Friday, April 1, 2022

Happy April Fools Day

Americans skeptical about religious objections to COVID-19 vaccines, but oppose employer mandates
While many public and private employers in the United States have required workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, some are allowing exemptions for people who say the vaccine violates their religious beliefs. But most U.S. adults do not believe that these requests for religious exemptions are sincere, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

April Fools' Day could be renamed Lie Like a Republican Day with little noticeable difference. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Spirit has stopped serving Russian airports despite pleas from Ukraine to continue. - The Onion

Canada Is Tracking Russian Disinformation
A Canadian agency said on Friday that it had observed “numerous Russia-backed disinformation campaigns” that were meant to support Moscow’s actions in Ukraine.

I don’t get it are Democrats coming to take your 400 million guns or are we incompetent?

It can’t be both. - David Hogg

Republican Shenanigans

DeSantis Accuses Seaworld Of Promoting Gay Whales. - Andy Borowitz

Jared Kushner Did Not Take The 5th

Every generation of fascists finds new vulnerable minorities to hate & scapegoat.  

Undocumented workers, make way for transgender children. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

Jen Psaki is leaving the White House for MSNBC in a couple weeks, making flames with her heels as she walks away. Sad for us but god damn did she deliver. - Kate tweet

The Insulin Cap Only Applies To The Insured

It’s long past time that we acknowledge the sure handed, effective, grace under fire, success of Joe Biden’s Presidency. - Rob Reiner


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Business/Tech News

The United States has spent over $3 trillion dollars on the war on drugs. How’s that going?? - Irishrygirl

ELECTRIC AVENUE Looking To Shock Trump

Hello to everyone who hasn’t been tricked by a GOP Bible study that morphs into Caligula. - NotHoodlum tweet

Vintage Ad from the 1970s



1920s electric permanent wave machine

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
An ancient Inca stairway that leads to Machu Picchu, in Peru.


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