Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Pura Vida


Actually, it went down around 4 pm yesterday. I held up well during the crisis and went grocery shopping. *insert slow tap dancing*
The joy of it all, it had been a month since my last outing.
My chauffer took me to three different locations and everyone was wearing a mask. I had my temperature taken at one location (Walmart owned by the way). My hands were wrinkled when I returned home due to all the sanitizing. I counted 7.


Instead of ranting about Trump, I wanted to share some calming beauty with you. It is the winner of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year, by Sergey Gorshkov. It was taken in far eastern Russia. The instant I saw this photo, I thought it was taken with a Leica camera but I wanted to verify. So I googled and googled and could not verify but I saw one of the supporters of Wildlife was Leica. I smiled. There is no lens as the German made Leica lens. It emits a 3-D effect and can texturalize anything.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

Thank you Sergey and peace to all and to all a goodnight.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Judge Amy Coney Barrett Won’t Say How She’d Rule On Abortion, Healthcare, Marriage Equality, Or The Election

Abortion. Before her confirmation to the 7th Circuit in 2017, Barrett spent most of her career as a law professor at Notre Dame Law School. In that ...

At what point does the Supreme Court become so stacked with religious right-wing nut jobs that we are no longer seeing American justice being enforced, but God’s?

Dem Senator: "How are you doin' today, Judge Barrett?"

Barrett: "I'm sorry.  I can't answer in the abstract."

- Tea Pain tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It’s kinda tragic to watch Trump’s show of machismo since he left the hospital.   Mustn’t show any weakness!  God forbid! Like the virus gives a sh-t.  His body is like one of his golf courses...just a bunch of poorly maintained holes & a couple of old white balls. - Bette Midler

Trump Takes Cheap Shot At Dr. Fauci
President Donald Trump is going after Dr. Anthony Fauci one day after the infectious disease expert blasted the Trump campaign for taking him out of context in an ad...“Actually, Tony’s pitching arm is far more accurate than his prognostications,” Trump wrote. “‘No problem, no masks.’ WHO no longer likes Lockdowns – just came out against. Trump was right. We saved 2,000,000 USA lives!!!”

Republican Shenanigans

Bare minimum, I deserve to be gaslit by smarter people. - kibblesmith tweet

President Donald Trump offered some unsolicited legal advice to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Monday afternoon....“He should sue the women, and all of those who illegally worked with them, for false and disgusting accusations!!!” the president advised. Trump clearly still remembered that his prior Supreme Court nominee was accused of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez 

Media. PLEASE stop using the term "conservative" judges when you mean "religious zealot" judges. - Randi Mayem Singer


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If Amy Coney Barrett says her personal and religious views would not affect her rulings then why don't we just feed the constitution into a computer and have the next justice be a robot. - Sarah Cooper

Rock The Voter News

People do not line up in record breaking numbers, stand in the rain, 3 weeks before Election Day while waiting up to 11 hours because they want more of the same. - YS tweet

Her Catholicism Reminds Me of Dan Brown's ANGELS and DEMONS 

‘Poll Watching Is Not Voter Intimidation,’ Trump Supporter Whispers Into Ear Of Man Filling Out Ballot In Voting Booth. - The Onion

Meanwhile, Americans Are Starving In The Wealthiest Country In The World
For many Americans across the country, the prospect of getting a second stimulus check from the government is a matter of life or death. With millions of people out of work due to layoffs and cuts caused by the coronavirus pandemic, many households have been forced to depend on government aid to help pay for basic needs, including food, housing and essential bills.

It is with great sadness that I announce the death of my wonderful Mother In-law, Roberta McCain. I couldn’t have asked for a better role model or a better friend. She joins her husband Jack, her son John and daughter Sandy. - Cindy McCain


Deep apologies for the late post as the Internet was out most of the day.
Thank you for your patience.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Fauci criticizes inclusion in Trump campaign ad

The nation’s top infectious disease expert said his words were “taken out of context” in the ad praising the president’s response to the pandemic.

It's crazy that, after last week, we literally know what it means to say, "that's like Trump on steroids.” - Stephen Colbert


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

ABC News has confirmed that attendees to Trump WH Rally were paid.
Well, he’s back to paying people to get fvcked. - Ken Olin tweet


Wow. The United Nations Has Gone Full Trump.
China, Russia, Cuba, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are expected to be elected to the board of the UN human rights council on Tuesday, leaving human rights campaigners in the countries aghast and pleading with EU states to commit to withholding their support.

Someone needs to ask Amy Coney Barrett how she feels about the fact that donated fetal tissue from an abortion saved Trump’s life. - OhNoSheTwitnt tweet

Trump has fostered diversity on the Supreme Court, in that Amy Coney Barrett is creepy in an entirely different way than Brett Kavanaugh. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Journalists. You’re taking the bait. Republicans already packed the courts. Mitch laughed about it. Your job is not both sides. It’s the truth. - Bradley Whitford

Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah. You Can't Make Me Wear A Mask!

Ah yes, a full week of Republicans pretending that their Supreme Court nominee won’t do what they explicitly picked her to do. - Jon Favreau

Kamala Goes After GOP Regarding Rushed Nomination
Senator Kamala Harris called out Republican leadership of the Senate Judiciary hearing during opening remarks of the nomination hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, just 22 days from the 2020 general election in which the will of the American people will be clearly expressed.

Marsha Blackburn sent two armed US Marshals to my home in Nashville to subpoena me to Congress for the fetal tissue research that Trump ended up using to save himself from the coronavirus while nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court so that she can ban it permanently. - Dr. Eugene Gu


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We've seen this before:
1) GOP elected after a Democratic president saves economy. 

2) Tax cuts for the wealthy & corporations.

3) The economy tanks, crisis mismanaged.  

4) GOP proposes cuts to Social Security & Medicare. 

5) Dems elected to clean up the mess. 

6) Repeat.

- Robert Reich


Rock The Voter News

This election is a tough call because one candidate was endorsed by both the Taliban and the KKK and the other was endorsed by a broad bipartisan coalition and the New England Journal of Medicine. - Bess Kalb


Lock Up The California GOP. 
The California Republican Party is facing scrutiny after setting up unofficial ballot drop-off boxes at various locations in Southern California and advertising their locations via social media posts, the Orange County Register reported first, an action that state officials said is in violation of California law.

Donald Trump went from being on an oxygen tank to fully recovered from Covid in 4 days. Something isn’t adding up here.

Two 16 hour days. Covid is getting bad again at the hospital.  I am exhausted and can’t sleep. I am getting stage 2 pressure ulcers on the bridge of my nose from my N95 again.  My hands are dry, angry and hurt. I am fried. Burned out. Exhausted. Wear. A. Fucking. Mask. - Jennifer Williams tweet



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Amy Coney Barrett Promises Catholic Faith Won’t Interfere With Court’s Crushing Of The Poor, Downtrodden. - The Onion

Nation’s Indigenous People Confirm They Don’t Need Special Holiday, Just Large Swaths Of Land Returned Immediately. - The Onion

I give up. You're on your own. Good luck. - TheTweetOfGod




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is about a quarter mile from my home. All roads in and out have been this way for 4 days due to the heavy rains. The road crews are out there today. I'm sorta glad I don't go out much anymore!
