Monday, January 4, 2021

‘Fellas, I Need 11,000 Votes’: Listen to the Full Audio of Trump’s Hour-Long Call Pressuring Brad Raffensperger

‘Fellas, I Need 11,000 Votes’: Listen to the Full Audio of Trump’s Hour-Long Call Pressuring Brad Raffensperger
The Washington Post has dropped the full audio of the hour-long call President Donald Trump had with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
It started off with a doozy as the president falsely claimed he won Georgia and even absurdly touted “rally size” as a metric proving it. He baselessly claimed Raffensperger would find “a couple hundred thousand forged signatures” if he looked into it.

I’m generally opposed to someone being surreptitiously taped on a phone call...but not this one, folks! - Monica Lewinsky tweet


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

When I was undercover at the CIA, I saw firsthand how our enemies steal elections and try to interfere in ours. Elected officials continuing to sow doubt amongst the public for petty political gain is playing into our enemies hands. - Will Hurd



UK Judge Rules Julian Assange Would Be Mistreated In US Prisons

Does Trump pressuring the Ukrainian president to damage Biden seem so outlandish and inconsequential now to those who dismissed impeachment? - Jim Sciutto, CNN


Republican Shenanigans

The next 72 hours are going to be the longest five years of our lives. - Jeff Tiedrich


What Will Pelosi Do? Newly Elected Republican Plans To Bring Her Glock To The House Floor

Please clarify something for me - does the Presidential Medal of Freedom only go to criminals now? - Andy Borowitz



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I will say this again, if Trump and Republicans remain unaccountable, our oaths to defend the Constitution means nothing. - David Weissman

Rock The Voter News

What a great headline!

Sometimes I must bow to reality. I can think of no better figure to ring out the Trump era than Vanilla Ice. - Andy Borowitz



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You've got 16 days left to resign.

If you plan to leave by helicopter, please pick a windy day. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

One Iconic Hot Dog Business Putting Their Hot Dogs On Hold
Pink's hot dog stand in Hollywood is shutting down for a few months as of Sunday. There was a long line wrapping around the building Sunday, customers stopping by to get their fill before the temporary closure. ... This is only the second shutdown for Pink's in its 81-year history.

Sometimes, carrying on, just carrying on, is the superhuman achievement. - Albert Camus




The Internet Gods Smiled Upon Me
And Restored My Internet and Cable TV
After I Pushed A Virgin Into A Volcano.


Thursday, December 31, 2020

Trump cuts vacation short without explanation

President Donald Trump is cutting his Florida vacation short and traveling back to Washington on Thursday, but the White House offered no

How fitting would it be this year if when the ball drops it just bursts into flames. - OhNoSheTwitnt



The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“Operation Warp Speed” is as accurate as “Make America Great Again.” - Andy Borowitz


I Hope Google Earth Captures This Moment
...To set the tone for his inauguration, President-elect Biden will lead a memorial to remember and honor lives lost to COVID-19, with church-bell ringings and light shows across the country on Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 5:30 p.m. ET.

Ok, ok, hear me out...

Vaccine tacos.

Problem. Solved. - Scottcrates tweet


Republican Shenanigans

If you saw Mitch McConnell drowning what would you throw him?

Me: a $600 check. - SaraCA tweet


Employee Discards 500 Vials Of Vaccine
A Wisconsin hospital employee was fired after intentionally discarding “more than 500 doses” of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine from a pharmacy refrigerator, the parent health system of the facility confirmed Wednesday night.

Crying Eric Trump Asks Father If They Poor Now. - The Onion


Your reminder that we had a treaty with Iran that they were abiding to and our game show host president tore it to pieces because he was jealous of a black man's accomplishments. - Jeff Tiedrich



Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Has anyone else not had a cold all year? 

It’s almost like....washing your hands and wearing a - Ashley Woodfolk




Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Business/Tech News

In 20 days the Manhattan DA's office is likely to serve indictments and execute search warrants on Jared Kushner, the Trump family, and Trump org. - Bill Maxwell




Wednesday, December 30, 2020

At current rate, it'll be 10 years before Americans are adequately vaccinated against Covid

The Trump administration's Covid-19 vaccine distribution program needs a major shot in the arm because at the current rate, it would take almost 10 years to inoculate enough Americans to get the pandemic under control, a jarring new NBC News analysis showed Tuesday.

New rule: if you called covid a hoax, you go straight the f*ck to the end of the vaccine line. no exceptions. - Jeff Tiedrich


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

In 1947, New York City vaccinated 5 million people against smallpox in two weeks. How can we be so much worse at this 75 years later?

Nation Strongly Supports $2000 Annual Salary For Mitch McConnell. - Andy Borowitz


Republican Shenanigans

With the tragic death of Rep.-elect Letlow, I find myself thinking of all those who died "for" Trump: who found themselves compelled to ignore the dangers of COVID-19 because they knew acknowledging them would displease the Dear Leader—a man who never even cared about them at all. - Seth Abramson


Lest We Not Forget That It Was George W. Bush Who Opened The Doors In Iraq For Mercenaries

Trump Calls $2000 A Fraction of What It Costs To Silence A Porn Star. - Andy Borowitz


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Trump Asks Supreme Court To Overturn The Election, Again.

For years, Republicans were obedient to Trump’s every whim.

They stood by his failed COVID response. His lies. His impeachment. His corrupt pardons. His efforts to overturn the election.

But $2,000 checks to help Americans? That’s where they draw the line?

Pass the bill. - Rep. Adam Schiff



The Trickle-Up Economy Is Going Swimmingly.

Mexico has 21 days to pay for the wall. - Preet Bharara


OK, I have resigned myself to the fact that I will not have my high speed Internet back, any time soon.
I have 3 channels on my cable. CNNI, AXN and SONY. 
I'm not complaining!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Mount Bromo is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java, Indonesia. It looks like a watercolor painting.

Peace and stay safe.