Friday, August 27, 2021

'Scary week' ahead in DC as Jan. 6 rally planned and 9/11 anniversary brings new terror risks

'Scary week' ahead in DC as Jan. 6 rally planned and 9/11 anniversary brings new terror risks
Lawmakers and law enforcement officials are increasingly worried about upcoming rallies to support jailed insurrectionists and to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Breaking News: Trump issues a scathing statement against the January Insurrection investigation, claiming if his words and deeds aren’t protected by Executive privilege, it will sour all criminals from running for POTUS in the future. - 7Veritas4 tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Is now a good time to remind Republicans that the Kabul attack was carried out by ISIS and not Joe Biden? - Chip Franklin tweet

What Does This Trump Word Salad Even Mean?
Former President Donald Trump used the occasion of Thursday’s terror attacks in Kabul as an opportunity to repeatedly brag that his administration killed terrorists “many, many times bigger” than 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.

Can someone let me know when cable news stops hosting the parade of people responsible for 20 years in Afghanistan to give them an opportunity to transfuse their guilt onto Biden? - Schooley

Republican Shenanigans

DeSantis Locks Down Florida After Spread Of Covid Vaccination Gets Out Of Hand. - The Onion


Cruelty Is Soooo Republican 

Florida Judge Rules That Residents Have A Right To A Smarter Governor. - Andy Borowitz

The people who are screaming about Americans who died in Afghanistan are curiously quiet about red-state governors killing off Americans with COVID disinformation. - Kimberley Johnson

It’s so nice to have a Press Secretary who not only relays truth and facts, but simultaneously defeats all gotcha question scandal grab bullsh*t with ease, sass and class. Jen Psaki is a badass. - Ricky Davila

Thoughts & Prayers That Rudy Giuliani Will Do The Perp Walk Soon

I just want to have a girls’ night with Jen Psaki where we wear footed jammies and drink cheap Chardonnay and then play “Pin the Deuce-y on the Doocy” and prank call Ted Cruz. - Liddle Savage tweet


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Business/Tech News

CNN is that one friend you defended for years but eventually had to admit they’re a sh*tty person. - cpoliticditto tweet


Texas House Speaker Bans The Word Racism During Voter Rights Debate. Freedumb, Y'all!
Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan banned the word "racism" from a debate on a controversial voter rights bill on Thursday after lawmakers on both sides of the aisle became too boisterous.

Very hard week for our country, but I’m thankful that at least we have a president who doesn’t get up in front of the American people and lie to them about it all. - Kaivan Schroff 



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A Himalayan Griffon Vulture, the second largest of the Old World Vultures, showing off its fake eyes.

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Biden braces for fallout as his dire warnings of a Kabul terror attack come true

Terrorist explosions outside Kabul's international airport on Thursday that killed 12 US service members came after days of public and private warnings from President Joe Biden of a potential attack that could disrupt the massive airlift effort underway there.

How is it the Taliban can prevent civilians from getting to the airport but not armed terrorists?

Your reminder that when four American soldiers were killed in Niger in 2017, Trump's response was to say nothing for 12 days and then call one of the widows a liar. - Jeff Tiedrich

The “Art of the Deal” guy cut more deals with the Taliban than he did with the Democrats. - cpoliticditto tweet


John Bolton Chews Up Pompeo's Rhetoric & Spits It Out

The GOP is high-fiving after bombs go off in Kabul. Because they are the American wing of the Taliban. - Tim Hannan

Republican Shenanigans

Republican politicians right now vehemently outraged over the Taliban killing their own citizens...

...are the very same Americans who spent the last two years passing stand your ground laws and making it legal to drive a car through a crowd of protestors. - Stonekettle tweet

Isn't Poisoning Prisoners Against The Law? Apparently Not In Arkansas.

“But the vaccine doesn’t even guarantee you won’t get sick, it really only stops you from dying.” 

Not dying sounds pretty f*cking spectacular, to me. - Angry Staffer tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Desperate Trump Orders Eric To Become Lawyer. - Andy Borowitz

This Is How A Powerful Republican Is Punished
South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg pleaded no contest Thursday to a pair of misdemeanor traffic charges over a crash last year that killed a pedestrian, avoiding jail time despite bitter complaints from the victim’s family that he was being too lightly punished for actions they called “inexcusable.”

