Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Accused Capitol rioters shift their support for Trump

Accused rioters are seeking to pin the blame on Donald Trump, citing the former president's remarks at a "Stop the Steal" rally shortly before the Capitol siege.

Yes, backstabbing someone doesn't end well for the backstabber, in this case. lol

This is just personal taste, but if I were a lawmaker I’d be less worried about making a bill bipartisan if the other party had sent a mob to murder me 4 weeks ago. - Zack Borenstein


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

What is systemic racism you ask? When a 9 year old African American child gets handcuffed and assaulted with a chemical agent, while the courts decide if the QShaman gets organic food in prison.
Now ya know. - gfano2 tweet


I've Resigned Myself To The Fact That I'll Be Wearing A Mask Forever
A variant of the coronavirus first found in the United Kingdom has gained a mutation that could make it more resistant to vaccines, according to a new analysis from Public Health England.

Washington, DC is getting hit with a major snowstorm. It's the second time in two weeks the Capitol has been overrun by a storm of whiteness. - Stephen Colbert


Republican Shenanigans

Marjorie Taylor Greene Blames Blizzard on Jewish Space Snow Machines. - Andy Borowitz


Mitch Ditches "Loony" Republican
Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell denounced newly elected Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene on Monday, calling the far-right Georgia Republican's embrace of conspiracy theories and "loony lies" a "cancer for the Republican Party." 

Gotta admit, when I wake up in the morning it's a LOT easier to only have to focus on a global pandemic, the climate crisis, a crashed economy and civil unrest. - John Fugelsang



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Some people won't get vaccinated because of a conspiracy theory that vaccines are tracking devices, while carrying actual tracking devices in their pockets and using them to post about vaccines. - James Hamblin


Rock The Voter News

White House Dogs Dig Up Trump’s Tax Returns on South Lawn. - Andy Borowitz


What Is Going On With NY Gov. Cuomo?
Neurosurgeon and CNN medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta on Monday said that he was “stunned” by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) casting doubt on the input of experts amid the coronavirus pandemic.


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Monday, February 1, 2021

Spurred By The Capitol Riot, Thousands Of Republicans Drop Out Of GOP

Lyle Darrah was on a conference call at work in rural Weld County, north of Denver, when the riot at the U.S. Capitol started on Jan. 6. When his boss mentioned what was happening, he turned on news coverage — and immediately felt his last allegiance to the Republican Party slipping away.
"I was completely shocked and ashamed. That's not how I think of the Republicans — who we were, and who we are," he said. "It's something I felt I could no longer be in support of."

Trump to Defend Self After Receiving Law Degree from Trump University. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

People in Russia are rioting to get rid if a dictator.  People in US rioting to put one in. - Marie Ward


Aussies Lockdown 2 Million After 1 Reported Virus Case
About 2 million Australians begun their first full day of a strict coronavirus lockdown on Monday following the discovery of one case in the community in Perth, capital of Western Australia state, but no new cases have since been found.

Pretty rich that all the people who beat the sh*t out of cops at the Capitol threatening to call the cops whenever a reporter goes to their house. - Tim Hannon


Republican Shenanigans

Desperate Trump Offers To Pay Lawyers. - Andy Borowitz


Jared Kushner Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize By Alleged Pedophile
Former White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and his deputy, Avi Berkowitz, were nominated on Sunday for the Nobel Peace Prize. The nomination letter came from Trump’s first impeachment trial attorney, and frequent Fox News guest, Alan Dershowitz, who was eligible to do so in his capacity as a professor emeritus of Harvard Law School.

Slum lord Jared Kushner is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Alan Dershowitz who is still busy denying allegations that he raped a teen provided by his client Jeffery Epstein. When will these scum settle to the bottom of the American pond again? - Frank Schaefer 



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They wanted to lock up Hillary Clinton over emails but want us to move on from an insurrection, let this hypocrisy sink in. - David Weissmann 

Rock The Voter News

Happy Black History Month -- or if you're Tucker Carlson, Happy "White People Are The Real Victims" Month. - John Fugelsang

Black Lives Matter Also Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize!


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Business/Tech News

Ironically, the Sheriff of Nottingham app is letting people trade whatever they want. - Conan O'Brien


Dear God. Rochester Police Pepper Spray a 9 Year Old Girl. 

Feeling nostalgic for Hanukkah, when my family gathered around the eight magical lasers. - Andy Borowitz





Friday, January 29, 2021

The Jewish Are Coming! The Jewish Are Coming With Space Lasers!

House Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene has faced criticism and ridicule for posting a wide-ranging conspiracy theory tinged with anti-Semitic tropes, leading to the #JewishSpaceLasers hashtag trending on Twitter.

Politics is just entertainment now. The cheaper and dumber, the more it sells. - Robert P. Dean


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The Secret Jewish Space Laser is guarded by Hanukkah Solo and his sidekick Jewbacca. - OhNoSheTwitnt 


Rep. Cori Bush Moving Her Office Away From The Crazy Lady

What would the GOP accomplish by disavowing one peddler of conspiracy theories & the big lie - Marjorie Taylor Greene - while continuing to embrace the far more influential one - Trump himself? - Jim Sciutto, CNN


Republican Shenanigans

So Sarah Palin was just a test run for Marjorie Taylor Greene. - Jeremy Newberger



Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Video of Her Is Actually George Soros in Disguise. - Andy Borowitz

Old School Republicans Are Fighting Back

How many Marjorie Taylor Greene's are we dealing with we think? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? I just want to know how big an Age of Stupidity we are entering. - Jeremy Newberger


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Kevin McCarthy Stuck with Check for Lunch at Mar-a-Lago. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Texas Snowflake Demands Apology From AOC

AOC will soon discover that the problem with owning Ted Cruz is that no one wants to buy him. - Andy Borowitz


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I know this GameStop stuff is funny, but you have to remember this is hurting real people who own multiple boats. - Kevin Farzad

Business/Tech News

The dude who incited the GameStop run-up is a financial advisor who has now made himself over $30 million dollars.

Gotta give the guy credit. Made himself a fortune largely on the backs of other people’s money.

Sounds almost Wall Streety. - The Hoarse Whisperer 

SEC Looking At Trading Volatility 

My objective this Black History Month is to procure a space laser for my people. - Jelani Cobb



