Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Ransomware gang threatens release of DC police records

A Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate that stole data from the Washington, D.C., police department says negotiations over payment have broken down, with it rejecting a $100,000 payment, and it will release sensitive information that could put lives at risk if more money is not offered.

DAILY REMINDER: Donald Trump killed over a half-million Americans and led an armed attack against our nation's capitol. - Tea Pain


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I wonder if the GOP is having a civil war just so they can put up statues of the losers. - Stephen Colbert



Dear God, Don Jr.'s Wife & Sister Were Hitting On Secret Service Agents.
Two Trump family members got “inappropriately – and perhaps dangerously – close” to agents protecting them while Donald Trump was president, according to a new book on the US Secret Service.

Looks like Don Junior's wife was bein' serviced secretly. - Tea Pain



So China couldn't keep a rocket from falling aimlessly back to Earth, but they were able to sneak 40,000 secret undetectable bamboo ballots into Arizona to tip the election for Joe Biden. Got it. - Jeremy Newberger

Republican Shenanigans

Kevin McCarthy Forced To Fly To Mar-a-Lago To Sit And Listen To Things Trump Would Have Posted On Facebook. - Andy Borowitz

I Liked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Jewish Laser Conspiracy Better Than This.
QAnon-loving Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Tuesday unleashed an insane conspiracy theory about Dr. Anthony Fauci paying to create the novel coronavirus.

Breaking: Dr. Fauci announces Rand Paul in hypocritical condition. - Grae Hall


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Rock The Voter News

Tucker Carlson Claims Hunter Biden Downloaded Music To Laptop. - Andy Borowitz

Dear God, Florida Is Sweeping Jeffrey Epstein's Sweet Deal Under The Rug. Paging Merrick Garland.
A state investigation has cleared two officials with the State's Attorney's Office of Palm Beach County as well as the county's sheriff's department of wrongdoing regarding their involvement in accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein's 2008 prosecution and imprisonment.

Trump, a guy who's never won the popular vote, twice impeached, rated the worst president ever, serially corrupt, a traitor, rapist, racist, gave the GOP a perfect out on Jan 6. They could've easily just turned the page. But instead they said, "Nope, we'll stick with him." - David Rothkopf 



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Business/Tech News

You know what is a hoax? Trickle down economics. - ThePubliusUSA tweet

PayPal Is Getting Competition

I'm not sure why Biden's America is trending, but Biden's America is a pretty big improvement. I don't wake up worried we will nuke Switzerland. - Jeremy Newberger tweet


Monday, May 10, 2021

Biden Claims He's Seen No Evidence that Unemployment Benefits are Discouraging People from Returning to Work

Biden Claims He's Seen No Evidence that Unemployment Benefits are Discouraging People from Returning to Work
Frequent viewers of cable news television have heard repeated claims that the reason why unemployment numbers remain at the very high level of six percent, is that unemployment benefits are discouraging people from returning to work. President Joe Biden aimed to squash that idea, however, during a midday address about jobs and government assistance to help a cratered economy emerge from the ill effects of Covid-19.

Let's fire all these Republicans so they can see how good unemployment benefits really are. - Tea Pain tweet



The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

She gave a recon tour of the Capitol a day before the armed insurrection.
She declared it was 1776 the morning of the armed insurrection.
She live-tweeted Nancy Pelosi’s whereabouts during the armed insurrection.

How is Lauren Boebert still a member of Congress? - Andrea Junker


Queen Agrees With GOP On Photo Voter IDs. 

Nancy Pelosi will be live tweeting Lauren Boebert's location when Lauren goes to prison. - BlackKnight10K


Republican Shenanigans

Republicans to Liz Cheney (with fingers in ears): "La-la-la, can't HEAR you! Can't HEEEAR you!" - Stephen King


This Republican May Be A Witness In Kevin McCarthy's Trial

Right now, it's basically the Titanic. We're in the middle of this slow sink. We have a band playing on the deck telling everybody it's fine. Meanwhile, Trump's running around trying to find women's clothing and get on the first lifeboat. - GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger


 Trump Demands To See Liz Cheney’s Birth Certificate. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Fauci Says That Despite Loosening Covid Restrictions He Will Still Distance From Rand Paul. - Andy Borowitz


What Will Manchin Do?

G.O.P. Claims Biden Is Artificially Inflating Job-Approval Rating By Displaying Competence. - Andy Borowitz



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Business/Tech News

Conservatives Panicking After Every Member Of Republican Party Ousted For Insufficient Loyalty To Trump. - The Onion


Why Is California Having A Recall Election for Governor?
California’s budget is in the black — by a staggering amount.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Art of balancing.


Friday, May 7, 2021

Fox News made me do it: Capitol attack suspect pulls ‘Foxitis’ defense

Anthony Antonio, who faces five charges over role in January riot, ‘started believing what was being fed to him’, lawyer says

Can’t one of these billionaires just buy Fox and throw it away? - Jay Arnold

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

IDEA: If you incite an attempted overthrow of the U.S. government, you lose your Secret Service protection. - Middle Age Riot


The Former Guy Gets Caught By FEC
After a New York Times investigation highlighted how former President Donald Trump’s campaign used a shady fundraising tactic — prechecked recurring donation boxes — the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has taken a rare unanimous vote to recommend to Congress that they pass a law banning the practice.

Wouldn't it be ironic if that Chinese Rocket landed on Mar a lago? - Peter Chan


Republican Shenanigans

Elise Stefanik is relentlessly sucking up to Trump because that really paid off for Mike Pence. - Andy Borowitz



The Feds Need To End This Comedy of Errors

Has anyone checked on Caitlyn Jenner’s hangar neighbor? 
Did he make it to Sedona, Arizona?
Has he avoided seeing the homeless? - Jo




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"The truth shall set you free.”
The modern Republican Party: “Hold my beer.” - Dan Rather


Rock The Voter News

The Republicans are out of control because they have paid no price for their evil. - David W. Pippy tweet



Apparently, Gov. DeSantis' Former Staffers Are Suffering From PTSD
A number of former staffers for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) have reportedly formed a “support group” in which they reflect on their hardships and difficult experiences from their time working for the governor...

Trump keeps comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln.  Really?  Well, I would like to point out that none of Lincoln's followers carried Confederate flags. - Stephen Colbert


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Business/Tech News

I hope after the red states secede from the Union, we’ll still have an open-door immigration policy for all their best and brightest to move to the good states, like we do now. - Jay Black



What We Know About Jeffrey Epstein's Relationships Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
Melinda Gates met with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein alongside her husband Bill in New York City and soon after said she was furious at the relationship between the two men, according to people familiar with the situation.

If they really did find fungi on Mars, can they please call them Marshrooms. - George Takei