Thursday, July 29, 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls on supporters to exercise 'Second Amendment rights' on vaccine door-knockers from Biden's 'police state'

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls on supporters to exercise 'Second Amendment rights' on vaccine door-knockers from Biden's 'police state'
Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia recently encouraged supporters to exercise their "Second Amendment rights" against vaccine door-knockers from President Joe Biden's "police state," in previously unreported remarks made to the Alabama Federation of Republican Women last Friday.

Who thinks Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert, and Marjorie Taylor Green should sit down and shut the f*ck up? - Kate tweet


They Knew

Dr. Fauci created Covid-19 in the Wuhan lab out of WMDs, Hillary's emails & Obama's real birth certificate. 

But the Benghazi stand-down order caused Biden to ban hamburgers & that's why FOX viewers won't get the vaccine, even though Trump made it w/his own hands.

(owns libs) - John Fugelsang


Republican Shenanigans

As if we needed it, the Delta variant is further proof that nothing will ever be so bad that Republicans can’t make it worse. - Middle Age Riot

We May Witness A Massive GOP Perp Walk Parade

So Fox News viewers are less likely to get vaccinated

Rupert Murdoch has blood on his hands

A lot of it. - John Cleese



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Rock The Voter News

Trump Warns That Fixing Roads Will Make It Easier For People To Vote. - Andy Borowitz


They Know
"The storm" is a term that the far-right conspiracy theorists of QAnon are fond of using, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy used that term during a July 29 press conference when he was criticizing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's support of a mask mandate for the U.S. House of Representatives.

Rand Paul Warns Infrastructure Bill Infringes On Bridges’ Right To Crumble. - Andy Borowitz


Again, I'll Believe When I See It

I miss Obama's scandals, remember that time he wore a tan suit? The horror of it all!




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, stairway included.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Republicans Are Blaming Pelosi for Jan. 6 Attack. Their Claims Don't Add Up.

For months, Republican leaders have downplayed the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. But on Tuesday, ahead of the first hearing of a special committee to investigate the riot, they took their approach to new and misleading extremes, falsely blaming Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the violence.

Every Republican who says the attack on the Capitol was no big deal should get a bill for the repairs. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

People who believe Blue Lives Matter weirdly exclude the blue lives who defended the Capitol on January 6. - Andy Borowitz


U.S. Capitol Police stopped the steal. - John Collins

Just To Be Safe, I'm Gonna Wear A Mask Until The Pandemic Is Over
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Wednesday that the change in CDC guidelines over wearing masks reflects the latest surge in coronavirus cases amid the Delta variant spreading in the United States.

I  would rather wear a mask again than be trapped in my house again or get covid. - Molly Jong-Fast

January 6 was an inside job. - Jeff Tiedrich

Please oh please oh please somebody give Donald Trump a chance to lie under oath. - Middle Age Riot

I'll Believe It When I See It
Senate Republicans are increasingly likely to move forward on a bipartisan infrastructure framework, with a vote planned as soon as Wednesday night and an agreement on key issues.

I read like 3 memes, so I'm pretty much an expert in the developing political situation everyone's talking about. - Conan O'Brien


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Business/Tech News

The Delta wave is a man-made catastrophe. - George Takei


Do You Have These McCormick Seasonings?

Cancelling The Games Halfway Through: This measure alone could reduce the Covid risk by 50%. - The Onion


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

January 6 House select committee hearing: Day 1

"As a country, it's time to learn from our past mistakes, rebuild stronger so this never happens again, and then we can move onward," Rep. Adam Kinzinger said Tuesday

Officer Aquilino Gonell is yet another example of how no one believes in America more than immigrants, the people who made a conscious choice to buy into the idea of America. It's a far more powerful patriotism than the kind that reduces America to "no one tells me what to do." - Julia Ioffe


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

CDC Attempt To Overcome Hesitancy By Rebranding Vaccines As Guns. - Andy Borowitz


Liz Cheney Is Slowing Loading Her Gun

I’m no Liz Cheney fan but I hope she makes Jim Jordan cry. - OhNoSheTwitnt


You know who else have PTSD, flashbacks and panic attacks? The journalists who documented what happened on January 6. We owe them a debt of gratitude.  Nobody ever thanks them. - Sandi Bachom 


Republican Shenanigans

Elise Stefanik also reminds you that Anne Frank bears responsibility for the 3rd Reich. - John Fugelsang


George P Bush Wanted To Be Trump-Lite. How Did That Work Out?

Trump not endorsing George P. Bush for Texas AG after Bush betrayed his father, turned his back on his family name, and pledged his loyalty to Trump, is some real Game of Thrones type sh*t. - Jeremy Newberger

I hope and pray these officers have protection when this is over

Gotta say, I'm seriously concerned. - Billysthought tweet


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Reminder: elected Republicans did everything they could to stop these hearings from happening, and these hearings would almost certainly not be happening if Republicans were in control of the government. - Ethan Grey


In My Humble Opinion, Republican Voting Restrictions Will Equally Hurt Both Republicans and Democrats, Especially Seniors


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Business/Tech News

Can’t we just put all Anti-Vax adults on cruise ships? - Tony Posnanski

DOJ Says Vaccine Mandates Are Legal

What about my rights as a fully-vaccinated, conscientious citizen? - Kona Lowell




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Lago di Sorapiss (Lake Sorapis) located in the mountain range Sorapiss in the Dolomites, province of Belluno, Italy.. How beautiful, I had no idea this existed.
