Friday, January 15, 2021

Pelosi taps retired Army general to lead immediate review of Capitol attack

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Friday named retired Lt. General Russel HonorĂ© to head up an immediate review of last week’s domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol that will focus on “security infrastructure, interagency processes and procedures, and command and control.”

Forget metal detectors - make members of Congress pass a spelling test before they can enter. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Nobody bludgeoned a cop after the email lady lost, just saying. - Jeff Tiedrich



I don’t want to upset my never-Trump friends, but plenty of us saw this crazy coming with the Tea Party movement. - Jane Kayley tweet

Yep, I saw what the "Tea Party" was back in 2010

Trump’s coup attempt was the Trump University of coup attempts. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Matt Gaetz Forced To Host Hundreds Of White Nationalists After Airbnb Pulls D.C. Listings. - The Onion

Hell, Yeah, There Needs To Be A Probe Into Why Rep. Boebert Tweeted Pelosi's Location During The Riot.
Some Colorado officials have sent a letter to congressional leadership requesting a probe into Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-Colo.) actions leading up to and on the day of the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol, according to multiple reports.

“This impeachment gives me one last chance to salvage my reputation!” shouts Rudy Giuliani, as he ladles baked beans into his briefcase. - Conan O'Brien



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No Trump Staffers Spotted Stealing Books From White House. - Andy Borowitz


Rock The Voter News

Maybe it’s greedy of me but I’m already looking forward to Trump’s third impeachment. - Andy Borowitz



This Brave Man Saved An Unknown Amount Of Lives

Business/Tech News

Deutsche Bank Begins Removing Possessions From White House After Trump Defaults On Loan. - The Onion


Hey, President-elect Biden, Don't Forget To Disinfect Air Force One!
President Trump plans to leave the White House on the morning of Jan. 20 and will hold a goodbye event at Joint Base Andrews, Reuters has reported. Trump has said he won’t be attending Biden’s inauguration that day, making him the fifth president to miss their successor’s swearing-in ceremony. His goal is to leave Washington while he is still president and before President-elect Biden is sworn in—he reportedly doesn’t want to wait until after, which could require him to ask Biden to borrow Air Force One.

Very rarely do you get to witness the complete destruction of someone who truly deserves it. woo hoo HAPPY LAST FRIDAY OF THIS NIGHTMARE. - Sarah Cooper





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Say hi to Loki, Luna's new neighbor. He's 15 weeks old and I suspect he is a Boxer/Pitbull mix. Look at the size of those paws!

Peace and puppies.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Expecting trouble, Washington locks down ahead of inauguration

All through downtown Washington, the primary sound for several blocks was the beeping of forklifts unloading more fencing.
There were no cars or scooters and seemingly no tourists Wednesday, just the occasional jogger and multiple construction crews at work. The U.S. Capitol that proved such a soft target last week was visible only through lines of tall, black fence.

Good morning from a city fortified and garrisoned by 20,000 troops to protect it from terrorist attack by supporters of President Trump. - David Frum



Raise your hand if you'd like to see Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, Paul Gosar and Lauren Boebert testify under oath in front of Congress on live television for 11 straight hours to explain how the dipsh*ts with the zip ties found out where everybody's secure locations were. - Jeff Tiedrich



Georgia GOP Governor Punishes GOP State Senators Over Election Fraud Claims
It’s payback time. The Republican rift in the state Senate came to a head Tuesday when Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan demoted three Republican senators who have backed attempts to overturn the presidential vote in Georgia over baseless allegations of irregularities.

The Confederate flag is a victim of "cancel culture" because the Union totally f*cking cancelled the Confederacy. - Middle Age Riot


Lest We Not Forget This Article From March 2020. Betsy DeVos Is Erik Prince's Brother.

The storming of the Capitol was obviously planned and my guess is Erik Prince was somehow involved. My fear is that he would not hesitate to use armed drones on Inauguration Day.

Republican Shenanigans

I know it’s mathematically impossible but somehow Trump and Rudy are *both* going to rip each other off. - Elie Honig




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Rock The Voter News

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Ivanka and Jared Kushner wouldn't let Secret Service use their bathrooms, so our taxes have been paying $3000 a month for extra toilets.

Really puts those $600 stimulus checks into perspective. - Nick Jack Pappas


Business/Tech News

Parler is the gas station bathroom of social media platforms. - Sandy Jorgenson



Twitter Defends Banning Trump Because He Glorifies Violence

I miss peaceful transfers of power. - Molly Jong-Fast

U.S. Route 93, Mojave Desert, Arizona. The one thing I miss by not having a car is taking a long drive.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Republicans protest, circumvent new metal detectors inside Capitol after riot

The security checkpoint outside the House chamber has created tension between some members and Capitol Police.

Does anyone else just want to scream I TOLD YOU SO? - Bryce Tache

I’m back in the Rotunda for the first time since the January 6th insurrection. It looks more beautiful than ever. - Rep. Andy Kim tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Could the Republicans who keep making these “both sides” arguments please share video of the Black Lives Matter terror attack on our nation’s Capitol? I somehow missed that. - Andy Borowitz


Reconnoitering The Insurrection

Prisoners Drawing Straws To Determine Who Must Share Cell With Ted Cruz. - Andy Borowitz


Republican Shenanigans

Fun fact: these sanctimonious grandstanding f*cks are the same clowns who held thirteen Benghazi hearings. - Jeff Tiedrich


Mitch Ditches Trump?

McConnell didn’t just catch religion, nor did he find a conscience.  Mitch has been struck by a very clear idea of how complicit his own Senators and GOP house member were in Trump’s seditious conspiracy. - Zev Shalev



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My guess is that Trump leaves DC by Friday, bunkers in down at Mar A Lago, becomes paranoid of even Secret Service and tries to hire Erik Prince’s guys as a security force. - Noel Casler


Rock The Voter News

It's going to be really awkward when Ivanka Trump walks into the prison cafeteria and everyone is wearing the same outfit she is. - Middle Age Riot


From the bottom of this Army veteran’s heart, I just want to say thank you Speaker Nancy Pelosi for defending the Constitution, our Democracy, and the American people. - David Weissman 

Speaker Pelosi thanks the National Guard for protecting our Capitol and working to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

What an iconic image.




Time To Deflate Photo

Calafate Glacier, Patagonia, Argentina. Calafate in Spanish means caulk.

Peace and beauty.