Monday, July 15, 2024

From Bone Spurs to Ear Spurs

The FBI identified the shooter, who was fatally shot by Secret Service agents, as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

This shooting will undoubtedly cause Trump to become kinder and more philosophical, just like what happened with Steve Scalise. - Al Cappuccino

Well, We ALL Knew This Was Coming. 11th Circuit, Your Move.

If Judge Cannon's ruling holds, the Hunter Biden conviction would have to be thrown out. - Kyle Griffin, MSNBC

Reminder: Judge Cannon, a Trump appointee, has already been overruled multiple times by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. - Kyle Griffin, MSNBC

So will Judge Cannon have a speaking spot at the RNC? - Al Cappuccino

Republican Shenanigans

Sarah Palin once created a crosshairs map that resulted in the shooting of Gabby Giffords. Take your both sides BS and get lost. It gets none here. - Matt Murphy

Marking A Turning Point?
Billionaire Elon Musk endorsed former President Trump’s campaign after an assassination attempt on the former president at a Saturday rally, marking a turning point for Musk and his political shift toward the right in recent years. 

Has there been any kind of news conference by Trump's doctors? I just find this weirder every moment... - Joan Walsh


Mike Pence sent a condolence card to trump. It said “Sorry about the assassination attempt, it happened to me at my last job.” - NotHoodlum


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Rock The Voter News

Our founders anticipated a Donald Trump but they didn't anticipate an entire rogue judiciary. - Jeff Tiedrich

MAGA: “We need to unify and stop dividing this country!”

Also MAGA: “Fuck you, California libtard f*ggot soy boy!!” - mikeynog

Interesting:  Bill Barr Rears His Ugly Head
Former Attorney General Bill Barr said he thinks Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle should be fired for the way she has handled the fallout from the Saturday assassination attempt against former President Trump.


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Business/Tech News

A little Ivermectin should heal that ear right up. - Rick Lenzie

MAGA keeps saying god intervened to save Trump's life, but how do they know it wasn't Satan. -  adgirlMM

Texans Still Without Power In This Brutal Heat Shame On You, Gov. Abbott!
 With around 270,000 homes and businesses still without power in the Houston area almost a week after Hurricane Beryl hit Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday said he's demanding an investigation into the response of the utility that serves the area as well as answers about its preparations for upcoming storms.

Well, Joe Biden's age is not the hot hot hot news it was last week, thanks Trump!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Cala Luna in Sardegna, Italy. Just beautiful, I wish I was in that inflatable boat right now.


Friday, July 12, 2024

Watch Biden's full news conference from last night defying calls for him to drop out

President Biden, in a solo press conference Thursday night, said he's staying in the presidential race in order to "finish the job" he...

I’ve lost all faith in the media. It’s consolidated and mostly owned by “conservative” fascists who probably visited Epstein Island. - ivanastaircam

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Trump is getting a free pass just like he did in 2016.  No way he could do a press conference for 40 minutes after 3 long days with world leaders.  He is incoherent most of time when he’s not spewing bile. Its sickening. - Karen Finney

John Bolton is more dangerous than Trump. El Pais wrote an article about him 2 years ago when he admitted being involved in some coups -- click here for the English version 

SHOCKER: CNN Analyst Showers Biden With Praise
CNN analyst and longtime Democratic strategist Paul Begala gushed about President Joe Biden’s performance at a press conference, praising Biden’s “mastery” and calling it a “tour de force and a tour of the world!”

“I’ve spent more time with Xi Jinping than any other president,” says Biden, before adding “And by the way I handed in my notes.”

That, a reference to Trump infamously keeping the notes from one of his conversations with Putin. - Jim Sciutto, CNN

Republican Shenanigans

The constant piling on of Biden day after day is not having the intended effect many hoped for.  He stood there and talked about policy details in ways Trump never has in his entire life at any age. - Adam Parkhomenko

If Texas Was On The National Power Grid, All Of Texas Would Have Power

Donald Trump was in clear cognitive decline for four years in the White House.

