Thursday, December 17, 2020

Billions Spent on U.S. Cyberdefenses Failed to Detect Giant Russian Hack

Billions Spent on U.S. Cyberdefenses Failed to Detect Giant Russian Hack
It now is clear that the broad Russian espionage attack on the U.S. government and private companies, underway since spring and detected by the private sector only a few weeks ago, ranks among the greatest intelligence failures of modern times.

Americans keep saying “well China is lying about their Covid numbers” as if the governor of Florida didn’t just send a gestapo unit to pull guns on a scientist who refused to lie about the numbers. - Mac tweet


Tucker Carlson. He applied to CIA.  He was rejected. I’m just saying. - Gen. Michael Hayden, former CIA Director



Hey, Mitch, Trying To Bribe Georgians With $600 To Vote GOP May Backfire As It's Quite Insulting
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's decision to support $600 payments to Americans as part of a new round of federal coronavirus relief was motivated by fears for the Senate runoff elections in Georgia

What would make you feel safer right now: more aircraft carriers or $2000/month in your pocket? - Ro Khanna



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People who stood by Donald Trump for the last four years are now claiming to be offended that a Democratic campaign manager used a curse word? I don't think so. - Hillary Clinton

Rock The Voter News

Bidding Begins To Blowup Trump's Bankrupt Casino

Republicans- Crazy Nancy, Crooked Hillary, Pocahontas, Low IQ Maxine Waters, Dumb AOC, Sleepy Joe...

Democrats- Shut up, f*ckers.

Republicans- *clutching pearls* why I never how can we work with you oh jesus help me I can’t do this anymore. - Tony Posnanski



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Business/Tech News

After the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy, the only thing that trickled down was Rudy’s hair dye. Time to raise them back up, folks. - George Takei



I Love Football But There Should Not Be A Super Bowl, In My Humble Opinion
The NFL hopes to honor health care workers at the Super Bowl in Tampa, Fla. in February, including by inviting vaccinated front-line workers to the event, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced Wednesday.

If Donald Trump refused to leave the White House and had to be dragged out by the Secret Service, it would get the highest ratings in TV history. 

Your move Donald Trump. - Hamish Mitchell



Well, my Internet is down again. The problem is overload of users. They are working on it but have no idea when it will be repaired.
I'm using my neighbor's wifi but it is quite slow.


Odd News

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Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky. - Kahlil Gibran

Peace and love.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Congress close to coronavirus deal that includes stimulus checks

Congress close to coronavirus deal that includes stimulus checks
Senate and House leaders are on the cusp of a coronavirus relief deal that will include direct $600 to $700 direct stimulus payments and $300-per-week supplemental unemployment assistance, according to sources familiar with the talks.

White House Staff To Be Vaccinated First Despite Total Absence of Essential Workers. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump
Wonder why over 300,000 Americans already died from #COVID19 and the US has the worst pandemic response of any civilized country? It wasn’t just incompetence, it was actual malice by the Donald Trump Administration. - Rep. Ted Lieu


Pompeo Held A Party And Less Than 10% Showed Up

It took over three months to reach the first million cases of Coronavirus in the U.S.

The last million took five days. - JRehling


Republican Shenanigans

Pence Refuses Vaccine After Learning He Would Be Alone In Room With Female Nurse. - Andy Borowitz



One Of Trump's Friends?
The Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard was charged on Tuesday with sex trafficking, racketeering and other crimes targeting dozens of women and underage girls over a quarter century in three countries, U.S. authorities said.

Kelly Loeffler’s net worth is between $800 million and $1 billion dollars. Yet, she’s panhandling on Twitter for $5 like Lindsey Graham at a truck stop. - Hoodlum tweet


I feel like the fact that after receiving classified briefings about COVID Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue downplayed the virus to the public and invested in BODY BAGS should have been a bigger a story. - OhNoSheTwitnt




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Ugh, I get so irritated with folks who want to blame Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in the House of Representatives for not understanding that no matter what they write up or pass, it has to pass the Republican dominated Senate. 
Blame the Senate Majority Leader. - Kathy Griffin


Rock The Voter News

Begrudgingly acknowledging the reality of gravity when the final apple falls on your head doesn’t make you worthy of any commendation. - Dan Rather


Well, Well, Well. If Trump Isn't A Legal Resident of Florida, Were The Votes He & Melania Cast Legal?

REPORT: GOP in Massachusetts have declared Donald Trump the winner of the 2020 Boston Marathon. - JRehling


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Google Is Giggling
Whenever I see someone trying to parallel park I avert my eyes and continue walking giving them the privacy they need because I’m a decent human being. - Tomi Obaro 




My Internet connection is properly functioning. 
Thank you for your patience.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Rookery Building Oriel Staircase designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Chicago, 1905, gives me a touch of vertigo.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

William Barr steps down as Trump's attorney general

The US attorney general, William Barr, one of Donald Trump's staunchest allies, has resigned just weeks after he contradicted the president by...

In the end, it was a very low Barr. - Dan Rather


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Putin beat Mitch McConnell to congratulating our president elect.

Good job, Senate GOP. - Steven Pasquale


The national security negligence is stunning: the Commander in Chief is chasing a false allegation of election fraud at home, while a very real foreign adversary executed a very real hack of large swaths of his government - and his admin missed it. - Jim Sciutto, CNN

Is Putin Cleaning House Before Trump Vacates?

Let Donald Trump's hair be a reminder that he is never going to admit he lost anything. - LOLGOP


Will $28.5 Million Buy Ghislaine Maxwell A Get-Out-Of-Jail Card?
Ghislaine Maxwell, the former associate of Jeffrey Epstein accused of aiding his alleged sex-trafficking operation, has asked for a $28.5 million bond after a judge rejected her offer of $5 million earlier this year.


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SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: watching Donald Trump lose this election over and over can be habit-forming. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Pete Buttigieg’s first order of business as Secretary of Transportation should be to add Mike Pence to the no fly list. - Jesse Lifson

BEHOLD: A Republican Turned Independent.

I can't get over part where 15 minutes after the Electoral College certified for Biden, William Barr quit. - Stonekettle


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McConnell Says He Would Have Congratulated Biden Earlier But Was Busy Thwarting Stimulus Package. - Andy Borowitz


Melania Didn't Care Then and Doesn't Care Now. Evil To The Core.

I’m starting to think the only person Trump ever hired who was actually qualified to do her job was Stormy Daniels.- Andrea Junker



Deep apologies for the late post. My Internet connection is acting up again. Sigh, and to think 20 years ago, I used dial-up!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes and gifts. 
I am truly humbled.


Odd News

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Capitol Hill. Washington, D.C., in case you wondered how wealthy Washingtonians lived.
