Monday, April 4, 2022

Breaking News, Literally

I broke my leg below the knee in two places. I fell in the living room. What an ordeal. I have a cast from my toes to mid-thigh. I need surgery to put in a titanium pin or I can't walk again.

I got home at 2am this morn.

I want to thank the person who invented morphine.


  1. Oh no!!!!! So sorry to hear that!

  2. How did the living room floor make out?

  3. ouch...hope you heal quickly.

  4. I hope that CR health care is as good as I've heard. Get well soon. I hope that you will be able keep AHNC going though this challenge.

  5. You will be missed. You have no idea how many of us depend on AHNC on a daily basis. Please get well my friend.

  6. ^^what everyone says. Hope you have plenty of folks to help out for next few weeks. Please take good care, take your time. Well hold your spot ❤

  7. My gosh Lisa, that looks nasty. Sending you good wishes for quick healing from cold country.

  8. Sorry to hear that Lisa. Positive vibes sent.