FDA withdraws approval for whatever drug Rand Paul is on. - Andy Borowitz

Americans in Afghanistan have long known it was dangerous to be there. In most every cases it is NOT the USA’s fault they are now stuck in a bad situation. News media finger pointing at Biden is over the top and the MSM should be asking why a war they ignored is now so important? - John Dean


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Business/Tech News

Same people who won't get vaccinated, wear a mask, or wash their hands to protect others against a disease...

...are right now telling you how they would have defended an airport in the middle of a warzone. - Stonekettle tweet

So, How Are Things Going In Covid Infected Florida?
Efforts to keep the sickest COVID-19 patients breathing are draining resources across the state and in Tampa Bay — creating competition between hospitals and municipal water systems for crucial supplies of liquid oxygen.

I wonder about a nation that does more vetting for the host of Jeopardy than for the president. - Jeet Heer tweet


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Charging $6,500 for Seat on Flight Out of Kabul

Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Charging $6,500 for Seat on Flight Out of Kabul
Blackwater founder Erik Prince is among the growing number of private defense contractors and former spies who are attempting to turn a profit on desperate Afghans who want out of their country before the U.S. shutters its 20-year mission on August 31.

Just so there’s no confusion…

Prince Eric: Husband of Ariel.

Erik Prince: Brother of Cruella de Vil. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Pro tip: if you sat silent when Trump abandoned Syria and evacuated exactly zero of our Kurdish allies and handed over our military bases to Russia, kindly sit the fuck down and shut the f*ck up and spare us your fake outrage over Afghanistan. Biden is rescuing tens of thousands. - Jeff Tiedrich

Say What? If The Supreme Court Is Going To Enforce Trump's Policies, Then They Should Make Mexico Pay For The Wall!
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday denied President Joe Biden's bid to rescind an immigration policy implemented by his predecessor, Donald Trump, that forced thousands of asylum seekers to stay in Mexico awaiting U.S. hearings.

Why are Republicans cheering for the US to fail in Afghanistan? - Tristan Snell tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Jacob Wohl is 23 years old. He's facing possible prison and $5,100,000 fine for racist voter suppression aimed at black people in five states.

23 years old. 

I mean, this kid is making old white Republican Senators look like rank amateurs. - Stonekettle tweet

Seriously, you’ve got to be pretty stupid to prefer to take horse deworming medication to treat Covid-19 instead of an FDA-approved vaccine to prevent it. - Jon Cooper tweet

Nancy Pelosi Gets The Job Done

White Golfer Glad He Supported Trump

Let’s be honest..

If Donald Trump had evacuated 24,000 people from Afghanistan in 24 hours, Van Jones would be on TV right now saying “this is the moment he became President” or some sh*t like that. - Santiago Mayer


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Before Facebook & Fox News you would have to go to a bus station lobby at 4am to meet someone who would tell you that vaccines were a government plot meant to destroy us. - Noel Casler

Rock The Voter News

Let Me Take A Wild Guess, This Doofus Is A Proud Boy.
Police in California say they found a man found passed out in a vehicle and in possession of stolen mail that included 300 recall ballots for the state’s gubernatorial recall election next month. They also reportedly found Xanax, methamphetamine, a loaded handgun, and California drivers’ licenses with other people’s names.

Things won't get "back to normal" until domestic terrorists start going to jail. - Middle Age Riot


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CVS and Chevron joined other large employers, the U.S. military, and some states and universities in requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for many workers. Delta Air Lines is raising health insurance premiums for unvaccinated workers. - Joel Rosen

Business/Tech News

Spirit Airlines be like:
Roundtrip from Tampa to Denver: $7
Carry on + Check in bag: $984 - Antonio Paris

Pfizer CEO Delivers Sobering News

Still trying to understand why evacuating over 80,000 people and ending a war that’s older than me is supposed to be a bad thing. - Santiago Mayer


Yesterday a friend came by to visit and was fully masked. After exchanging greetings from a distance, I asked if he had gotten a vaccine. He smiled and said that Jesus would protect him. I frowned and said Jesus won't protect you but the vaccine will. Then why are you wearing a mask? No answer.

I then asked him what was the most famous quote from Jesus and he proudly replied -- Love Thy Neighbor! I said follow Jesus' advice so you won't give me or anyone the virus. And do not visit me again until you are vaccinated. He was saddened and so was I but I don't want the virus. 

Was that mean of me?