Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Trump is facing multiple probes, but it's the Justice Department's criminal probe into efforts to overturn the 2020 election that should...

Trump Claims Justice Department Cannot Prove He Ever Acted as a President. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

With confirmation of DOJ’s criminal investigation into Trump, does a wall at Mar-a-Lago looks like a ketchup version of Jackson Pollock? - Dan Rather

Trump's Tent City For The Homeless? Will Mexico Pay For it?

Stephen Colbert to Jamie Raskin: "When did you all find the footage of Josh Hawley scampering like a forest creature?"

Raskin (laughing): "There's lots more where that came from."

Republican Shenanigans

There is so much hate out there. It’s like trying to mop up the ocean. - John Collins

Merrick Garland Is Rounding Them Up!

Matt Gaetz voted against a bipartisan bill to support human trafficking victims because the one he has chained in his basement bangs the pipes when he's trying to sleep. - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

Some Californians Dreaming Of Clean Water
Nearly 1 million Californians are living with contaminated drinking water that’s considered harmful to human health, and the state’s auditor is raising alarm bells over the water systems in hopes to spur urgent changes. 

How dare Kamala Harris describe herself to blind people? Everyone knows you are supposed to just mock people with disabilities, like Trump does. - Jeremy Newberger


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Business/Tech News

Americans work more hours, take less vacation, work longer days, retire later. 

But hey, at least we're not stuck with socialized health care. - John Fugelsang

Wow, South Korea To Invest $22 Billion In The U.S.
 South Korea's SK Group on Tuesday announced plans to invest $22 billion in the United States on industries including semiconductors, green energy and bioscience, which the White House said will create tens of thousands of domestic jobs while helping ease global supply chain snarls that have persisted during the coronavirus pandemic.

Celebrate with me: my tribe (the Oglala Lakota Nation) — has officially banned religious missionaries from the reservation. - Lakota Man tweet


I was a bit late today because I went to the doctors. My flu turned into strep throat. I am on antibiotics and probiotics. The doctor visit was $14 and the medicine cost me $40. 


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
These Tawny Frogmouth birds perched on a branch almost look like they are part of the tree.


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