Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Hey, Big Spender...

US deficit soars to $691 billion, expected to top $1 trillion this year
The federal deficit in the first six months of the 2019 fiscal year reached $691 billion, according to new federal data, eclipsing the full-year deficits from 2015-2017.
The data released by the Treasury Department projects that deficits will reach $1.1 trillion by the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30.

It's 2019 and Americans can't agree on why Hitler was bad, because maybe half the country ate lead paint chips or some goddamned thing or maybe, just maybe, hear me out: maybe Fox News and their ilk are eating away at the brains of millions of gullible f*cking snake-oil addicts. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Pence Calls Space Force Necessary To Protect Us From Gay Aliens. - Andy Borowitz

Republicans Finally Notice That Trump May Be Nuts
Even President Donald Trump’s allies are getting nervous as his behavior — never restrained or deliberative — has become more unpredictable and tumultuous in recent weeks.

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump: "If [George Washington] was smart, he would've put his name on [Mount Vernon]. You've got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you."

Wrong. Everyone remembers Judas Iscariot and Benedict Arnold, and everyone will remember Donald Trump for the same reason. - Middle Age Riot

Trump to Discontinue Obama-Era Practice of Using Lowercase Letters. - Andy Borowitz

No Sympathy Here For A Woman Who Caged Kids
Republican operatives acknowledge that it will be hard for newly-ousted Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to get a new job given her reputation.

Q. What do you call a journalist who doesn't call Trump's lies "lies?" 
A. Not a journalist.   But hey, access.
-John Fugelsang


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When a gun is present in a domestic violence situation, the risk of the woman getting murdered rises by 500 percent. 
Tell your senators to stand up to the NRA, close the "boyfriend loophole," and reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. - Hillary Clinton tweet

Rock The Voter News

Karen Pence Offended By Pete Buttigieg. LOL.
Karen Pence, the wife of Vice President Pence, said Tuesday that people “shouldn’t be attacked for what your religious beliefs are,” responding to recent comments from South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Obama has joined a growing movement of so-called “schoolers,” who contend that Trump never attended school. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Betsy DeVos Suggests That Bribing Colleges Helps Students Learn Math.  - Andy Borowitz

Marijuana CFO Needs Guns & Guards
Normally, a chief financial officer's job involves poring over balance sheets and bank statements. But in the pot business, the job still bears a lot of similarities to the illicit trade — transporting loads of cash under the watchful eye of big guys carrying lots of guns.

It's nice to wake up to a day where the breaking news is that scientists have captured the first image of a black hole. Let us pause to rejoice in the creativity, determination, hard work, and collaborations of those who extend the frontiers of human knowledge. Yay science! - Dan Rather

Boy, do I ever, only till I am fully unpacked!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Human ingenuity is amazing.


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