Thursday, March 31, 2022

Pelosi calls for Supreme Court code of ethics

Pelosi calls for Supreme Court code of ethics
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday said the Supreme Court should have a code of ethics.
Pelosi is the latest lawmaker to come out in support of rules overseeing the high court amid controversy regarding text messages Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife sent to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows about efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

FYI: In response to a question about whether Clarence Thomas should resign, Pelosi says he should've never been appointed.

Kavanaugh Accuses Ginni Thomas of Stealing Beer from Office Fridge. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Keep going, Vlad.
Ukraine will empty your coffers and bleed you white. - Stephen King

Kate Bedingfield Filled In For Jen Psaki And Did Not Disappoint
White House communications director Kate Bedingfield on Wednesday slammed former President Trump for encouraging Russian President Vladimir Putin to release potentially damaging information about President Biden’s son Hunter Biden.
“What kind of American, l
et alone an ex-president, thinks that this is the right time to enter into a scheme with Vladimir Putin and brag about his connections to Vladimir Putin?” Bedingfield said at a press briefing. “There’s only one, and it’s Donald Trump.”

Republicans were just about to call for an investigation into the missing seven hours of January 6th White House call logs...

...when suddenly an immigrant caravan horde led by Hillary Clinton waving Hunter Biden's laptop appeared on the horizon. - Stonekettle 

Republican Shenanigans

We should absolutely be investigating how Hunter Biden's stolen laptop ended up in Rudy Giuliani's day-drunk hands, because I'm pretty sure theft is a f---ing crime. - Jeff Tiedrich

My My My, Merrick Starts The Muckraking
The Department of Justice has expanded its criminal investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol attack to look at the financing and planning of a preceding rally attended by former President Donald Trump

One thing is for sure, at these Republican orgies, do not get pregnant. - Jeremy Newberger

Hillary & DNC Fined For Mislabeling Expenditure

Sean Spicer Must Not Know The Meaning of Slander, But Alec Baldwin's Lawyer Might Remind Him.
During a panel discussion on Newsmax Wednesday, Sean Spicer claimed, “Alec Baldwin murdered a woman on set.”

Majority of Americans Say They Would Leave Any Orgy Attended By Madison Cawthorn. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

RIP CBS News 1927-2022

1942 - Edward R. Murrow
1962 - Walter Cronkite
1992 - Dan Rather
2022 - Mick Mulvaney

- Tristan Snell

BAD NEWS: Horse Dewormer Found Ineffective Treating Covid
GOOD NEWS: They Have COVID But No Worms!


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