetz Is Quite Cocky For Someone Under Investigation

Trump is giving a speech today on the importance of “law and order” in Washington, DC. You cannot make this stuff up. - Brian Tyler Cohen


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Rock The Voter News

I like how Democrats don’t tell you who you can marry, what you can read, and when to become a parent. - John Collins

Apparently, The Democratic Party Has Lost Its Mind

It's completely disgusting that Ron DeSantis can't say that Nazis are not welcome in Florida. It's 2022. This should not be controversial. - Ron Uhlfelder 


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Business/Tech News

1 in 5 American children now live in poverty 
and that's why we need to cut Head Start 
& lower taxes for millionaires. - John Fugelsang

Gaz Games

Russia's Half of International Space Station Now Available as Airbnb. - Andy Borowitz

1 comment:

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