Mueller was testifying for hours on Capitol Hill about his investigation into Russian interference, possible coordination by members of Trump’s campaign and possible obstruction of justice by Trump himself.
The focus on the Mueller hearing this week speaks volumes. Perhaps the state of our country is best revealed by the fact that rather being called to march we have been called to watch TV. - Sherrilyn Ifill
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Mueller on Trump’s “love” of WikiLeaks: “Problematic is an understatement”
- ICE raids touted by Trump net only 35 arrests
- Thousands of unaccompanied migrant children could be detained indefinitely
- Puerto Rico legislature to begin impeachment process against Gov. Ricardo Rosselló
For any Americans wondering who Boris Johnson is, he's what would happen if you threw Donald Trump, a hay bale and a thesaurus into a washing machine and then it caught fire. - Technically Ron tweet
Meanwhile. Back In Iran...
The top military adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that Tehran would not negotiate with the United States under any circumstances, an apparent hardening of its position as the Gulf tanker crisis escalates.
Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson. Bad hair is destroying the world. - Randi Mayem Singer
Republican Shenanigans
- Sarah Huckabee Sanders claims Mueller testimony 'once again vindicates' Trump
- GOP lawmaker tears into Mueller, alleging his report violates DOJ principles
- Mueller agrees lies by Trump officials impeded his investigation
- Donald Trump Jr. promotes tweet describing Mueller as ‘mentally retarded’
- Scarborough during Mueller hearing: 'Jesus, forgive me for ever being a Republican'
- Giuliani: Biden not 'smart enough' to be president
- Watchdog to probe potential interference by Interior officials in releasing public records
- Pennsylvania school district turns down local businessman's offer to pay off student lunch debts
To distract from Mueller, Trump is going to bomb Sweden. - Roland Scahill
Lady Liberty's Spirit Arrives In Tennessee
Neighbors and activists gathered for hours in a Tennessee driveway Monday morning while they said two Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers attempted to talk a man and his 12-year-old son into getting out of their van.
Eventually, more than 10 bystanders linked arms around the van, creating a pathway for the pair to enter their house.
ICE public information officer in Nashville Bryan Cox said the officers then drove away to deescalate the situation.
Think how laughable the idea of a Trump presidential library is. I’m thinking more like a Trump museum of crime, housed in Mar-a-Lago after it’s been confiscated. - Michael Beschloss
A step shy of a felon isn’t a ringing endorsement to be President. - Neal Katyal
Rock The Voter News
- Poll: Biden has 7-point lead over 2020 field, Warren follows in second place
- Bernie Sanders' 2020 presidential campaign has been hit with an unfair labor practice complaint
- David Axelrod: Mueller 'does not appear as sharp' as he was 6 years ago
- Protestor yelling about Trump Tower meeting thrown out of Mueller hearing
There was a senator- I think it was after the pancreatic cancer- who announced with great glee that I was going to be dead within 6 months. That senator- whose name I've forgotten- is now himself dead. And I am very much alive. - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Supreme Court Justice
Warren Wants Impeachment Proceedings Now!
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Wednesday ramped up pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump, saying that the House should put aside political concerns and get lawmakers on the record for where they stand.
At a NAACP forum in Detroit, moderator April Ryan noted that the organization had called on the House to impeach Trump a day before, and asked Warren her thoughts.
Trump Confident His Supporters Do Not Know Meaning of Words Exonerated And Exculpated. - Andy Borowitz
Business/Tech News
- US, China to resume trade talks next week in Shanghai
- The Justice Department Is Launching an Antitrust Review of Big Tech
- Deutsche Bank reportedly flagged Jeffrey Epstein
- Woman removed from American Airlines flight after smashing laptop on partner's head
- Toddler injured at Atlanta airport after ride on baggage conveyor belt
Instead of protecting our system from the Russians, House Republicans are protecting Trump from our system. - Andy Borowitz
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! No, It's a UPS Drone!
United Parcel Service (UPS) expects to receive Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval by the end of the year to conduct drone delivery anywhere in the United States.
“We’re taking off the training wheels and starting to ride,” said Bala Ganesh, vice president of UPS’s Advanced Technology Group.
Fox To Air Benghazi Hearings Marathon on Wednesday. - Andy Borowitz
Day 11 of the flu.
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