President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team turned over its presentation on Monday to former independent counsel Ken Starr, who in an ironic turn argued that Congress tries to impeach presidents too often.
As you look at Ken Starr, always remember that he was complicit in covering up multiple sexual assaults at Baylor, and ousted as president, was complicit in giving Jeffrey Epstein an illicit free hand to molest more young girls. He is simply a despicable human being. - Norm Ornstein
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- U.S. Air Force plane crashes in Taliban-held territory in Afghanistan
- Mortar Attack Damages Part of U.S. Embassy Compound In Baghdad
- Pompeo's response to NPR host over Ukraine questions is latest example of hostile treatment toward media
- In 5-4 ruling, Supreme Court allows Trump plan to deny green cards to those who may need gov't aid
- Prince Andrew has given 'zero cooperation' in Jeffrey Epstein sex crime investigation, federal prosecutors say
- Former Trump Adviser Says Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman ‘Must Be Court Martialed’ for Testifying Against Trump
Guess what? You can believe John Bolton’s account of Trump’s crimes AND still think he’s a piece of shit who cares more about selling his book than saving his country. It’s easy. I’m doing it right now. - OhNoSheTwint
Bolton Drops Bombshell
Former National Security Advisor John Bolton reportedly undercuts President Donald Trump’s primary legal defense against impeachment in his forthcoming book–a manuscript that is said to confirm that the hold on aid to Ukraine was ordered directly by the president and that the release of that aid was entirely dependent on investigations of the Bidens. Now lawyers are raising questions about what the president’s lawyers knew about this and if they could be liable for making false statements to the Senate.
You might be a Republican if the thing you're most afraid of is a fair trial. - Middle Age Riot
Republican Shenanigans
- GOP senators privately demanding to know why White House set them up to take the fall over Bolton
- Former Fox News Colleagues and MAGA Faithful Turn On 'Rejected Neocon' John Bolton
- GOP ex-congressman calls on Justice Roberts to override Republican effort to block witnesses
- Trump falsely claims House Democrats "never" asked Bolton to testify
- Susan Collins Weighs In: Reports on Bolton 'Strengthen the Case For Witnesses'
- Mitt Romney: 'Increasingly Likely' Senate Republicans Will Call John Bolton as Witness
- Rudy Giuliani Tells Fox Viewers to Watch OAN in Trainwreck Interview With Pirro: My Evidence ‘Gets Censored!’
- 'Don't Be Such a Baby!': Fox News Host Calls Pompeo 'An Embarrassment' For 'Ridiculous' Attack on NPR Reporter
- Meghan McCain Blames Reporters For 'Breakdown of Trust' With Trump After NPR-Pompeo Fracas
Trump was worried about Obama bugging Trump Tower with sophisticated CIA techniques, but he's able to get recorded by small-time crooks at dinner for 85 minutes totally undetected.
Imagine what Russia has on him. - Leslie tweet
Elmer Gantry Is Paula White In Drag
President Donald Trump's spiritual adviser Paula White defended herself on Sunday against criticism over a prayer she made earlier this month in which she asked for "all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now," saying her words were taken "out of context for political gain."
“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” — William Shakespeare
GOP senators: "I refuse to look at any of your stupid evidence"also GOP senators: "I WAS BLINDSIDED TO LEARN OF THIS EVIDENCE" - Jeff Tiedrich
Rock The Voter News
- Adam Schiff Responds to Trump Saying ‘He Has Not Paid the Price, Yet’: The President ‘Intended’ it as a Threat
- Democratic Impeachment Managers Call on Bolton to Testify: 'The Choice is Clear: Our Constitution or a Cover-Up'
- Poll: Sanders, Buttigieg top Democratic field in New Hampshire
What an ironic twist of fate that Ken Starr is now in front of the Senate basically giving Trump a bj. - Nick Jack Pappas
When Your Wife Is More Important Than The Impeachment Trial
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said on Sunday that he would miss part of the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump to be with his wife, Joyce Miller, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
“On Monday, I will be in New York with her to meet with doctors, determine a path forward, and begin her treatment,” Nadler said in a statement. “I am sorry to miss some of the Senate Impeachment Trial, which is of critical importance to our democracy. I plan to return to Washington late Monday and appreciate the support of my colleagues and staff as I take this time to be with my wife and begin the long fight against her cancer.”
Bolton Pledges To Donate All Proceeds From Book Towards Killing Iranians. - The Onion
CDC Urges Americans To Just Say No If Friend Offers Them Coronavirus. - The Onion
Business/Tech News
- Stocks Tumble Around the World on Virus Jitters
- China scrambles to build hospital in 10 days
- Amazon to build distribution center in Chicago’s Pullman neighborhood, bringing 100s of jobs
- The New Boeing 777X Has Wings That Fold Up and the World's Largest Twin-Engine
- 'We were utterly humiliated': Thai Airways tells plus size women they're 'too big' for business class seats
LA County Sheriff rightly slams TMZ for breaking the Kobe news before his family could be informed. They are a despicable organization. - Scott Fineberg
Could The Coronavirus Come To A Town Near You?
More than 100 people in 26 states are being monitored for the new coronavirus that has killed 81 people in China, a U.S. health official said Monday.
Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said 110 people are "under investigation" for the virus but added that human-to-human transmission of the virus has not been documented in the U.S.
Boarding a flight in Costa Rica. A little boy in front of me was holding his phone then turned to the adult male he was with and said “TMZ said Kobe died!!” Every passenger reached for their phones and some starting crying. His impact was global. My heart breaks for his family. - Jamal Spencer
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