Donald Trump paid no federal income taxes whatsoever in 10 out of 15 years beginning in 2000 because he reported losing significantly more than he made, according to an explosive report released Sunday by the New York Times.
In both the year he won the presidency and his first year in the White House, Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes, the Times reported.
My Pillow Guy Offers to Lend Trump Fifty Dollars Until Payday. - Andy Borowitz
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump
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Debate question for Trump: By paying no taxes, aren’t you defunding the police? - Andy Borowitz
Trump's Former Campaign Manager Threatened To Harm Himself.
Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager for Donald Trump who was replaced by the President less than four months before the 2020 election, was armed with a gun and threatening to harm himself at his Fort Lauderdale home on Sunday afternoon, according to police and campaign officials.
One of Trump's former campaign managers is in prison for multiple crimes. The next campaign manager is now under federal indictment for stealing a million dollars. The campaign manager after that is now barricaded in his house with weapons and threatening to shoot - Alex Cole tweet
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump Rages at NYT Tax Story, Says He May Release Statements Revealing 'All Properties, Assets and Debts'
- Don Jr. Rails Against NYT Report on Father's Income Taxes: A 'Ridiculous' Story to Give Biden Attack Lines Before The Debate
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- Donald Trump said there were 'unbelievable undercover operatives' in the Florida crowd Thursday. What?
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- The fight over Amy Coney Barrett will be expensive
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Sooo... Trump’s broke and needs to come up with $400 million in the next 3 years. Will he sell out America in the Middle East like Kushner did? Which foreign oligarchs are bailing him out? What will he offer them for the cash? American secrets? Destroy democracy? NATO? - Thom Hartmann
Petition to turn Trump Tower into subsidized housing, since that’s what it’s apparently been this whole time anyway. - Sarah Cooper
Ivanka In Her Whispery Voice: Daddy, Are We In Trouble?
Tax records obtained by The New York Times appear to show that President Trump reduced his taxable income by treating his eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, as a consultant, then deducting this as a business expense.
It turns out that Trump married Melania for her money. - JRehling tweet
Donald Trump is so poor, he can’t even own the libs. - YS tweet
Rock The Voter News
- Biden campaign sells 'I paid more income taxes than Trump' stickers
- New Biden campaign ad jabs at Trump's reported $750 income tax payments
- Ocasio-Cortez: Trump contributed less in taxes 'than waitresses and undocumented immigrants'
- elosi preparing for House to decide presidency if neither Trump or Biden win electoral college: report
On top of everything else, President Obama is also wealthier than Trump. - Covey tweet
Little Rock, Arkansas Teachers Union Actually Protecting Teachers
A union representing Little Rock, Ark., teachers has notified the school district that members will not return to in-person teaching Monday, citing the coronavirus pandemic.
Old enough to remember when John Edwards’s $400 haircut was a huge scandal in American politics.Guessing Donald Trump writing $70,000 off his taxes for hairstyling won’t even register, let alone him not paying taxes most years in the last two decades! - Matt Fuller
Trump Claims He Paid Over One Billion Rubles In Taxes. - Andy Borowitz
Business/Tech News
America 2020, where the president's indifference to mass death gets pushed out of the news by the president's election obstruction, which gets pushed out of the news by the president's supreme court scheming, which gets pushed out of the news by the president's tax fraud. - Jeff Tiedrich
Coronavirus Lawsuits Hit Businesses
Businesses with Covid-19 outbreaks are facing an emerging legal threat from claims that workers brought coronavirus home and infected relatives, which one risk analysis firm said could cost employers billions of dollars.
Al Capone got 11 years in prison for evading $215,000 in taxes. He also killed fewer people than Donald Trump. - The Daily Edge
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