Friday, November 6, 2020

Karma Says HEY: Abraham Lincoln was elected President 160 years ago today

Biden Takes Leads In Pa., Ga., Putting Him On Cusp Of Electoral College Win
Three days after Election Day, Democratic nominee Joe Biden took narrow leads in Pennsylvania and Georgia, according to The Associated Press, putting him on the cusp of a victory in the Electoral College.

IVANKA: My father...
MAJORITY IN AMERICA: Shut the f*ck up. - Jeremy Newberger 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump is asking everyone to report voter fraud, so I just reported trump to trump. - Sarah Cooper

How Stalinesque of Steve Bannon
Former top Trump aide Steve Bannon’s podcast was permanently suspended by Twitter and had an episode yanked from YouTube after he implied that FBI Director Christopher Wray and leading government infectious-diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci should be beheaded and have their heads put on pikes outside the White House.

Russia is f*cked.  Consequences. - Kurt Eichenwald

Biden built a blue wall, and Donald Trump is going to pay for it. - Angry Staffer tweet

Petty Is, As Petty Does.
Fox News, the cable channel that has been one of President Trump's most important supporters, has instructed its anchors not to call Joe Biden the "President-elect" when the network calls the race, according to two memos obtained by CNN Business.

The funniest thing about this whole situation is that Trump is relying on Rudy Giuliani to save him. - The USA Singers tweet


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It's like Hunter Biden doesn't exist anymore. - Kellum Dander

Rock The Voter News

Don't worry Evangelicals & Franklin Graham, this is all in God's hands.- Andrew Goss


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Business/Tech News

Donald Trump has been bullying science for the last seven months. Well he’s about to get his ass handed to him by science‘s older brother: math. - Steve Hofstetter



Grocery Chains Are Limiting Toilet Paper Again.

I promise you this: I’ll end Donald Trump’s chaos and end this crisis. - Joe Biden





Bed & Breakfast

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I highly recommend horseback riding on the beach in Costa Rica. The horses will ensure you an incredible time.

Peace and love.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Trump tweets 'stop the count' as legal vote counting continues

President Trump on Thursday demanded that ballots stop being counted in the presidential race, as returns showed his path to reelection significantly narrowed against Democratic nominee Joe Biden, remarks his campaign later sought to clarify.

We'll know the election results when every ballot is counted. That's how democracy works. - Hillary Clinton

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Let it never be forgotten that Detroit showed up when America needed it. The blackest city in America. Put some respect on its name and it’s people. - Sam Richardson

Trump's Spiritual Advisor Hears Voices In Her Head.

Dear Paula White -

You voted for Grab Em By The Pussy to turn away war refugee children, you Godless prosperity-Gospel Megachurch fraud.   

Even pro-choice ppl don't pray for 'Satanic pregnancies' to spontaneously abort, you devoid-of-Jesus Snake Oil factory. - John Fugelsang

Did Paula White cure the Coronavirus with her podium slapping techniques? No? Okay. - Jesse Lifson

Republican Shenanigans

Lotsa Trump supporters tweeting about REJECTED BALLETS. had no idea they were so cultured. - Sarah Cooper

Half of America Supports the Orange Infection
Dozens of angry supporters of President Donald Trump converged on vote-counting centers in Detroit and Phoenix as the returns went against him Wednesday in the two key states, while thousands of anti-Trump protesters demanding a complete tally of the ballots in the still-undecided election took to the streets in cities across the U.S.

Big shout out to the election workers in Arizona being threatened/intimidated by armed Trumpers while they’re doing their job. - Josh Marshall


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Ivanka Trump Applies for Job as Biden’s Daughter. - Andy Borowitz


Seriously? McConnell Tries To Spread Stupid Rumor About Biden's Cabinet Picks.

Biden: "I will work as hard for those who didn't vote for me as for those who did."
Trump: "I will get QAnon to hack into Hunter Biden's Alexa." - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Math has been Trump’s nemesis since he hired that guy to take his SATs. - Andy Borowitz


Jared Kushner Prepares To Evict Hundreds of Tenants

Joe Biden: "Be patient, folks. Votes are being counted, and we feel good about where we are."

 When you go out and someone is wearing the same outfit as you


Peace and love.