Monday, September 20, 2021

Small crowd gathers near the Capitol to protest arrests of Jan. 6 rioters

A sparse crowd of demonstrators gathered near the nation's Capitol to rally for those criminally charged in the Jan. 6 deadly pro-Trump...

More people published anti-Trump books this week than showed up at the pro-Trump rally. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

On this day 2001, George W Bush declared war on terror. 20 years , trillions of dollars spent, 4 presidents later, the Taliban was replaced with the Taliban. - Irishrygirl tweet

Has Iran Killed More Israelis or Has Israel Killed More Iranians?

Those who carried out 9-11 never had a chance of destroying America. Never came close. We hunted down the guy in charge, put a bullet in his brain and threw his body into the sea

The terrorists who carried out January 6th are far more dangerous and THEIR leader is still alive. - Stonekettle

Republican Shenanigans

I used to think that using the Lord’s name in vain meant not saying, 
Oh my God! or Jesus Christ! But it doesn’t.

Using the Lord’s name in vain means that church leaders must not manipulate the poor to pay for yachts, vacations and mansions, while ignoring the needs of the poor. - Ally Oop tweet

Trump Tower Losing Renters? LOL

A patient had the nerve to say to me "this is what you signed up for when you do this job." when discussing Covid.

I corrected him & said, "no, sir. This is absolutely NOT what I signed up for. I can handle the virus. I've never been treated like the enemy till now." - Ratchet Nurse tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Ignorance isn’t bliss. It’s deadly. - Dan Rather

AOC Apparently Didn't Do A Background Check On Her Dress Designer. FYI: I ALWAYS DO!

When I die, I'm gonna tell St. Peter that I was blocked on Twitter by Jerry Falwell Jr. Sebastian Gorka, Scott Baio AND Sean Hannity; just to see if he offers me an express lane. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

The Sacklers will only have to pay $4.5 billion of their $11 billion fortune for pushing the OxyContin/opioid epidemic.

Just 7.5% will go to actual victims  - about $5,700 per family. The rest will go to corporations, lawyers and governments. - Dan Price

A Billionaire & His Ego Reacts To Biden
Elon Musk made fun of President Joe Biden on Sunday, alluding to former President Donald Trump's nickname for Biden, "Sleepy Joe."

Eric trump complaining about getting subpoena after subpoena hits better than espresso shots. - Brooklyn Dad tweet


Yesterday, I avoided getting blown up by my gas stove. 
Due to quick thinking by my neighbors, you are not reading my obituary.

No more gas for me. Shudder.


Friday, September 17, 2021

Tomorrow is going to be very interesting in Washington D.C.

The organizer for Saturday's “Justice for J6” rally is asking that attendees do not wear pro-Trump clothing at the event.
Matt Braynard, the organizer behind the rally and a former Trump campaign staffer, asked attendees in a tweet on Tuesday not to display any symbols that are supportive of former President Trump or President Biden, contending the demonstration is “100% about #JusticeforJ6 and not the election or any candidate.”

In the United States, today is Constitution Day, which Republicans are celebrating by planning their next insurrection. - Middle Age Riot

In number of COVID-19 deaths, Florida is up to 80 Benghazis per day. - Middle Age Riot


BREAKING TEXAS NEWS: Abortion Ban Will Encourage Abstinence. LOL.
The legal architect of the Texas abortion ban has argued in a supreme court brief that overturning Roe v Wade, the landmark decision which guarantees a right to abortion in the US, would compel women to practice abstinence as a way to “control their reproductive lives”.

Um, a General telling the Chinese that Trump is out of his mind is not exactly revealing classified information. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

When hatemongers like Laura Loomer, who once said COVID-19 was less deadly than a bad fajita, are hospitalized with severe cases of COVID-19, it's not irony or karma: it's science.

Sweet, hilarious science. - Middle Age Riot

Federal Judge Says No To Running Down Protesters In Flori-duh
A federal judge on Thursday blocked part of a sweeping anti-protest bill enacted by Florida Republicans and Governor Ron DeSantis, writing that officials’ reaction to peaceful protests in the summer of 2020 is akin to the unlawful racist backlash seen during 1960s protests against Jim Crow laws.

This would be a very good day for anti-vaccination & anti-mask people to stop calling themselves "pro-life." - John Fugelsang

Congratulations to Laura Loomer, the most recent graduate of F*ck Around And Find Out University. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

Every elected official involved in the deadly insurrection and coup attempt of Jan 6 is roaming free, but sure, let’s get to the bottom of why Joe Biden has a cough. - Steven Beschloss

What This Boils Down To Is: He Said, He Said
A former lawyer for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign law firm pleaded not guilty on Friday to lying to the FBI, a charge by a U.S. special counsel investigating the origins of a FBI probe of potential ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign.

Today, would be a good day, to indict Donald Trump. - Bill Maxwell


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Business/Tech News

NEW: California created 44% of the nation's new jobs last month.

Our state is leading the way on economic recovery. - Gov. Gavin Newsom

Apple and Google Cave In To Russia

A couple asked if I’d give up my window seat on the plane so they could sit together. I’m sorry but your love is not as important as me seeing the airplane take off. - Solomon Georgio 


Thursday, September 16, 2021

What We Know About The Right-Wing Rally Planned For Sept. 18

D.C. is preparing for far-right activists and, potentially, white supremacist groups to visit the city. Here's what residents need to know.

Turns out "basket of deplorables" was a grotesque understatement. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Chinese Call General Milley Telling Them Trump Was Insane "Totally Unnecessary" - Andy Borowitz

Roger Stone Served With Lawsuit While On-Air. LOL.
Roger Stone, the political operative who was convicted of obstructing an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and then pardoned by former President Donald Trump, was served with a lawsuit dealing with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot while chatting live on the radio.

Want to make heads explode. Pass a law that makes vaccines a requirement in order to own a gun. - Mike Farb tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Let's call the Texas anti-choice bill what it really is: the Rapists' Bill of Rights. - Beth Moore

The FBI Director Needs To Fire People Or Resign

Brett Kavanaugh’s  appointment to SCOTUS was sponsored by The Federalist Society
Chris Wray head of the FBI is a member of The Federalist Society
The FBI received 4.500 tips on Brett Kavanaugh’s behavior
The FBI declined to investigate these allegations

Any Questions? - Jay Rouse

Anti-vax conservative radio hosts are the first-ever Willingly Endangered Species. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

Newsom Hands Out Participation Trophies To Other 46 Candidates. - Andy Borowitz

To Think He Was 2nd In Line To The Presidency...
Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert and a man who accused him of child sexual abuse reached a tentative out-of-court settlement Wednesday over Hastert’s refusal to pay the man $1.8 million — the outstanding balance in hush money that the Illinois Republican agreed to pay the man in 2010.

My takeaway from the Nicki Minaj story is we could use some of those Trinidad newscasters on our morning television. - Schooley tweet


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Business/Tech News

This CEO Has The Right Stuff

To tell a falsehood is like the cut of a saber: for though the wound may heal, the scar of it will remain. -Saadi


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
 This village, Castellfollit de La Roca, Spain, is built on a basaltic cliff more than 50 meters high and spreads about 1 kilometer long. Well, it's handy for rappelling.