Why was no one talking about that? - Rep. Pramila Jayapal


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Rock The Voter News

The NYTimes’s declaration that Trump is unfit is only about 8 years late. - Andy Borowitz

David Axelrod Is A Danger To The Democratic Party
Veteran Democratic Party strategist David Axelrod warned after President Joe Biden’s Thursday night press conference that it sounded like “ Biden’s team has not been very candid with him” about his current political standing.

President Biden has been in politics for 50 years. 

There will come a time when his service to this country will end - specifically in about 4 and a half years. 

He will go down as the man that single handedly blocked the strongest push to fascism America has ever encountered. - justcuuper

Still Ridin’ With Biden, and the sanctimonious elites like George Clooney can kiss my tattered frogman’s ass. - LeftyNavySeal


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Business/Tech News

CNN is in shock as their senior focus group overwhelmingly praised Biden's performance, with all but one member agreeing that he did very well and should run again. - ChrisDJackson

Apparently, The GOP Anti-Immigration Policy Is Working
For the first time since 2005, a majority of Americans believe immigration levels should be decreased, according to a Gallup poll conducted in June.

I just hope I live long enough to see the media do this to a Republican. - John Cole

Media: Biden didn't perform a triple lutz with a backflip. He needs to resign.

Biden: GFY



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lacets de Montvernier in the French Alps. Car, yes -- bicycle, no.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Morning Joe Goes Scorched Earth on Obama, Suggests Jealous Ex-President Is Behind Clooney’s Biden Op-Ed

Morning Joe Goes Scorched Earth on Obama, Suggests Jealous Ex-President Is Behind Clooney’s Biden Op-Ed
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski teed off on former President Barack Obama Thursday morning, blaming him for a scathing New York Times op-ed by George Clooney calling for President Joe Biden to be replaced as the Democratic presidential nominee.

America has lost its damn mind. - Luke Zaleski

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Biden was up there yesterday literally leading nato with deep respect from heads of state. Trump’s meeting with dictators. And Biden’s the problem here? Give me a break. Dude is literally doing the job while idiots say he can’t. - Umairh

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Are Worried About Putin's Influence On The Election. Aren't We All?
Russia is turning to a familiar playbook in its attempt to sway the outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election, looking for ways to boost the candidacy of former President Donald Trump by disparaging the campaign of incumbent President Joe Biden, according to American intelligence officials.

You would think Clarence Thomas going to Russia on someone else’s dime and not reporting it would be more of a story. - Jon B. Wolfsthal

Defiant Ginni Thomas Vows to Keep her Seat on Supreme Court. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump's been posting pictures of Barron all day like he's his running mate.

What the fk is up with that? - Molly Ploofkins

The Dictator & The D____ To Dance At Mar-a-Lago. Will Barron Attend or CIA Moles?

Dear journalists: Every story you write about Trump's VP selection process should note that he wanted his last VP hanged. - Mark Elliot

If you think the GOP and MSM won't go after Kamala Harris 100 times harder than they're going after Biden you're as deluded as the other guy's cult. - Michael Little


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Rock The Voter News

FACT: Donald trump's administration disbanded the U.S. Pandemic Response team in 2018, well before COVID struck and his deadly incompetence cost lives. 

Many people have forgotten this is part of his failed record, but I'm here to remind y'all. 

PASS IT ON. - Brooklyn Dad Defiant

So, How's The GOP House Legislation Going?

Dems are still going to win in November and I don’t think a lot of folks are prepared for it. - Brett Meiselas 


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Business/Tech News

Biden took on corporate America by backing unions, forcing down the price of insulin, stepping up antitrust enforcement and freeing workers from non-compete agreements - in case you were wondering why the rich white guys in our own party have it in for him. - Wesley Clark

I'd Bet The Ranch That Jack Smith Received Manuscript Updates

If the Supreme Court wasn't corrupt, Trump would be getting sentenced today. - Molly Ploofkins

Florida In One Picture
