Thursday, October 22, 2020

Rudy Giuliani Scene In 'Borat' Sequel Seizes Political Attention

NPR critic Bob Mondello, who has seen Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, says:
"The Giuliani scene takes the form of a hotel suite interview with actress Maria Bakalova, who is impersonating a television reporter. At one point the actress suggests they continue the conversation in the suite's bedroom and Giuliani agrees. He is then seen sitting on the bed as she helps him remove his microphone, untucking his shirt in the process. After a cut, he lies back on the bed, and reaches into the front of his pants, at which point Borat, wearing an outrageous pink getup, rushes in, interrupting them."

Tuesday it was Jeffrey Toobin. Wednesday it was Rudy Giuliani. I've got Donald Trump at the debate on my public exposure bingo card. - Dave Matt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Dan Scavino is reportedly among the White House officials pushing for FBI Director Wray's firing. So what are Scavino's national security credentials? He served as Trump's caddy and was the GM of a Trump golf course.

This is our national security. - Ned Price

I Can't Wait Till We Lock Him Up For Negligent Homicide
A new report from Columbia University researchers finds that at least 130,000 coronavirus deaths in the United States could have been avoided if the U.S. had responded to the virus as well as a group of other high-income countries.

Giuliani Unable To Explain Why Hunter Biden Wrote Emails To His Dad In Russian. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Waited this morning to see if my husband needed to lay down on the bed to tuck in his shirt. Turns out he didn’t. - Claire McCaskill

Republicans to Social Media Giants: We Want To Intimidate You Into Spreading Fake News

I'll sign on for results-based pay for teachers the day Congress gets the same deal. - John Fugelsang


Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions
Pope Francis became the first pontiff to endorse same-sex civil unions in comments for a documentary that premiered Wednesday, sparking cheers from gay Catholics and demands for clarification from conservatives, given the Vatican’s official teaching on the issue.

So basically Amy Coney Barrett is more right wing than the pope? - Molly Jong-Fast


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I haven't seen anything about how the women felt around Rudy, or on the Toobin zoom, it's all about the the abuser as victim. - RachelColboltBlu tweet

Rock The Voter News

me, 1980: don't worry, Reagan can't possibly win
me, 2000: don't worry, Bush can't possibly win
me, 2016: don't worry, Trump can't possibly win

Meanwhile House Democrats Are Investigating Political Interference In The CDC

Obama’s Barrage of Complete Sentences Seen as Brutal Attack on Trump- Andy Borowitz


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Has anyone tried to step inside Trump’s addled mind and figure out why he’d leak a damaging interview where he looks like a whiny weakling on the morning of the last debate? - Jon Favreau 

Business/Tech News

Instead of a run-of-the-mill land-based prison, Donald Trump should be forced to spend his inevitable jail time in the brig of the USS John S. McCain. - Middle Age Riot

I realize I have become paranoid, but I wouldn't click Trump's link to the "60 Minutes" video without a VPN and some security software cranked up to 11. - Rex Huppke


I need to put food on my family


Time To Deflate Photo

The Stannard Rock Lighthouse in Lake Superior, Michigan is known as ‘The Loneliest Place on the Continent,' the structure is 24 miles from the nearest shore. I wonder if the lighthouse keeper wears a mask.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Lawyers at firm used by Trump donate $90,000 to Biden, $50 to president

Lawyers working for a firm providing counsel to President Trump’s re-election campaign donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign.
An analysis conducted by Reuters showed that lawyers working for Jones Day donated almost $90,000 to the campaign of Joe Biden while only $50 was given to Trump’s campaign.

New Poll Shows Trump Losing to Hunter Biden. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Not only does God endorse multiculturalism but He seems to have invented it. - John Fugelsang


Trump Storms Out Of "60 Minutes" Interview. How Trumpian.
President Donald Trump caused a fuss on Tuesday about his upcoming interview on “60 Minutes,” reportedly leaving the set early and then complaining about it online.

