Friday, August 27, 2021

'Scary week' ahead in DC as Jan. 6 rally planned and 9/11 anniversary brings new terror risks

'Scary week' ahead in DC as Jan. 6 rally planned and 9/11 anniversary brings new terror risks
Lawmakers and law enforcement officials are increasingly worried about upcoming rallies to support jailed insurrectionists and to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Breaking News: Trump issues a scathing statement against the January Insurrection investigation, claiming if his words and deeds aren’t protected by Executive privilege, it will sour all criminals from running for POTUS in the future. - 7Veritas4 tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Is now a good time to remind Republicans that the Kabul attack was carried out by ISIS and not Joe Biden? - Chip Franklin tweet

What Does This Trump Word Salad Even Mean?
Former President Donald Trump used the occasion of Thursday’s terror attacks in Kabul as an opportunity to repeatedly brag that his administration killed terrorists “many, many times bigger” than 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.

Can someone let me know when cable news stops hosting the parade of people responsible for 20 years in Afghanistan to give them an opportunity to transfuse their guilt onto Biden? - Schooley

Republican Shenanigans

DeSantis Locks Down Florida After Spread Of Covid Vaccination Gets Out Of Hand. - The Onion


Cruelty Is Soooo Republican 

Florida Judge Rules That Residents Have A Right To A Smarter Governor. - Andy Borowitz

The people who are screaming about Americans who died in Afghanistan are curiously quiet about red-state governors killing off Americans with COVID disinformation. - Kimberley Johnson

It’s so nice to have a Press Secretary who not only relays truth and facts, but simultaneously defeats all gotcha question scandal grab bullsh*t with ease, sass and class. Jen Psaki is a badass. - Ricky Davila

Thoughts & Prayers That Rudy Giuliani Will Do The Perp Walk Soon

I just want to have a girls’ night with Jen Psaki where we wear footed jammies and drink cheap Chardonnay and then play “Pin the Deuce-y on the Doocy” and prank call Ted Cruz. - Liddle Savage tweet


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Business/Tech News

CNN is that one friend you defended for years but eventually had to admit they’re a sh*tty person. - cpoliticditto tweet


Texas House Speaker Bans The Word Racism During Voter Rights Debate. Freedumb, Y'all!
Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan banned the word "racism" from a debate on a controversial voter rights bill on Thursday after lawmakers on both sides of the aisle became too boisterous.

Very hard week for our country, but I’m thankful that at least we have a president who doesn’t get up in front of the American people and lie to them about it all. - Kaivan Schroff 



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A Himalayan Griffon Vulture, the second largest of the Old World Vultures, showing off its fake eyes.

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend.

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