Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Hawley Bristles When Asked About Criticism He's Complicit in Capitol Riots: 'Outrageous ... Utter Lie'

Senator Josh Hawley has come under serious criticism in the weeks following the riots at the Capitol building, particularly over his continuing to raise objections to the election results even after the riots.

I wonder if there is enough space in the federal prison system to house all these congressional insurrectionists.

Remember, most of the ppl blaming the federal government for everything just spent 4 years not blaming the federal government for anything. - John Fugelsang


Ted Cruz left his dog behind on his ill fated Mexico trip, but before you feel sorry for the dog, remember the dog got to spend two days away from Cruz. - Stephen Colbert


Clarence Thomas Reminds Me Of The Black Butler in Django Unchained
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a dissent after the high court refused to hear a Republican challenge to a Pennsylvania state court decision that extended the deadline to receive mail-in ballots in last November's election -- which once again raised questions about his wife's activism ahead of the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Hello to everyone who did not have to give up their tax returns to the Manhattan District Attorney. - Aaron Parnas tweet



Republican Shenanigans

Are some republicans a little nervous hearing that Garland will fully investigate anyone involved in the January 6th insurrection?  - Mama C2 tweet



Will George Clooney Expose Jim Jordan? Damn Straight.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Questions Whether Merrick Garland Will Use His Lasers For Good. - Andy Borowitz




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Merrick Garland Glad He Never Got Meetings With Republican Senators Given What Assholes They Are. - Andy Borowitz

Americans Favor Eleven Dollars An Hour For Joe Manchin. - Andy Borowitz

Negligent Homiciders Gather In Florida. I Made Up The Word, Homiciders. 

A million years ago I worked for Enron and I tried to explain the business model to my dad and when I was done he said “that sounds like check kiting” and I rolled my eyes because DADS and I figured I hadn’t explained it correctly but it turns out I nailed it. - Deborah Scaramastra tweet


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If I ever have another kid, I’m gonna name them Amazon so they don’t have to pay taxes. - The Hoarse Whisperer

"If you don't know the guy on the other side of the world, love him anyway because he's just like you. He has the same dreams, the same hopes and fears. It's one world, pal. We're all neighbors." - Frank Sinatra


Monday, February 22, 2021

Supreme Court declines to shield Trump's tax returns from Manhattan DA

Supreme Court declines to shield Trump's tax returns from Manhattan DA
The Supreme Court on Monday rebuffed a bid by former President Trump to shield his tax returns and other financial records from a New York grand jury subpoena.

Trump Regrets Not Naming Ivanka, Eric, and Don, Jr., to Supreme Court. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

What is happening in Myanmar is what would be going on right now had Trump been successful on 1/6. - Tim Hannan 


The U.N. Human Rights Council Needs To Add Republicans To This List

I have no idea what Joe Biden did all weekend and it's f*cking glorious. - Jeff Tiedrich


Republican Shenanigans

Cocaine just checked into rehab to get off of Don Jr. - The USA Singers tweet


Republicans Are Pulling Every Magic Trick To Ignore Climate Change

When Trump is criminally charged, his passport should be confiscated so he can’t flee the country. - Jon Cooper


Republicans Should Be Careful What They Wish For

Texans Would Rather Not Have Water If It Means Talking To Ted Cruz. - Andy Borowitz



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New York Prosecutors Demand That Giuliani Be Trump’s Lawyer. - Andy Borowitz

When is Merrick Garland going to cry and talk about how much he loves beer? - Hamish Mitchell


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Business/Tech News

For four years Trump got away with lying hour after hour, day after day, degrading the capacity of millions and millions to know the truth. Now Republicans are continuing to get TV bookings to lie about the election, a sign of media failure that must stop.- Michael Beschloss


My Pillow Guy May Lose All His Pillows
Dominion Voting Systems is suing MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for $1.3 billion in damages, alleging the pillow salesman defamed the company with his false claims about the 2020 presidential election.

My Pillow Guy Seen Weeping Into His Pillow. - Andy Borowitz



Friday, February 19, 2021

Texas Needs Another Ann Richards, When She Saw BS, She Called It Out.

The number of people in Texas without running, drinkable water dwarfed the number of homes and businesses without power Friday morning as the state ...

The original quote was about George H W Bush Ann Richards made at the Democratic National Convention in 1988: 'Poor George, he can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth.'

His son, George W. Bush defeated Ann Richards' re election for governor of Texas in 1995. He went ahead in the polls after rumors were spread that Richards was a lesbian.

Mexico Celebrates Cruz's Departure. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

With Donald Trump out of the spotlight, Ted Cruz has kindly reminded us that there are lots of other Republican politicians who are equally awful. - Middle Age Riot


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Should Be Investigated As Vigorously As NY Gov. Cuomo Is Being Investigated. Just Imagine If He Called Off Spring Break in 2020.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is already positioning himself as one of these post-pandemic White House hopefuls. The basic gist of the story is that while DeSantis, just 42 years old and still in his first term, formerly “drew national scorn for his stewardship of Florida’s Covid-19 response,” his “resistance to restrictive measures” like mask mandates and the blowback he got for being “divorced from science” has now “strengthened” his standing “among the GOP grassroots and elites heading into his 2022 reelection” — and even inspired “conservative chatter nationwide about a presidential bid.”

Ron DeSantis: I am the dumbest politician on the planet. 

Ted Cruz: Hold my mojito. - Hamish Mitchell


Republican Shenanigans

Don't vote for anyone you wouldn't trust with your dog. - Hillary Clinton tweet


Meanwhile, Georgia Republicans Limit Absentee Ballots
Georgia state senators passed legislation this week that would place limitations on absentee voting, months after the reliably red state turned blue in the November election following record turnout from absentee voters. 

I'm from New Jersey, so I can't let this go without tweeting that Cruz voted against disaster relief after Hurricane Sandy. - Pat Dennis 



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Christian site raised up to 2 million dollars for the 17-year-old boy Kyle Rittenhouse who murdered two people during BLM protest.

NYC democratic congresswoman AOC raised 2 million dollars in relief aid to help Texans recover.

Both parties are not the same. - Mohamad Safa


Rock The Voter News

BIG THANKS to the volunteers who made over 784,000 phone calls to senior citizens in Texas today. 

You helped to connect them with water, food, transportation, and shelter. 

And you made sure that they knew we were thinking about them and that they matter to us. - Beto O'Rourke

 The angels among us...

I Just Don't Know If I Should Believe Ivanka

Cuomo Tells Journalists There’s A Few More Deaths That Won’t Be Reported If They Keep Asking Questions. - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

Cancun Fears It Will Be Perceived As Travel Destination For Losers. - Andy Borowitz


Finally, The USA Is Back In The Saddle Again!

I would NEVER leave my beloved dog in a house for days that was too cold for me to stay in.





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Milford Sound, New Zealand.  That photo make me feel tiny.
