Friday, October 30, 2020

Trump changes election night plans, cancels party at Trump International: report

Trump changes election night plans, cancels party at Trump International: report
President Trump has reportedly called off plans to host an election night event at Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., a person familiar with the plans told The New York Times. 
The source told the Times that Trump will instead likely remain at the White House on Nov. 3. 

CNN reporting Trump has canceled plans to appear at his hotel on Election Night. Will stay at the White House instead.

He knows he’s toast. - The Hoarse Whisperer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

A bunch of gun-toting Confederate wannabes are threatening to start a second Civil War to keep a draft-dodging Yankee in power because that's how racism works. - Middle Age Riot

Trump's Florida Rally Residue

Insiders are saying Don Jr. is going to run in 2024. Someone needs to offer his coke dealer a million dollars to wear a wire. - Edan Clay

Republican Shenanigans

Tucker Carlson Says List of Trump’s Accomplishments Got Lost In Mail. - Andy Borowitz

Jesus Would Slap The Gun Out Of This Woman's Hand

Jesus never asked a leper for a copay. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

The way Republicans are obsessing over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wearing $14,000 worth of clothing in Vanity Fair you'd think she'd spent $140 million of taxpayer money to play golf at resorts she owned. - Middle Age Riot

Hundreds of Election Related Lawsuits Going Forward

The last 7 months have made me realize that house arrest is a pretty good deal for crimin’ - Edel Rodriguez 

Walmart Has Removed Guns & Ammo From Half of Its Stores. Why Only Half?

Seeing the vote turnout, in Georgia in particular, I just wish John Lewis was still around to witness this. - Dan Rather


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Trump supporter ‘carried out on a stretcher’ as heat takes its toll on Tampa rally crowd: ‘Multiple people have passed out’

Medical personnel provided assistance to supporters of President Donald Trump during his Thursday rally in Tampa, Florida.
Reporters at the scene say that several people suffered heat related ailments.
“It’s hot hot hot at Trump’s large rally. 87 [degrees] and 71% humidity. 

Trump Tells Stranded Omaha Supporters That Buses Are Rounding the Turn. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

W not coming out against Trump is a healthy reminder that W was, in so many ways, worse than Trump. - John Fugelsang

Wisconsin GOP Hacked, Lost Millions
The Wisconsin Republican Party said Thursday that it was the victim of hack that cost it—and President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign—millions of dollars, complicating the final days of the 2020 presidential race.

In fairness, no one could have predicted how incompetent Donald Trump would have been.

Unless, y'know, they'd followed his entire business career. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Trump has not ended the pandemic, but he might deserve credit for ending the Republican Party. - Andy Borowitz

Ted Cruz Goes To Court To Get The Deadline He Missed, Dismissed.

Jared Kushner Asks Dad to Bribe His Way Into Electoral College. - Andy Borowitz

Joe's gonna have to send a Special Forces explosives team into the White House to sweep for booby traps. - Fred Harding tweet

Ha Ha. Pompeo & Wife & Son Caught With Hands In Cookie Jar.

Trump Campaign Reminds Supporters To Make Voting Intimidation Plan. - The Onion

Amy Coney Barrett Vows To Someday Read Constitution.  - Andy Borowitz

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' Wife Is As Creepy As You Would Expect

If you want to feel completely powerless, scream "go away" at a drone while you're in your underwear. - Conan O'Brien


Stay Safe.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Adenium socotranum tree grows on the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean. It looks like a tree Dr. Seuss drew.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Hundreds of Trump supporters stuck on freezing cold Omaha airfield after rally

Hundreds of President Donald Trump supporters were left in the freezing cold for hours after a rally at an airfield in Omaha, Nebraska, on Tuesday night, with some walking around three miles to waiting buses and others being taken away in ambulances.

It is priceless, isn’t it. Trump lures a bunch of MAGA to a field to stroke his ego — when it’s freezing and there’s something of a flu going around — and just abandons them. What’s he got to do? Come round to your houses and punch you individually in the face??? - Michael Marshall Smith

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trying hard to not let the blasting of “Fortunate Son” at the wealthy Vietnam draft dodger’s rallies overshadow my outrage over a quarter-million dead. It’s all so stupid, it hurts. - Scott Linnen

Jared Is As Evil As Trump. The Marquis de Sade Would Be Impressed.

Of course Brett Kavanaugh likes Bush v. Gore. "Hanging Chad" sounds like one of the guys he used to boof with. - Stephen Colbert

Kushner Says If Black People Want To Succeed They Would Have Their Fathers Bribe Harvard To Admit Them. - Andy Borowitz

My Goodness. Apparently There Are Criminals In This Administration!
The criminal campaign finance fraud prosecution of several associates of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani appears to be on the verge of netting its first guilty plea, as a federal court in Manhattan set a change-of-plea hearing for Thursday morning for Florida businessman David Correia.


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I pay more than 40 cents on every dollar I earn [in taxes]. So does Michelle. And we do it proudly because what I know is is that this country has blessed me ... I'm proud to contribute and give back. - Barack Obama


Rock The Voter News

I hope the ghost of Ruth Bader Ginsburg haunts them all forever. - Sarah Cooper

Ted Cruz Doesn't Like Twitter's Terms of Service!
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) erupted on Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey during a Senate hearing over media censorship on the social media platform — specifically targeting him for banning the New York Post following their controversial reporting on Hunter Biden.

Car in front of me at red light has a bumper sticker says 'honk if you love Jesus.' 
So I honk. 
Then he gives me the finger. - John Fugelsang


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Trump endangering his supporters by:

• Buzzing them with his helicopter.

• Hosting a COVID super spreader event.

• Deserting them in the freezing cold to catch hypothermia.

As CCR’s ‘Fortunate Son’ blares all around is just so deliciously demented. - Billy Baldwin tweet

Business/Tech News
Banks don't "forgive" $287,000,000 unless they're getting something in return. - Stonekettle

Online Sales Predicted To Break Record During Pandemic. Duh.

My dog found a croissant on the ground one time, months ago, and he still drags me to that same spot every single day to check if there’s a new one. I may start occasionally hiding them there before our walks just to make his day. - Laura Bassett

