Monday, July 27, 2015

Obama Blasts GOP Critics of Iran Nuclear Deal


Obama Blasts GOP Critics of Iran Nuclear Deal
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia—President Barack Obama excoriated Republican critics of the nuclear agreement with Iran—particularly the GOP presidential candidates—saying they’re playing “fast and loose” with the facts to scuttle the accord and making a mockery of the American political process.

My siblings are here, aunts, uncles. And so, tonight, I welcome all of them to a somewhat unusual Obama family reunion. I suspect that some of my critics back home are suggesting that I’m back here to look for my birth certificate. That is not the case. - President Barack Obama in Kenya

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Ever wonder how ol' Hitler feels bein' constantly compared to a black man that supports gay marriage and minorities?- TeaPainUSA

Iran Is Mad At Obama
A nuclear agreement may have been reached between Iran and the US. This didn't stop Iran's top leader from tweeting an image of the president with a gun to his head.

Pretty clear that the first Republican candidate who compares immigrants to Hitler is going to win this primary.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Mike Huckabee is to Christianity what Jesus was to saying stupid offensive sh*t to get attention. - John Fugelsang

Jeb Experiences Sharknado Culture Shock
Jeb Bush dealt with a lot of hurricanes during his time as Florida's governor, but a "Sharknado" is one storm the 2016 presidential hopeful doesn't want to mess with.

In a video posted to his YouTube account Friday, the Republican admitted he had never heard of the airborne shark-based movie franchise, and said he's never seen anything like it.

If everyone in a movie theater had a gun, we wouldn't have to worry about gun violence. This is why war zones are noted for their safety.- LOLGOP

Scrambled Eggs For Brains Speaks
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) is unleashing a new defense of the Confederate flag by arguing it kills fewer blacks than Planned Parenthood.

With Demagoguery Inflation going on in the GOP, the winner of the debates is going to have to pull off the nearly impossible Triple Hitler.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Not only does God endorse Multiculturalism but He seems to have invented it.- John Fugelsang

Well, KISS My Grits
Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush: newest KISS members?
The ex-commander in chiefs were eyed rubbing shoulders with the rock band’s frontman, Gene Simmons, over the weekend.

 Click here

The Party of Lincoln became the party of the flag of the guys who killed Lincoln.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

To those who say Donald Trump is making us the laughingstock of the world, actually our gun laws already did that.- Andy Borowitz

13 Giant Companies Believe In Global Warming
Thirteen giant companies joined the Obama administration’s Act on Climate initiative Monday, announcing at least $140 billion in new low-carbon investment and more than 1,600 megawatts (MW) of new renewable energy, the White House said.

I like when I'm on hold and a machine tells me my call is very important to it.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sent in by a favorite AHNC viewer, Dennis: A friend of mine, Brenda, was hiking near Ouray, Colorado yesterday.  That's about 30 miles to the south and about a mile and half higher from where I live.  She said they took a ton of photos and liked this one best.

This is so cool, spring flowers end of July!  Photo by Brenda


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