Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Covid Whistle-blower Rebekah Jones is challenging Rep. Matt Gaetz

The scientist who said she was fired by Gov. Ron DeSantis for refusing to censor Florida's Covid-19 numbers said Tuesday she’s hoping to unseat another high-profile Republican politician in the state — Rep. Matt Gaetz.

Never give up and never give in.

That’s what John Lewis would want us to do. - Hakeem Jeffries 


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I'm all for a Space Force if we use it to launch every single one of these Republican sh*tweasels straight the f*ck into the sun. - Jeff Tiedrich

Bioweapons Are Not Necessary When Idiots Spread The Virus Leading To A New Coronavirus Strain
Just three weeks ago, Great Britain celebrated the success of its vaccination campaign by lifting many coronavirus-related restrictions. “Goodbye, lockdown,” one headline said. But since then, a more transmissible new strain of the coronavirus has taken hold, imperiling plans to fully reopen the country on June 21.

Brian Williams: It's not body shaming to say Trump's pants can accommodate a family of four

Republican Shenanigans

Rich people 
pay FOX people 
to make middle class people 
blame poor people- John Fugelsang

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Loves Them Some Quid Pro Quo!
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said it is backing Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema with campaign contributions as a reward for their opposition to some of President Joe Biden's legislative initiatives and for trying to work with Republicans.

Susan Collins Sad That Joe Manchin Has Replaced Her as Most Annoying Senator. - Andy Borowitz


Joe Manchin cosponsored the voting-rights bill in 2019 that he is now blocking on the grounds that the GOP doesn't like it. 

Follow the money. - TheDaily tweet



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When Hunter Biden incites insurrection against the United States, call me. - Tim Hannan

Equal Rights Amendment Deja Vous
President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress suffered another setback in their push to boost millions of Americans' paychecks, after the Senate on Tuesday opted against taking up a bill that supporters said aimed to ensure that women in the workforce earn the same as their male counterparts.

I don’t even want to hear Kirsten Gillibrand pretend to care about the rights of women when she couldn’t even bother to show up to vote for Equal Pay for women. That’s insane. - Ricky Davila



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Business/Tech News

The Koch brothers still own a lot of real estate, but their best investment may be the Manchin they bought in West Virginia. - Noel Casler


Dear white people as we approach these summer months just know there isn’t a single Black person in the world who wants to hear “I’m almost as dark as you” - Wanda Sykes



Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Giuliani Audio Proves Trump’s Team Was Lying About Ukraine

During the call, Giuliani — who at the time was former president Donald Trump's lawyer — tells Andriy Yermak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian ...

The Republicans will go even bigger next time unless we make an example outta Rudy. - Tea Pain tweet


Joe Biden vaccinated 140 million in half the time it took Donald Trump to kill 500 thousand. - Middle Age Riot

QAnon Insurrectionist Feels Deceived. Awww.

Republican Shenanigans

Manchin Launches Long-shot Bid To Replace Rand Paul As Most-hated Senator. - Andy Borowitz

Florida Man Claims Public Schools Are Marxist, If He Even Knows What That Means.

"Welcome to Revisionist Southern History. In this class, we'll be learning that the Civil War began when the North seceded from the Confederacy, the Union Army consisted entirely of homosexual vampires, and slaves were so happy, they invented smiling." - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

Barack Obama has a Grammy, an Emmy, a Nobel Prize, 2 terms as President, a Twitter account, and 2 hugely successful websites.

Donald Trump has 2 impeachments, 2 active criminal investigations and 1 failed blog. - Jo tweet


Biden DOJ To Defend Trump In Rape Accusation

I don't like DOJ defending the office of the President in E. Jean Carroll's lawsuit any more than you do, but what I do appreciate about Merrick Garland is that he's about make Rudy Giuliani's face melt the f*ck down again, and that might get us what we all want: the former guy. - BlackKnight10K tweet



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Business/Tech News

I’m back in DC at Reagan Airport - where the WiFi is free, but takes a long time to trickle down. - John Fugelsang

Experts Warn Climate-Related Food Shortages May Require Bugs To Overcome Taboos Against Eating Americans. - The Onion

Monday, June 7, 2021

DOJ seizes millions in ransom paid by Colonial Pipeline

DOJ seizes millions in ransom paid by Colonial Pipeline
The Justice Department on Monday announced it has successfully seized millions of dollars in cryptocurrency Colonial Pipeline paid to the cyber criminal group DarkSide following last month's ransomware attack that led the pipeline to briefly shut down its operations, according to a seizure warrant unsealed Monday afternoon.

One DUI and you lose your license, which makes sense.

One insurrection, you just get to go on making speeches until you launch another one. - LOLGOP


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Putin Says He Has No Intention of Reinstating Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Sexual Abuser Birds Of A Feather Flock Together

To states threatening to secede:

Don't let the border hit your ass on the way out. - Middle Age Riot


Republican Shenanigans

Raise your hand if you'd like to see Josh Hawley, Mo Brooks, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar and Lauren Boebert testify under oath in front of Congress on live television for 11 straight hours to explain how the dipsh*ts with the zip ties found out where everybody's secure locations were. - Jeff Tiedrich


Homophobe's Complaints Backfire. LOL.
A Texas bakery was "overwhelmed" with supporters and well-wishers last week after facing backlash for posting a cookie in honor of Pride Month in the U.S

What is taking Fox News so long to blame polio on Jonas Salk? - Andy Borowitz



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Rock The Voter News

Joe Manchin Denies Rumor That He Is A Democrat. - Andy Borowitz


Republicans Continue To Eat Their Own
The Georgia Republican Party passed a resolution on Saturday to censure Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) after he refused to act on former President Trump’s false claims of election fraud in the state, despite mounting pressure.

If Dems don't abolish the filibuster, we might as well go back to calling Mitch McConnell Majority Leader. - Robert Reich


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Business/Tech News

I really think Facebook is hoping he'll die in the next 2 years and then they won't have to think about it anymore. - BlackKnight10K tweet


Rocket To Be Manned By Bezos & Brother
Just 15 days after resigning his post as CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos is heading to outer space.




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A jungle beach entrance in Tulum, Mexico. The little sign says, Ven a la luz, or come to light in English..
