A recording reviewed by ABC News appears to capture President Donald Trump telling associates he wanted the then U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch fired – and speaking at a small gathering that included Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman -- two former business associates of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani who have since been indicted in New York.
Trump could shoot someone in the senate and still get acquitted 53-47. unless he shot a republican, then it would be 52-47.- mith tweet
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- State Department, CDC issue travel advisory over Chinese virus
- Trump administration unveils new rules aimed at preventing foreign women from traveling to US to give birth
- Trump Team Reportedly Threatens Republican Senators: Vote Against Us and ‘Your Head Will Be On a Pike’
Caligula once warned his Senators that their heads would end up on pikes. Then he was assassinated and the Senate immediately ordered the destruction of his statues in hopes of eradicating him from Rome's history. - Scott Linnen
The Effects Of the Soleimani Assassination
Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched through Baghdad on Friday calling for US troops to leave Iraq, heeding the call of powerful Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr who called for a "Million Man March."
Let's hear it for the United States Senate Republicans, or as I call them: the good old U.S.S.R. - Bette Midler
Republican Shenanigans
- Fox & Friends Desperately Try to Wrap Up Rudy Giuliani's Hot Mess of an Interview: 'We're Done!'
- Fox's Napolitano Makes Damning Case for Trump's Conviction: The Evidence is 'Ample and Uncontradicted'
- As Trump heads to Doral, Florida Republicans send a message on climate change
- Prince Charles didn't snub Mike Pence, Pence's rep insists
- Pence appears to reference Trump impeachment in exchange with Netanyahu at Holocaust event
- DeVos compares abortion rights debate to slavery
- Ted Cruz Goes After 'MOST Partisan/Unfair' Manu Raju: 'When You’re Obnoxious, We Answer Other Reporters'
- Sen. Marsha Blackburn Shredded for Citing Fake News From Pizzagater to Smear Ukraine Witness: 'What an Absolute Embarrassment'
- Judge: No keeping Trump out of Avenatti trial
- Another inmate has died at Mississippi's Parchman prison, making 8 deaths at the facility this year
- Trump administration moves against California on abortion coverage by health plans
Republicans are wastin' a perfectly good impeachment. It's an awesome opportunity to kick Trump out of office before he destroys their party. He'd would be immediately disgraced and indicted for his other crimes and they would not longer have to live in fear of him. - Tea Pain
Kavanaugh Whines About Imaginary Catholic Bigotry
Well, the 2019 “War on Christmas” is over, so it’s time for the January 2020 version of disingenuous claims of religious persecution. Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh are here to deliver....Kavanaugh: No Tax Break for Religious Scholarships Is ‘Grotesque Religious Bigotry Against Catholics’
The impeachment case isn't about sexual assault, but for women and survivors, it's horrifying to see Alan Dershowitz, Ken Starr, Jim Jordan, and Trump congeal together to protect each other. - Full Frontal tweet
Meanwhile, Immigrant Kids Are Facing Pure Hell Daily
Immigrant Kids Were Restrained to Chairs With Bags Over Their Heads at a Juvenile Hall in Virginia
The purpose of their detention, a group of district attorneys argues, should be “protect them from harm, not to punish them.”

Rock The Voter News
- 'Corrupt scheme and cover-up': Schiff lays out the case for impeachment
- Biden, Sanders battle for top spot in new national poll
- Bernie Sanders' wealth tax would raise $1 trillion less than he estimates, Wharton study shows
- Bernie Sanders Boasts of Joe Rogan Endorsement Calling Him 'Insanely Consistent His Entire Life'
- Joe Rogan’s Bernie Endorsement Draws Outrage As Clip Surfaces Comparing Black Neighborhood to ‘Planet of the Apes’
- Biden Tax Plan Raises Majority of Money From Top 0.1% of Households, Study Finds
Moscow Mitch, Midnight Mitch...it doesn’t matter what you call Mitch McConnell, as long as you’re calling to let him know there’s a new deposit in his offshore bank account! - Bette Midler
Schumer Calls Out Republicans on Hunter Biden: They Have the Votes to Call Him To Testify
Senate Minority Leader and Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer dared Republicans to call Hunter Biden — son of former Vice President Joe Biden and a central figure in the alleged scheme to extort political help from the Ukrainian government — as a witness in the Senate impeachment trial, pointing out that the GOP “have 53 votes,” and adding that to do so would expose their defense of President Donald Trump as purely political.
The argument that impeachment is an effort to overturn the 2016 election is ridiculous on the face of it. Look at the calendar, dudes. - Stephen King

Business/Tech News
- Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin: Greta Thunberg Should Study 'Economics in College' And Then 'Come Back'
- Lawmakers introduce bill to reform controversial surveillance authorities
- Soros accuses Facebook of helping re-elect Trump
- It's been 3 months since the New Orleans Hard Rock Hotel collapse. The bodies of those killed are still there
- ‘Forever chemicals’ are in nearly all U.S. drinking water, activists say. Miami is #3 on the list.
One positive side of this whole impeachment mess - we get to see how big CNN can make their homepage font. - Conan O'Brien
EPA: No Clean Water For You!
The Environmental Protection Agency is dramatically reducing federal pollution protections for rivers, streams and wetlands – a move welcomed by many farmers, builders and mining companies but opposed even by the agency's own science advisers.
I love your blog and support it. But why ridicule someone's looks?