Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Trump's false crusade rolls on despite devastating Supreme Court rebuke

The only questions now are how many more times President Donald Trump wants to lose the election to President-elect Joe Biden and whether his Republican acolytes on Capitol Hill will wake up and recognize reality.

Trump Proposes Overruling Supreme Court by Creating Supremer Court. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Trumped GOP is the deadliest enemy American democracy has ever faced. STOP them. - Frank Schaefer


Pardoned Lt. General Hurls Veiled Threat At Obama. Paging Secret Service!
Disgraced Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn on Wednesday asserted that former President Barack Obama should be afraid of him.

Worst farewell tour. Ever. - Dan Rather

Republican Shenanigans

CNN: Melania Trump "just wants to go home."

If Slovenia doesn't have an extradition treaty with us, then that ought to work out fine. - JRehling

Giuliani Escapes From Hospital To Attend White House Christmas Parties. - Andy Borowitz

The "pro life" people are killing us. - Bill Maxwell



Dear Jesus: this year I'd like to try following your teachings without having one of your followers call me a Socialist. - John Fugelsang


Trump just tweeted that "The bookies had him winning at 97% on election night."

Sounds like the 'Jimmy Bag O Doughnuts' legal argument is forthcoming. - Renee Libby


Goombahs Kick Off GoFundMe Page To Save Their Don's Childhood Home

No matter how old you are, it’s still fun to bonk someone on the head with an empty wrapping paper tube ... am I right? - 98Simply tweet




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Lenticular clouds over Torres del Paine, Chilean Patagonia. My knees would buckle upon seeing this sight. Photo by Michael Fung


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Defiant Whistleblower Vows to Carry on After Florida Police Raided Home, Pulled Guns on Kids: ‘Will Not Stop Me … Ever’

Defiant Whistleblower Vows to Carry on After Florida Police Raided Home, Pulled Guns on Kids: ‘Will Not Stop Me … Ever’
Rebekah Jones, the Covid whistleblower and Florida researcher whose home was raided at gunpoint, told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that Gov. Ron Desantis is trying to intimidate her, but she won’t back down.
Jones appeared on Monday night’s edition of Cuomo Primetime hours after she posted harrowing footage of state police raiding her home with guns drawn — while her children were present.

In the last 22 years, Republicans have ruined Florida, starting with Jeb Bush in 1998.

I refuse to sign my organ donor card until I get some kind of guarantee that no part of my body will ever be used to keep Ron DeSantis alive. - Middle Age Riot


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Texas is the Donald Trump of states. - Middle Age Riot

Texas Is Messing With Voters

Remember when elections used to happen and then they'd be over and the loser would congratulate the winner and then everyone would get on with their lives? evidently that's too much to ask of what's become the party of stupid f*cking violent sore-loser terrorist assholes. - Jeff Tiedrich


Republican Shenanigans

Pretty weird how no one in the White House wears a mask and everyone in the White House is getting covid. If only there were some obvious conclusion we could draw from this. - Jeff Tiedrich



Are They Going To Name It Javankaville?

Rudy Giuliani’s covid diagnosis proves that the virus can travel from bat to human back to bat. - Sarah Cooper


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Pence Terrified That Kamala Harris Will Request One-on-One Transition Meeting. - Andy Borowitz


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson   01
President Donald Trump                   00


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As excited as I am about the new Lady Gaga Oreos, they'll never replace my Pat Benatar Hydrox. - Stephen Colbert



American Airlines Will Sell You An At-Home Virus Test Kit For The Low, Low Price Of $128!

“Grandpa, what was 2020 like?” “Oh, honey, that was a time in America where half the country thought it was patriotic to kill other Americans” - Edel Rodriguez 



Peace and love everyone.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Giuliani is diagnosed with COVID-19

Arizona's state House and Senate will close for a week "out of an abundance of caution" following Rudy Giuliani's COVID-19 diagnosis.

Giuliani Quarantining At Walter Reed Total Landscaping. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

MyPillow Guy Joins with Trump to Promote MyPardon. - Andy Borowitz


Today marks 79 years since the attack on Pearl Harbor.

This day, December 7, 79 years ago, is seared in my memory. Darkness. Fear. And a determination as a nation to come together to do whatever was needed to survive. - Dan Rather

What  Good Is The Hatch Act, If There Is No Punishment?

There have been more American deaths from COVID this day, and every day in December, than the deaths in the Pearl Harbor attack. WEAR YOUR GODDAM MASK! - Stephen King

Republican Shenanigans

Barr Begs Trump Not to Let One Isolated Incident of Honesty Wipe Out Two Years of Lying. - Andy Borowitz



Soon, We Won't Have To See Or Hear From Ivanka

Trump Obtains Podiatrist's Note Claiming He Won Election. - Andy Borowitz



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If you're offended by 'Happy Holidays' then it's time you looked at the difference btw 'Christian' and 'Christian Supremacist. - John Fugelsang


Trump To Pardon Any Children He May Have Had With Porn Stars. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Plans To Take Away Biden's Inauguration Limelight? Probably.

Trump will soon appeal to SCOTUS who will refuse to hear the case for the ultimate slap-down. - Larry K tweet


Don’t know who needs to hear this, but a lot of people were sent to prison for far less than what David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler have done and are credibly accused of. - Andrea Junker


Super Spreader Governors Should Be Tarred and Feathered

I wear a seat belt when I drive my car, I wear a mask during a pandemic and I wear a parachute when I jump out of a plane. - Peter Frampton


