Fox averaged 3 million viewers during the hearings, with 441,000 in the key 25-54 demographic. MSNBC came in second place with 2.4 million viewers and 347,000 in the same demographic. ABC was third with 2.1 million viewers, NBC nabbed 1.99 million, and CBS had 1.9 million. CNN was sixth with 1.5 million viewers.
Trump Fears Next Election Will Be Decided by Americans. - Andy Borowitz
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Donald Trump vetoes bills prohibiting arms sales to Saudi Arabia
- North Korea launches 2 short range missiles
- US Navy sails warship through contested waterway as Beijing warns Taiwan
- US Navy SEAL team ordered home from ISIS fight for drinking alcohol
- 16 Marines arrested at Camp Pendleton on charges ranging from human smuggling to drug-related offenses
- UK temperature peaks as Europe heatwave smashes records
- Puerto Rico governor to resign after mass protests
HE SOLD OUT HIS COUNTRY FOR A BUILDING IN MOSCOW. Take that in, America. Let it sink in, that you have elected a mobster who doesn’t give a flying f*ck about you. - Bette Midler
Trump Gets Pranked
As Donald Trump addressed a rightwing crowd in Washington on Tuesday, the audience roared in support – but it was a doctored onscreen display that ultimately took center stage...First, the eagle has not one but two heads – making it look a lot like Russia’s coat of arms. And instead of holding arrows, as the bird does in the US seal, it’s holding golf clubs.
Mueller: I wrote a detailed, 400-page report explaining an attack on our country. I spent years on it. See also: indictments + people in prison.
Pundits: yes, but can you do it with jazz hands? A table flip? A racist tweet? Otherwise, we'll be bored. - Sara Danner Dukic
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump Gave a Speech Next to a Presidential Seal Doctored to Resemble a Russian Symbol
- The #ClintonBodyCount 1990s conspiracy theories re-emerged after reports of Jeffrey Epstein suicide attempt
- Lawmaker claims she's being pressured to back off push for Epstein probe
- Kudlow: 'The president doesn't make things up'
- Rubio shares edited interview clip, calls Omar 'racist'
- Reporter behind Epstein exposé reveals harassment by Alan Dershowitz — and now ‘weird’ computer attacks
- Collins says she hasn't decided on 2020 run, blames 'dark money groups'
- ‘It’s a disaster over there’: Commerce reaches new heights of dysfunction
- Aspen police chief hits 'disappointing' failure of Pence event organizer to pay back $24K security bill
- Meghan McCain says she regrets calling Hillary Clinton 'crooked'
Republicans Defend Trump’s Decision To Give Putin Office Space At White House. - Andy Borowitz
Russian Ties To Maryland's Voter Info
Maryland’s Democratic senators want a Senate committee to require disclosures of foreign investments in U.S. election systems, an alarm bell set off by a Russian oligarch’s connection to their state’s voter registration system.
On the same day Mueller warned Russia is interfering in the 2020 election “as we sit here” & that accepting foreign assistance has become the “new normal”, Senate GOP blocked two election security bills, including one requiring campaigns inform FBI of offers of foreign help. - Jim Sciutto, CNN
This is simple. McConnell does not think Trump can win without Russia’s help.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked two election security measures on Thursday, arguing Democrats are trying to give themselves a "political benefit."
The move comes a day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned about election meddling in 2020, saying Russia was laying the groundwork to interfere in the 2020 election "as we sit here."
Welcome, UK, to the Idiotic Leaders Club! - Andy Borowitz
Rock The Voter News
- Ed Markey calls for Trump impeachment in Senate speech
- Schiff Says 2020 Election Is The ‘Only Way’ Trump Gets Removed From Office
- Schiff: Mueller testimony emboldened impeachment backers, but 'I'm not there yet'
- House Oversight panel postpones vote to hold Kellyanne Conway in contempt
- Biden leads Trump in hypothetical Ohio matchup, poll shows
- Poll: Majority of voters say ‘send her back’ chants were racist
Nadler: Did you actually totally exonerate the president?
Mueller: No
Buck: You believe that you could charge the president of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office?
Mueller: Yes.
Republicans: CLINTONS EAT ORPHANS! - Stonekettle tweet
Barr Brings Back The Death Penalty.
Attorney General Bill Barr announced Thursday the federal government will be resuming capital punishment.
In the announcement, the U.S. Department of Justice said the decision was made related to "five death-row inmates convicted of murdering, and in some cases torturing and raping, the most vulnerable in our society -- children and the elderly."
The Christians of the Trump gang reinstate the federal death penalty; aka "Forgive us our trespasses, as we lethally inject those who trespass against us." - John Fugelsang
Business/Tech News
- Major automakers buck Trump's emissions rollback
- Steven Mnuchin says Amazon has 'destroyed' US retail industry
- Equifax breach: Now file a claim for your share of the $700M settlement
- Good News For The King Of Beer: People Are Drinking More
Did the evangelical farmers ever figure out why God wanted Trump to bankrupt them and place them on a socialist welfare program? Also, do the farmers think that farmers should be drug tested before cashing their welfare checks? - Treason Stickers tweet
Yikes! Nationwide Salmonella Outbreak
Two people are dead and 768 are ill due to a nationwide Salmonella outbreak, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.
The CDC recently posted updates regarding two separate outbreaks – one linked to contact with poultry in backyard flocks and one linked to contact with pig ear dog treats.
Americans work more hours, take less vacation, work longer days, retire later.
But hey at least we're not stuck with socialized health care. - John Fugelsang
Fundraisers are like tires, you just have to fill them up every once in a while.
On your soda bit, the one I have missed most of my life was Canada Dry's Wink ("the sassy one"); it was a grapefruit based soda - so deliciously refreshing. So sad it is now gone.