Who cares if Donnie walked, skated or stormed out of his interview w/Leslie Stahl?  We’ve seen it all before; we’re bored with his re-runs. The only bit I’d like to see again is the hilarious walk down a slightly steep ramp!  Oscar-worthy! Or at least a People’s Choice Award! - Bette Midler


Republican Shenanigans

Rudy Giuliani is being manipulated by Borat, but we're supposed to believe he isn't being manipulated by Putin? - The Palmer Report


It seems being a criminal is a requirement to be Trump’s personal lawyer. - Darth Putin tweet


Mitch McConnell opposes voting on a pandemic aid bill because he worries it would delay Senate confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett. That’s the top priority of Senate Republicans — NOT help for desperate American families. - Jon Cooper

My My My. Meadows Is Trying To Keep Up With The Jones' Trumps.

I'm old enough to remember when "Conservative Christianity" wasn't code for "Totally Rejecting Everything Jesus Taught." - John Fugelsang


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Trump Preps For Biden By Debating Voices Inside Head. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Where’s Hunter Biden?

I don’t know and I don’t care, so long as he isn’t inciting civil war and killing 225,000 people while playing golf. - SockApocalypse NZ tweet

Trump Should Be In Prison For This. And It Wouldn't Surprise Me If Some Of These Girls Ended Up Being Trafficked.
Lawyers appointed by a federal judge to identify migrant families who were separated by the Trump administration say that they have yet to track down the parents of 545 children and that about two-thirds of those parents were deported to Central America without their children, according to a filing Tuesday from the American Civil Liberties Union.

Say it with me: the Senate should be passing the House’s COVID-19 relief bill to help the American people, not rushing to confirm a Supreme Court justice so they can gut access to health care during a pandemic. - Kamala Harris tweet


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Business/Tech News

Doctor Informs Patient Weird Lump On Neck Nothing He Can Afford To Worry About. - The Onion


USA's Biggest Opioid Drug Dealer Ordered To Pay 6.3 Billion Settlement

Potentially Promising Covid-19 Vaccine Hits Roadblock After Testing Reveals It’s Just Shotgun. - The Onion



Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Trump Rages at Adam Schiff for Calling Hunter Biden Laptop Story Russian Disinformation

Trump Rages at Adam Schiff for Calling Hunter Biden Laptop Story Russian Disinformation: 'He Ought to be Put Away'
President Donald Trump called for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) to be “put away” for saying the recent stories about Hunter Biden contain signs of Russian disinformation.

Rudy Giuliani worked with a Russian spy to manufacture evidence against a political opponent in order to interfere with the presidential election. 

How is this not treason? - Hamish Mitchell

Know What's Worse Than A Conservative Evangelist?
A Televangelist.
Televangelist Pat Robertson warned of impending doom while offering his prediction that President Donald Trump will be reelected.

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Campaign Encouraged By Early Voting In Moscow. - Andy Borowitz

This Sounds Like Retaliation From Pompeo or Trump. Or Both.
Former CNN reporter Michelle Kosinski is denying that she ever engaged in an affair with former British Ambassador to the United States Kim Darroch.

People love to talk about how liberal California is, but outside of LA and The Bay Area, California is basically Texas. - Akilah Green


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No, this is true. I recently found Hunter Biden’s TI-80 graphing calculator at a goodwill store in Fond du Lac, WI, and it’s full of plans to get rid of God.

We need to take this seriously, guys. - Jay Black tweet

Rock The Voter News

At this point I must admit that I don't think I can bring myself to vote for Hunter Biden. - John Fugelsang

Thank You Chief Justice John Roberts For Believing In Counting The Votes
Chief Justice John Roberts joined the liberal wing of the Supreme Court in rejecting an application for a stay that was requested by Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania. The GOP asked the Supreme Court to put a stop to a state Supreme Court ruling that extended the deadline—by three days—for receiving and counting mail-in ballots for November’s presidential election.

New Stimulus Bill Would Require All Americans To Mail Government $1,200 Check. - The Onion


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Dear God. Talk About Legal Exposure.

Donald Trump is no  patriot. When he said he "didn't want to panic people" about COVID-19, he forgot the most salient fact about Americans:

I love autumn colors.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

New Peru Nazca Line geoglyph discovered: A 120-foot-long cat. It looks happy!
